Raied Khan
Published © GPL3+

Attendance System | Facial Recognition | OPEN-CV | ML

An efficient module that comprises of face recognition using OpenCV to manage the attendance records of employees or students.

IntermediateFull instructions provided6 hours17,811
Attendance System | Facial Recognition | OPEN-CV | ML

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Camera (generic)

Software apps and online services



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Flow diagram of whole model.

As shown,the camera first takes the input faces of the user by detecting the faces and the other information also and then save them in a directory, then the image data-set are given as input to our image training system, where the images are trained and a trained file is created, and if the user comes again in front of camera, the face is detected and identified and the corresponding data is sent to the database and the attendance of that user is also marked, further the users can check their attendance on the web-page after logging into their account


Raied Khan
1 project • 14 followers
Thanks to Shayan Chatterjee.
