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William Lucid
Published © GPL3+

Internet Weather Datalogger and Dynamic Web Server

Weather observations every 15 minutes are logged to Flash memory, displayed and graphed on a web page.

Internet Weather Datalogger and Dynamic Web Server

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Breadboard (generic)
Breadboard (generic)
SparkFun Atmospheric Sensor Breakout - BME280
SparkFun Atmospheric Sensor Breakout - BME280
Adafruit DS3231 Real Time Clock
Wemos D1 R2

Software apps and online services

ThingSpeak ThinkSpeak.com

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Adafruit Breadboard wire bundle


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Wemos Fritzing image


Tech500 Project Repositories

Internet Data Logging and Dynamic Web Server


William Lucid
2 projects • 5 followers
74 year old, retired Computer Specialist. Received my first Arduino from a friend; Fall of 2012, programing Arduino C++ ever since.
Thanks to martinayotte of ESP8266.com Forum, Adafruit , and Schufti of ESP8266.com Forum.
