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Monitoring toxic gases with OM2M

The aim of this project is to monitor toxic gases and liminosity in your home.

IntermediateWork in progress551
Monitoring toxic gases with OM2M

Things used in this project


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// Version 1.0

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <MiCS6814-I2C.h>
#include <math.h>

MiCS6814 sensor;
bool sensorConnected;

///////////////Parameters & Constants/////////////////
// WIFI params
char* WIFI_SSID = "ENTER-YOUR-WIFI-SSID";     // Configure here the SSID of your WiFi Network
char* WIFI_PSWD = "ENTER-YOUR-WIFI-PASSWORD"; // Configure here the PassWord of your WiFi Network
int WIFI_DELAY  = 100; //ms

// oneM2M : CSE params
String CSE_IP      = "ENTER-YOUR-IP-ADDRESS"; //Configure here the IP Address of your oneM2M CSE
int   CSE_HTTP_PORT = 8080;
String CSE_NAME    = "in-name";
String CSE_RELEASE = "3"; //Configure here the release supported by your oneM2M CSE
bool ACP_REQUIRED = false; //Configure here whether or not ACP is required controlling access
String ACPID = "";
// oneM2M : resources' params
String ACP_NAME = "MYACP";
int TY_ACP  = 1;   
int TY_AE  = 2;   
int TY_CNT = 3; 
int TY_CI  = 4;
int TY_SUB = 23;
String originator = "admin:admin";

// HTTP constants
int LOCAL_PORT = 80;
char* HTTP_CREATED = "HTTP/1.1 201 CREATED";
char* HTTP_OK    = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n";
int REQUEST_TIME_OUT = 5000; //ms
int REQUEST_NR = 0;

int LUMINOSITY_PIN = A0;  // Adapt it accordding to your wiring 
int LED_PIN = BUILTIN_LED;  // Adapt it accordding to your wiring. Use BUILTIN_LED for onboarded led
#define OFF_STATE  LOW // *** External LED is active at HIGH, while Onboarded LED is active at LOW. 
#define ON_STATE HIGH // *** Adapat it is according to your config
int SERIAL_SPEED  = 115200;

#define DEBUG


// Global variables
const long interval = 10000;
long currentMillis;

WiFiServer server(LOCAL_PORT);    // HTTP Server (over WiFi). Binded to listen on LOCAL_PORT constant
WiFiClient client0;
WiFiClient client1;
String context = "";        // The targeted actuator
String command = "";        // The received command

// Method for creating an HTTP POST with preconfigured oneM2M headers
// param : url  --> the url path of the targted oneM2M resource on the remote CSE
// param : ty --> content-type being sent over this POST request (2 for ae, 3 for cnt, etc.)
// param : rep  --> the representaton of the resource in JSON format
String doPOST(String url, String originator1, int ty, String rep) {

  String relHeader = "";
  if (CSE_RELEASE != "1") {
    relHeader = "X-M2M-RVI: " + CSE_RELEASE + "\r\n";
  String postRequest = String() + "POST " + url + " HTTP/1.1\r\n" +
                       "Host: " + CSE_IP + ":" + CSE_HTTP_PORT + "\r\n" +
                       "X-M2M-Origin: " + originator + "\r\n" +
                       "Content-Type: application/vnd.onem2m-res+json;ty=" + ty + "\r\n" +
                       "Content-Length: " + rep.length() + "\r\n" +
                       relHeader +
                       "X-M2M-RI: req"+REQUEST_NR+"\r\n" +
                       "Connection: close\r\n\r\n" +
  // Connect to the CSE address
  Serial.println("connecting to " + CSE_IP + ":" + CSE_HTTP_PORT + " ...");

  // Get a client
  if (!client1.connect(CSE_IP, CSE_HTTP_PORT)) {
    Serial.println("Connection failed !");
    return "error";

  // if connection succeeds, we show the request to be send
  #ifdef DEBUG

  // Send the HTTP POST request

  //Update request number after each sending
  REQUEST_NR += 1;
  // Manage a timeout
  unsigned long startTime = millis();
  while (client1.available() == 0) {
    if (millis() - startTime > REQUEST_TIME_OUT) {
      Serial.println("Client Timeout");
      return "error";

  // If success, Read the HTTP response
  String result = "";
  if (client1.available()) {
    result = client1.readStringUntil('\r');
  while (client1.available()) {
    String line = client1.readStringUntil('\r');
  Serial.println("closing connection...");
  return result;

// Method for creating an ApplicationEntity(AE) resource on the remote CSE (this is done by sending a POST request)
// param : ae --> the AE name (should be unique under the remote CSE)
String createAE(String ae) {
  String srv = "";
    if(CSE_RELEASE != "1"){
      srv = ",\"srv\":[\""+CSE_RELEASE+"\"]";
  String aeRepresentation =
    "{\"m2m:ae\": {"
    "\"rn\":\"" + ae + "\","
    "\"api\":\"Norg.demo." + ae + "\","
    "\"poa\":[\"http://" + WiFi.localIP().toString() + ":" + LOCAL_PORT + "/" + ae + "\"]" +
    srv +
  #ifdef DEBUG
  return doPOST("/" + CSE_NAME, originator, TY_AE, aeRepresentation);

// Method for creating an Access Control Policy(ACP) resource on the remote CSE under a specific AE (this is done by sending a POST request)
// param : ae --> the targeted AE name (should be unique under the remote CSE)
// param : acp  --> the ACP name to be created under this AE (should be unique under this AE)
String createACP(String ae, String acp) {
  String acpRepresentation =
    "{\"m2m:acp\": {"
    "\"rn\":\"" + acp + "\","
  return doPOST("/" + CSE_NAME + "/" + ae, originator, TY_ACP, acpRepresentation);

// Method for creating an Container(CNT) resource on the remote CSE under a specific AE (this is done by sending a POST request)
// param : ae --> the targeted AE name (should be unique under the remote CSE)
// param : cnt  --> the CNT name to be created under this AE (should be unique under this AE)
String createCNT(String ae, String cnt) {
  String cntRepresentation =
    "{\"m2m:cnt\": {"
    "\"mni\":10,"         // maximum number of instances
    "\"rn\":\"" + cnt + "\"" +
    ACPID + //IF ACP created, it is associated to the container so that anyone has access 
  return doPOST("/" + CSE_NAME + "/" + ae, originator, TY_CNT, cntRepresentation);

// Method for creating an ContentInstance(CI) resource on the remote CSE under a specific CNT (this is done by sending a POST request)
// param : ae --> the targted AE name (should be unique under the remote CSE)
// param : cnt  --> the targeted CNT name (should be unique under this AE)
// param : ciContent --> the CI content (not the name, we don't give a name for ContentInstances)
String createCI(String ae, String cnt, String ciContent) {
  String ciRepresentation =
    "{\"m2m:cin\": {"
    "\"con\":\"" + ciContent + "\""
  return doPOST("/" + CSE_NAME + "/" + ae + "/" + cnt, originator,  TY_CI, ciRepresentation);

// Method for creating an Subscription (SUB) resource on the remote CSE (this is done by sending a POST request)
// param : ae --> The AE name under which the SUB will be created .(should be unique under the remote CSE)
//          The SUB resource will be created under the COMMAND container more precisely.
String createSUB(String ae) {
  String subRepresentation =
    "{\"m2m:sub\": {"
    "\"rn\":\"SUB_" + ae + "\","
    "\"nu\":[\"" + CSE_NAME + "/" + ae  + "\"], "
  return doPOST("/" + CSE_NAME + "/" + ae + "/" + CMND_CNT_NAME, originator,  TY_SUB, subRepresentation);

// Method to register a module (i.e. sensor or actuator) on a remote oneM2M CSE
void registerModule(String module, bool isActuator, String intialDescription, String initialData) {
  if (WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED) {
    String result;
    // 1. Create the ApplicationEntity (AE) for this sensor
    result = createAE(module);
    if (result.equalsIgnoreCase(HTTP_CREATED)) {
      #ifdef DEBUG
      Serial.println("AE " + module + " created  !");
      // 1.1 Create the AccessControlPolicy (ACP) for this sensor so that monitor can subscribe to it
      if(ACP_REQUIRED) {
        result = createACP(module, ACP_NAME);
        if (result.equalsIgnoreCase(HTTP_CREATED)) {
          ACPID = ",\"acpi\":[\"" + CSE_NAME + "/" + module + "/" + ACP_NAME + "\"]";
          #ifdef DEBUG
          Serial.println("ACP " + module + " created  !");
      // 2. Create a first container (CNT) to store the description(s) of the sensor
      result = createCNT(module, DESC_CNT_NAME);
      if (result.equalsIgnoreCase(HTTP_CREATED)) {
        #ifdef DEBUG
        Serial.println("CNT " + module + "/" + DESC_CNT_NAME + " created  !");

        // Create a first description under this container in the form of a ContentInstance (CI)
        result = createCI(module, DESC_CNT_NAME, intialDescription);
        if (result.equalsIgnoreCase(HTTP_CREATED)) {
          #ifdef DEBUG
          Serial.println("CI " + module + "/" + DESC_CNT_NAME + "/{initial_description} created !");

      // 3. Create a second container (CNT) to store the data  of the sensor
      result = createCNT(module, DATA_CNT_NAME);
      if (result.equalsIgnoreCase(HTTP_CREATED)) {
        #ifdef DEBUG
        Serial.println("CNT " + module + "/" + DATA_CNT_NAME + " created !");

        // Create a first data value under this container in the form of a ContentInstance (CI)
        result = createCI(module, DATA_CNT_NAME, initialData);
        if (result.equalsIgnoreCase(HTTP_CREATED)) {
          #ifdef DEBUG
          Serial.println("CI " + module + "/" + DATA_CNT_NAME + "/{initial_data} created !");

      // 4. if the module is an actuator, create a third container (CNT) to store the received commands
      if (isActuator) {
        result = createCNT(module, CMND_CNT_NAME);
        if (result.equalsIgnoreCase(HTTP_CREATED)) {
          #ifdef DEBUG
          Serial.println("CNT " + module + "/" + CMND_CNT_NAME + " created !");

          // subscribe to any ne command put in this container
          result = createSUB(module);
          if (result.equalsIgnoreCase(HTTP_CREATED)) {
            #ifdef DEBUG
            Serial.println("SUB " + module + "/" + CMND_CNT_NAME + "/SUB_" + module + " created !");

void init_IO() {
  // Configure pin 0 for LED control
  pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(LED_PIN, OFF_STATE);
void task_IO() {

void init_WiFi() {
  Serial.println("Connecting to  " + String(WIFI_SSID) + " ...");

  // wait until the device is connected to the wifi network
  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {

  // Connected, show the obtained ip address
  Serial.println("WiFi Connected ==> IP Address = " + WiFi.localIP().toString());
void task_WiFi() {

void init_HTTPServer() {
  Serial.println("Local HTTP Server started !");
void task_HTTPServer() {
  // Check if a client is connected
  client0 = server.available();
  if (client0){  
    // Wait until the client sends some data
    Serial.println("New client connected. Receiving request <=== ");
    while (!client0.available()) {
      #ifdef DEBUG

    // Read the request
    String request = client0.readString();

    int start, end;
    // identify the right module (sensor or actuator) that received the notification
    // the URL used is ip:port/ae
    start = request.indexOf("/");
    end = request.indexOf("HTTP") - 1;
    context = request.substring(start+1, end);
    #ifdef DEBUG
    Serial.println(String() + "context = [" + start + "," + end + "] -> " + context);

    // ingore verification messages 
    if (request.indexOf("vrq") > 0) {
      Serial.println("Client disconnected");

    //Parse the request and identify the requested command from the device
    //Request should be like "[operation_name]"
    start = request.indexOf("[");  
    end = request.indexOf("]"); // first occurence fo 
    command = request.substring(start+1, end);
    #ifdef DEBUG
    Serial.println(String() + + "command = [" +  start + "," + end + "] -> " + command);

    Serial.println("Client disconnected");


void init_TempSensor(){

  String initialDescription = "Name = TempSensor Location = LivingRoom";
  String initialData= "0";
  originator = "admin:admin";
  registerModule("TempValue", false, initialDescription, initialData);

void task_TempSensor() {

  const int B=3975; // B value of the thermistor
  const int pinTempSensor = A0; 

  float resistance;
  float temperature;

 int a = analogRead(pinTempSensor);
 resistance=(float)(1023-a)*10000/a; //get the resistance of the sensor;
 //convert to temperature via datasheet ;
 temperature=1/(log(resistance/10000)/B+1/298.15)-273.15;//convert to temperature via datasheet&nbsp;;
 Serial.print("temperature = ");

  String ciContent = String(temperature);
  originator = "admin:admin";
  createCI("TempValue", DATA_CNT_NAME, ciContent); 

void init_GasSensor(){

  String initialDescription = "Name = GasSensor Location = LivingRoom";
  String initialData= "0";
  originator = "admin:admin";
  registerModule("NO2Value", false, initialDescription, initialData);
  registerModule("COValue", false, initialDescription, initialData);
  registerModule("C3H8Value", false, initialDescription, initialData);

void task_GasSensing(){

  int NO2Value;
  int COValue;
  int C3H8Value;
  sensorConnected = sensor.begin();

  NO2Value = sensor.measureNO2();
  COValue = sensor.measureCO();
  C3H8Value = sensor.measureC3H8();

  // Wait a small amount of time
  String ciContent = String(NO2Value);
  String ciContent2 = String(COValue);
  String ciContent3 = String(C3H8Value);
  originator = "admin:admin";
  createCI("NO2Value", DATA_CNT_NAME, ciContent); 
  createCI("COValue", DATA_CNT_NAME, ciContent2);
  createCI("C3H8Value", DATA_CNT_NAME, ciContent3);

void init_luminosity() {
  String initialDescription = "Name = LuminositySensor Location = LivingRoom";
  String initialData = "0";
  originator = "admin:admin";
  registerModule("LuminositySensor", false, initialDescription, initialData);
void task_luminosity() {
  int sensorValue;
  int LumValue;

  LumValue = analogRead(LUMINOSITY_PIN);
  Serial.print("luminosity =");
  sensorValue = analogRead(LUMINOSITY_PIN);
  #ifdef DEBUG
  Serial.println("luminosity value = " + sensorValue);
  String ciContent = String(sensorValue);
  originator = "admin:admin";
  createCI("LuminositySensor", DATA_CNT_NAME, ciContent); 
void command_luminosity(String cmd) {

void init_led() {
  String initialDescription = "Name = LedActuator Location = Home";
  String initialData = "switchOff";
  originator = "Cae-LedActuator";
  registerModule("LedActuator", true, initialDescription, initialData);
void task_led(String cmd) {
  originator = "Cae-LedActuator";
  if (cmd == "switchOn") {
    createCI("LedActuator", DATA_CNT_NAME, "1");
  } else if (cmd == "switchOff") {
    createCI("LedActuator", DATA_CNT_NAME, "0");
void command_led(String cmd) {
  if (cmd == "switchOn") {
    #ifdef DEBUG
    Serial.println("Switching on the LED ...");
    digitalWrite(LED_PIN, ON_STATE);
  else if (cmd == "switchOff") {
    #ifdef DEBUG
    Serial.println("Switching off the LED ...");
    digitalWrite(LED_PIN, OFF_STATE);

void setup() {
  // intialize the serial liaison

  // configure sensors and actuators HW

  // Connect to WiFi network

  // Start HTTP server

  // register sensors and actuators




// Main loop of the µController
void loop() {

  while(millis()-currentMillis < interval) {

    // Check if a client is connected
    // analyse the received command (if any)
    if (context != "") {
      if (context == "LedActuator") {
        Serial.println("The target AE does not exist ! ");
    // reset "command" and "context" variables for future received requests
    context = "";
    command = "";
  currentMillis = millis();





1 project • 0 followers
Andreas Kraft

Andreas Kraft

37 projects • 12 followers
IoT & connected home architect and developer. Ask me about oneM2M.
SeungMyeong Jeong

SeungMyeong Jeong

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Bob Flynn

Bob Flynn

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Miguel Angel Reina Ortega

Miguel Angel Reina Ortega

38 projects • 7 followers
Laurent Velez

Laurent Velez

18 projects • 6 followers
Samir Medjiah

Samir Medjiah

21 projects • 14 followers
Xavier Piednoir

Xavier Piednoir

26 projects • 6 followers
Wonbae Son

Wonbae Son

32 projects • 5 followers


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