COVID-19 SMS Alert is a project based on taking precautions in the ongoing pandemic situation. COVID-19 is not only crashing our schedules but also crushing our lives. This virus is mercilessly attacking on human beings. To save our lives and our dear ones, we need to take precautions. While washing hands frequently, sanitizing the surroundings, wearing masks, avoid going out of house are some of the precautions, social distancing tops the list. The best way to prevent or slow down the transmission is to maintain social distancing, locking down ourselves in our homes and avoid meeting people as this is human-to-human transmitted disease.
The concept behind COVID-19 SMS Alert is sending an SMS alert to the person who tends to go out violating the lockdown rules. This works when the person switches off the main LED which activates to send an SMS stating "Stay Home and Stay Safe". The LED works on home automation using IoT concept.
Before we get started with our project, don't forget to connect your wifi module with your cloud account.
Hardware connections:1. Connect the positive end of LED to GPIO(0 pin) of wifi module.
2. Connect the negative end of LED to Ground of wifi module.
3. Also connect the resistor to positive end of LED.
That's it, the connections are simple to make and also the project is easy.
To make this project we need to make an account on Bolt Cloud and Twilio.
We can create accounts using the following links:-
Bolt Cloud:-
Twilio SMS Service-
(Refer to the Bolt IoT course if you find any problem in making these accounts; you will have access to the course once you purchase the Bolt WiFi module)
Coding Environment:Ubuntu- VMware Workstation 12 is the coding environment I have used for my project and Python is the language in which I have coded.
Below is the screenshot of the code.
When the code is successfully executed without any compilation errors, the LED switches off which triggers to send sms to the registered mobile number by Twilio messaging API. This LED is considered as the main LED of the house which is switched off by the person when he leaves his house. In order to alert the person to stay home avoid social contact and follow social distancing, this sms will be helpful, thoughtful.
Output:Here there is a time gap of 10 seconds. So the next loop will start again after 10 seconds. By sending sms, the person realizes to stay home to save their life.
In this way, a simple and economically low cost sms alert system can be made to save our lives and follow social distancing by staying home to overcome the current situation.