1.) LDO voltage regulator - most boards such as Wemos, NodeMCU and others have an AMS117 voltage regulator that has an extremely high drop-out voltage of 1.3V, which makes them unusable for battery power, except for programming, gaming, learning, if you just want to see that what you made works, this board has a HT7333 LDO voltage regulator which has an extremely low drop-out voltage somewhere around 150mV, you can also check the specification of the regulator on the internet. In this way, the device can receive from 3.3V-6V and always give the micro-controller 3.3v and power other components such as OLED display, Sensor without any problems. You can also connect a solar panel.
2.)LipoFuelGauge- In order to be able to accurately measure the state of the battery, you cannot do it through resistors and ADC Pins, because the voltage of lithium-ion batteries does not drop linearly, while this chip has a special algorithm that calculates the state of the battery. Today, all smartphones, cameras, smart watches and other battery-powered devices have an integrated LipoFuelGauge system. This board still has 2 resistors connected to the ADC pin, if someone wants to use that option, but it's only for playing, for example if you use this board as a smart wireless thermostat for central heating like Nest, Netatmo and others, then this device will be a cheaper but reliable alternative. The LipoFuelGauge is ordered separately and soldered to the board. It costs about $1-2 on AliExpress. You have the option to order the production of this board through PCBWay, and you also have another option where you can buy from my website the entire package of files that contains:
- Gerber file
- Bom file
- Pick And Place files
- STL files for 3D printing of the case for the circuit board (you can order the print at a cheap price through JLCPCB for 1$ per component, and there are 4 components of the case, so 4$ + shipping fee 3.21$ = 7.21$ in total)
- Software (there is firmware for the device if you want integration with Home Assistant, then you have everything ready, just change the Wi-Fi credentials and everything is plug and play).
The entire package of files costs $5.49
For more details visit my website where you can see more details:
On my site you can find all about this project, feel free to ask any question about the project
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