This was a test project to get my KiCad 9.0 install setup and decided to make some minor modifications to the original Arduino Uno R3.
Video walk-through demonstration of using the evaluation DEEPCRAFT™ Ready Models that are available within ModusToolbox™ Software.
Learn how to update the streaming firmware on the PSoC™ 6 AI Eval Kit, to take advantage of the latest protocol and sensor support.
It's not 2020 if you can't build robots of doom out of scrap consumer electronics... (c)freenect Github issue
A short tutorial to start programming Arduino Uno without using the Arduino IDE.
A tutorial of Linux setup and PL adventures using MiniZed.
skiiiD Editor is IDE for development boards. Now, it supports Arduino Uno and Mega with 70+ modules.
You will learn how to install and use your ESP32 Board in Arduino IDE
An Arduino UNO made of DIP and through-hole components.
Program the ESP32 on your MATRIX Voice over WiFi using the Arduino IDE, and utilize it as a standalone satellite device.
A quick start guide to program STM32F407 Discovery Board with mbed online IDE.
It's not only a cool little badge with a tiny bubble display for nice words and numbers but also a dev board for prototyping.
A breadboard-friendly STM32F0 development board with added USB2Serial, RGB LED, 7ch hi-sink driver and a simple one-button boot mode.
A platform that can be used for ESP8266 development with a (solder-less) breadboard, an experimenter board or a “one of a kind” end product.
The famous 10-cent microcontroller deserves a 10-cent devboard. It's a quick-and-dirty solution from cheap and accessible components.
Want to run Adafruit's cool new electronics Python distribution on your board? Now you can!
This badge is a DIY dev board for MicroPython. Based on ESP8266, it has a lot of features which are possible to learn and have fun with!
A step by step guide to setting up the GeForce GTX 1060 GPU with UDOO X86 ULTRA.
Lighten up the load on your Wi-Fi network by developing your own innovative smart IoT applications with Sub-1 GHz using the CC1310 Blade.
This project aims to develop a prototype to implement various topologies of power converters to carry out experiments from your home
Wireless ISP programmer badge for AVR Freaks!
Quick project to test Wio Terminal board as Home Automation Controller.
We will create a Super Mini ITX Build powered by UDOO BOLT and Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 Ti.
A WiFi digital control DC power supply with web interface and USB.