QNICE-FPGA is a 16-bit computer system build as a fully-fledged system-on-a-chip in portable VHDL on a FPGA. Specifications:
- 16-bit QNICE CPU featuring 16 registers, 8 of them in 256 register banks (learn more in qnice_intro.pdf)
- 32k words ROM (64kB)
- 32k words RAM (64kB)
- UART 115.200 baud, 8-N-1, CTS
- VGA 80x40 character textmode display (640x480 resolution)
- PS/2 keyboard support (mapped to USB on the Nexys4 DDR)
- 4-digit 7-segment display
- 16 hardware toggle switches
The main purpose of QNICE-FPGA is learning, teaching and having fun.
Q-TRISQ-TRIS is a Tetris clone and the first game ever developed for QNICE-FPGA. The rules of the game are very close to the "official" Tetris rules.
Go to our GitHub Repository to learn more.
Q-NICE FPGA is still work in progress, so come back frequently for updated documentation.