Stuart Mace

The "Tennis Ball" Garage Stop Light

Eliminate the need for a hanging tennis ball with this ultrasonic distance sensor & Arduino controlled stop light for perfect parking.

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The "Tennis Ball" Garage Stop Light

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
I used a Lanmu branded (Chinese) Arduino for this project since it was $9.99 shipped. I took my chances on a clone and it worked just fine. I didn't want to spend $30 on an Arduino that I would have to keep inside the stoplight.
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
Generic jumper wires were $6.99 shipped from Amazon.
MiHappy HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Measuring Module
HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor was $6.84 shipped from Amazon for two.
JBtek 4 Channel DC 5V Relay Module for Arduino
This relay module was needed in order to switch AC power on and off. AC power is 120 volts and is too high for an Arduino board.
Multi-Turn Precision Potentiometer- 10k ohms (25 Turn)
Multi-Turn Precision Potentiometer- 10k ohms (25 Turn)
The 10K potentiometer is used to set the distance that the green yellow and red lights will turn on.
9V 1A Switching Wall Power Supply
9V 1A Switching Wall Power Supply

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE software is most commonly used. However microchip manufacturer's make software that is a bit more advanced. For this simple project, we will stick with Arduino IDE.

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
The soldering iron (30 watt) is briefly used to solder some jumper wires onto the potentiometer so that we can skip the use of a breadboard.
Hot glue gun (generic)
Hot glue gun (generic)
The hot glue gun is used to attach the (cheap) Arduino and relay module to the inside of the stop light.


Read more


Wiring Schematic


Arduino "Stop Light Coding"

#include <NewPing.h>

#define DEBUG         true // Set to true to enable Serial debug
#define TRIGGER_PIN   12  // Board pin tied to trigger pin on the ultrasonic sensor.
#define ECHO_PIN      11  // Board pin tied to echo pin on the ultrasonic sensor.
#define MAX_DISTANCE  300 // Maximum distance we want to ping for (in centimeters). Maximum sensor distance is rated at 400-500cm.

// leds pins
int ledR = 3;
int ledY = 4;
int ledG = 5;

int potPin = A0;

int optDistance; 
int optDistanceGap = 5;
int optMin;
int optMax;
int yellowGap = 10;
int redGap = 20;
int maxDistance = MAX_DISTANCE;
int currentDistance;
int prevDistance = 0;
int deviationThreshold = 2;
int timerStartTime = 0;
int ledsTimout = 30; // seconds


void setup() {
  if (DEBUG) {
    Serial.println("Garage sensor is starting");
  pinMode(ledG, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(ledY, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(ledR, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  // get pot reading for the optimal distance.
  optDistance = analogRead(potPin) / 5; // potentiometer readins are in between 0 and 1023. Deviding it by 5 makes our optimal distance range from 0 to about 200cm
  // recalculate optimal distance gaps
  optMin = optDistance - optDistanceGap;
  optMax = optDistance + optDistanceGap;

  if (DEBUG) {
    Serial.print("Optimal distance:"); 
  delay(50); // Wait 50ms between pings (about 20 pings/sec). 29ms should be the shortest delay between pings.

  currentDistance = / US_ROUNDTRIP_CM; // Send ping, get ping time in microseconds (uS) and translate it into cm
  if (abs(currentDistance - prevDistance) >= deviationThreshold) {
    prevDistance = currentDistance;
    timerStartTime = millis();
    if (DEBUG) {
      Serial.print("Current distance:"); 
    // if distance is in range of optimal distances, turn on green led
    if (inRange(currentDistance, optMin, optMax)) {
      setLeds(LOW, LOW, HIGH);
      if (DEBUG) Serial.println("Got in optimal distance range");
    // if distance is close to the optimal distances, but not yet there, turn on yellow led
    else if (inRange(currentDistance, optMin - yellowGap, optMin) || inRange(currentDistance, optMax, optMax + yellowGap)) {
      setLeds(LOW, HIGH, LOW);
      if (DEBUG) Serial.println("Close to the optimal distance");
    // if distance is close to zero or too far, turn on red led
    else if (inRange(currentDistance, 0, optMin - yellowGap) || inRange(currentDistance, optMax + yellowGap, optMax + yellowGap + redGap)) {
      setLeds(HIGH, LOW, LOW);
      if (DEBUG) Serial.println("Too far from the optimal distance");
    // otherwise turn all leds off
    else {
      setLeds(LOW, LOW, LOW);
      if (DEBUG) Serial.println("Turn all leds off");
  } else {
    int currentTime = millis();
    if ((currentTime - timerStartTime) / 1000 > ledsTimout) {
      if (DEBUG) Serial.println((currentTime - timerStartTime) / 1000);
      setLeds(LOW, LOW, LOW);

 * Turn leds on and off
void setLeds(int r, int y, int g) {
  digitalWrite(ledR, r);
  digitalWrite(ledY, y);
  digitalWrite(ledG, g);

 * Check is value in range
bool inRange(int d, int rangeMin, int rangeMax) {
  return d >= rangeMin && d < rangeMax;


Stuart Mace
1 project • 1 follower
Full time Mechanical Engineering student at UNCC
