Slant Concepts
Published © CC BY-NC-ND

Buddy, the 3D-Printed Arduino Social Robot

A desktop interactive 3D-printed Arduino social robotics kit for fun and STEM education.

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Buddy, the 3D-Printed Arduino Social Robot

Things used in this project

Hardware components

LittleArm Mason 3D Printer
LittleArm Gotech 9025 9G Arduino Servo
LittleArm Arduino Robotics Board
Arduino Nano R3
Arduino Nano R3

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE

Hand tools and fabrication machines

3D Printer (generic)
3D Printer (generic)


Read more


Servo Connections

Where to connect each of the Servos of Buddy


Buddy V0.1

This code is an early stable version that only has Buddy react to items in front of him. This does not yet have the deep emotions and reactions.
//#include <mapping.h>

//started work on 9/19
// 1_0 worked well with botclock2_2

#include <Servo.h>  //arduino library
#include <math.h>   //standard c library

Servo baseServo;
Servo nodServo;
Servo tiltServo;

struct headPos {
  int baseServoAngle;
  int nodServoAngle ;
  int tiltServoAngle ;
  int desiredDelay ;

struct headPos faceMotion;

#define echoPin A2 // Echo Pin
#define trigPin A3 // Trigger Pin

//int desiredDelay = 16;
int ready = 0;
int randomNumber = 0;

// Define the default startup mode
int  robotMode = 700;

int buzzerTone = 500;

//+++++++++++++++ULTRASONIC VARIABLES++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

#define echoPin A2          // Echo Pin
#define trigPin A3          // Trigger Pin
#define buzzerPin 10        // Pin for the buzzer

bool holder = 1;
int maximumRange = 200;     // Maximum range needed
int minimumRange = 0;       // Minimum range needed
long readDistance;          // the output distance from the sensor

//+++++++++++++++FUNCTION DECLARATIONS+++++++++++++++++++++++++++

int ultraSensor(int theEchoPin, int theTrigPin);
void moveTo( struct headPos faceMotion);
void Speak3 (int soundPin, int currentTone, int finalTone);
void storedAction(int positionSelected, int theSpeed);
void speakWalter (int soundPin, int maxWords);
int servoParallelControl (int thePos, Servo theServo, int theSpeed );
void generateAction();


void setup()

  Serial.setTimeout(50);      //ensures the the arduino does not read serial for too long

  baseServo.write(90);        //intial positions of servos

  pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);
  pinMode(buzzerPin, OUTPUT);

  ready = 0;


void loop()

  // read a usb command if available
  if (Serial.available()) {

    // read what type of a command will be sent
    robotMode = Serial.parseInt();

    if (robotMode == 200) {
      faceMotion.baseServoAngle = Serial.parseInt();
      faceMotion.nodServoAngle = Serial.parseInt();
      faceMotion.tiltServoAngle = Serial.parseInt();
      //buzzerTone = Serial.parseInt();

      if ( == '\n') {            // if the last byte is 'd' then stop reading and execute command 'd' stands for 'done'
        Serial.flush();                     //clear all other commands piled in the buffer
        Serial.print('d');                  //send completion of the command

  //++++++++++++++++Decision of process to use+++++++++++++++++++++++++++

  if (robotMode == 500) {
    //Go Compeletely Silent
    Serial.print('d');                  //send completion of the command
    Serial.flush();                     //clear all other commands piled in the buffer

  if (robotMode == 600) {
    // Alarm Sequence
    Serial.print('d');                  //send completion of the command
    Serial.flush();                     //clear all other commands piled in the buffer
    tone(buzzerPin, 1000);

  if (robotMode == 700) {

    //Normal Interaction Mode
    Serial.print('d');                  //send completion of the command
    Serial.flush();                     //clear all other commands piled in the buffer

    //read the distance read by the sensor
    readDistance = 100;//ultraSensor(echoPin, trigPin);

    if (readDistance > 80) {
      int nothingCount = 0;
      //Check an area in the map
      speakWalter(buzzerPin, random(1, 25));
      //this is where all the fun starts
      randomNumber = random(1, 10); // find a random whole number between the two values
      int randomIterations = random (1,5);
      //run through s set of random actions
      int i;
      for (i=1; i<randomIterations; i++){
      //storedAction(randomNumber, 7);

    else if (readDistance <= 6) {
      // do something when this close
      //fast response in surprise

    else { 
      // occassionally check map and inspect world in general.


  } // end of 700 if mode

  // ---------------------------------------Act Upon Mode Type---------------------------------------------

  //  //++++++++++++++++++Remote Mode++++++++++++++++++++++
  //  if (robotMode == 200) {
  //    //faceMotion.base
  //    tone(buzzerPin, buzzerTone);
  //    moveTo(faceMotion );
  //    //servoParallelControl ( baseServoAngle, baseServo, 5 );
  //  }
  //  // ++++++++++++++++Speech Mode+++++++++++++++++++++
  //  if (robotMode == 600) {
  //    //speakWalter(buzzerPin, 50);
  //  }
  //  // ++++++++++++++++Stopped Mode+++++++++++++++++++++
  //  if (robotMode == 700) {
  //  }

} // end of primary loop

//++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++FUNCTION DEFINITIONS++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

int ultraSensor(int theEchoPin, int theTrigPin) {
  //this fucntion caluclates and returns the distance in cm

  long duration, distance; // Duration used to calculate distance
  /* The following trigPin/echoPin cycle is used to determine the
    distance of the nearest object by bouncing soundwaves off of it. */
  digitalWrite(theTrigPin, LOW);

  digitalWrite(theTrigPin, HIGH);

  digitalWrite(theTrigPin, LOW);
  duration = pulseIn(theEchoPin, HIGH);

  //Calculate the distance (in cm) based on the speed of sound.
  distance = duration / 58.2;
  return distance;



void speakWalter (int soundPin, int maxWords) {
  int toneDuration;
  int numberOfWords;
  int toneFreq;     // frequency of tone created
  int phraseDelay;  // the time between individual statements

  numberOfWords = random (1, maxWords);
  //Serial.print("Number of words = ");

  // generate the random set of words
  for ( int i; i <= numberOfWords; i++) {
    toneDuration = random (25, 300);
    toneFreq = random (200, 400);
    tone(soundPin, toneFreq);



  //phraseDelay = random(100, 10000);



void Speak2 (int soundPin, int maxWords, Servo Rot1, Servo Nod1, Servo Tilt1) {
  //function that links servo motion to sound
  int toneDuration;
  int numberOfWords;
  int toneFreq;

  numberOfWords = random (1, maxWords);
  //Serial.print("Number of words = ");

  for ( int i; i <= numberOfWords; i++) {
    // randomly generate the tone durations and freq
    toneDuration = random (25, 150);
    toneFreq = random (100, 1800);

    // use the tone durations to define servo movemnt
    //large number of tones

    tone(soundPin, toneFreq);


void Speak3 (int soundPin, int currentTone, int finalTone) {
  // has two notes meld into each other as a singer might
  int toneDuration = 8;
  //int numberOfWords;
  //int toneFreq;     // frequency of tone created
  //int phraseDelay;  // the time between individual statements

  //numberOfWords = random (1,maxWords);
  //Serial.print("Number of words = ");
  int theDiff = (finalTone - currentTone) / 5; //The difference between the values

  if (theDiff > 0) {
    // if ascending
    for ( int i; i <= theDiff; i++) {
      tone(soundPin, currentTone);
      currentTone = currentTone + 5;


  else {
    theDiff = abs(theDiff);
    for ( int i; i <= theDiff; i++) {
      tone(soundPin, currentTone);
      currentTone = currentTone - 5;


void moveTo( struct headPos faceMotion) {

  int status1 = 0;
  int status2 = 0;
  int status3 = 0;
  int done = 0 ;

  while ( done == 0) {
    //move the servo to the desired position
    //this loop will cycle through the servos sending each the desired position.
    //Each call will cause the servo to iterate about 1-5 degrees
    //the rapid cycle of the loop makes the servos appear to move simultaneously
    status1 = servoParallelControl(faceMotion.baseServoAngle, baseServo, faceMotion.desiredDelay);
    status2 = servoParallelControl(faceMotion.nodServoAngle, nodServo, faceMotion.desiredDelay);
    status3 = servoParallelControl(faceMotion.tiltServoAngle, tiltServo, faceMotion.desiredDelay);

    //continue until all have reached the desired position
    if (status1 == 1 & status2 == 1 & status3 == 1 ) {
      done = 1;

  }// end of while


int servoParallelControl (int thePos, Servo theServo, int theSpeed ) {

  int startPos =;        //read the current pos
  int newPos = startPos;
  //int theSpeed = speed;

  //define where the pos is with respect to the command
  // if the current position is less that the actual move up
  if (startPos < (thePos - 5)) {
    newPos = newPos + 1;
    return 0;

  else if (newPos > (thePos + 5)) {
    newPos = newPos - 1;
    return 0;

  else {
    return 1;



void generateAction() {
  int waypoint = 0;
  int theJoint = 0;     // one of the joints in a trajectory array
  int trajSize = 0;
  int theSpeed = 5;

  struct headPos newPosition;
  newPosition.desiredDelay = theSpeed;

  delay (random (100, 1000)); //delay between ne motions

  theSpeed = random (1, 7);

  newPosition.tiltServoAngle = random (20, 150); //actually nod) 
  newPosition.baseServoAngle = random (10, 170);
  newPosition.nodServoAngle = random (80, 150); //50 min j(bottom, top)
  newPosition.desiredDelay = theSpeed;
  moveTo (newPosition);



void checkMap() {
  //randomly cycle and move to positions to check if there is any item at that location. (create behaviors for moving to those locations without the


void storedAction(int positionSelected, int theSpeed) {
  int waypoint = 0;
  int theJoint = 0;     // one of the joints in a trajectory array
  int trajSize = 0;

  struct headPos newPosition;
  newPosition.desiredDelay = theSpeed;

  if (positionSelected == 1) {

    // up
    int trajSize = 1;
    int trajectory[trajSize][5] = {{101, 65, 153, 75, 5}   };
    while (waypoint < trajSize) {
      newPosition.tiltServoAngle = trajectory[waypoint][theJoint];
      newPosition.baseServoAngle = trajectory[waypoint][theJoint + 1];
      newPosition.nodServoAngle = trajectory[waypoint][theJoint + 2];
      moveTo (newPosition);



  else if (positionSelected == 2) {

    int trajSize = 9;
    int trajectory[trajSize][5] = {{97, 65, 130, 75, 5}, {97, 101, 130, 75, 5}, {97, 71, 130, 75, 5}, {97, 114, 130, 75, 5}, {97, 70, 130, 75, 5}, {97, 107, 130, 75, 5}, {101, 79, 146, 75, 8}, {101, 56, 146, 75, 8}, {101, 81, 146, 75, 8}   };
    while (waypoint < trajSize) {
      newPosition.tiltServoAngle = trajectory[waypoint][theJoint];
      newPosition.baseServoAngle = trajectory[waypoint][theJoint + 1];
      newPosition.nodServoAngle = trajectory[waypoint][theJoint + 2];
      moveTo (newPosition);



  else if (positionSelected == 6) {

    //nod head
    int trajSize = 9;
    int trajectory[trajSize][5] = {{97, 70, 130, 75, 5}, {97, 70, 117, 75, 5} , {97, 70, 141, 75, 5}, {97, 70, 112, 75, 5}, {97, 70, 143, 75, 5}, {97, 70, 115, 75, 5}, {97, 70, 146, 75, 5}, {97, 70, 115, 75, 5}, {97, 70, 144, 75, 5}  };
    while (waypoint < trajSize) {
      newPosition.tiltServoAngle = trajectory[waypoint][theJoint];
      newPosition.baseServoAngle = trajectory[waypoint][theJoint + 1];
      newPosition.nodServoAngle = trajectory[waypoint][theJoint + 2];
      moveTo (newPosition);



  else if (positionSelected == 7) {

    //hang and shake
    int trajSize = 5;
    int trajectory[trajSize][5] = {{101, 65, 111, 75, 12}, {101, 99, 111, 75, 8} , {101, 43, 111, 75, 8}, {101, 101, 111, 75, 8}, {101, 48, 111, 75, 8}  };
    while (waypoint < trajSize) {
      newPosition.tiltServoAngle = trajectory[waypoint][theJoint];
      newPosition.baseServoAngle = trajectory[waypoint][theJoint + 1];
      newPosition.nodServoAngle = trajectory[waypoint][theJoint + 2];
      moveTo (newPosition);



  else if (positionSelected == 9) {

    int trajSize = 11;
    int trajectory[trajSize][5] = {{89, 76, 143, 5, 5}, {114, 76, 143, 5, 5} , {87, 76, 143, 5, 5}, {114, 76, 143, 5, 5}, {88, 76, 143, 5, 5}, {121, 76, 143, 5, 5}, {91, 76, 143, 5, 5}, {115, 76, 143, 5, 5}, {88, 76, 143, 5, 5}, {117, 76, 143, 5, 5}, {96, 76, 143, 5, 5}  };
    while (waypoint < trajSize) {
      newPosition.tiltServoAngle = trajectory[waypoint][theJoint];
      newPosition.baseServoAngle = trajectory[waypoint][theJoint + 1];
      newPosition.nodServoAngle = trajectory[waypoint][theJoint + 2];
      moveTo (newPosition);



      else if (positionSelected == 10) {

    int trajSize = 3;
    int trajectory[trajSize][5] = {{97, 70, 160, 75, 10}, {97, 70, 65, 75, 1} , {97, 70, 130, 75, 5}  };
    while (waypoint < trajSize) {
      newPosition.tiltServoAngle = trajectory[waypoint][theJoint];
      newPosition.baseServoAngle = trajectory[waypoint][theJoint + 1];
      newPosition.nodServoAngle = trajectory[waypoint][theJoint + 2];
           newPosition.desiredDelay = trajectory[waypoint][theJoint + 4];
      moveTo (newPosition);


  else {
    //nod head
    int trajSize = 9;
    int trajectory[trajSize][5] = {{97, 70, 130, 75, 5}, {97, 70, 117, 75, 5} , {97, 70, 141, 75, 5}, {97, 70, 112, 75, 5}, {97, 70, 143, 75, 5}, {97, 70, 115, 75, 5}, {97, 70, 146, 75, 5}, {97, 70, 115, 75, 5}, {97, 70, 144, 75, 5}  };
    while (waypoint < trajSize) {
      newPosition.tiltServoAngle = trajectory[waypoint][theJoint];
      newPosition.baseServoAngle = trajectory[waypoint][theJoint + 1];
      newPosition.nodServoAngle = trajectory[waypoint][theJoint + 2];
      moveTo (newPosition);




Slant Concepts
8 projects • 176 followers
Slant is a group of makers and engineers creating robots and other gadgets
