The aim of this project is to create a QR Code Displayer using the Dot One. QR codes enable you to share information such as Wi-Fi credentials, URLs, contact information or just simple plain text with anyone that has a camera on their phone.
List of items required to create this project:
- Wia Dot One (Buy Yours Here)
- Dot One TFT LCD Screen Module (Buy Yours Here)
- Micro USB Cable (Buy Yours Here)
- Phone
- Computer (Windows and Linux Only)
Step 1: Create a Wia account with the Dot One connected. If you haven’t done so yet, you can follow this tutorial over here.
Step 2: Visit this website to generate your QR code of choice. QR Code Generator. Once Created save the image as a PNG onto the desktop.
Step 3: Visit this website in order to resize the image to the size of 128 x 128 pixels. It is vital that you perform this step.
Step 4:Visit this URLand download the program by clicking on the "Downloads" tab and selecting the latest version. Unzip the program and run the 'lcd-image-converter.exe'.
Step 5: Click on 'File' and then 'Open' and find your resized QR code.
Step 6: Click on 'Options' and then 'Conversion'. Change the Preset on the top of the window to 'Monochrome' and click on 'Show Preview.'
Step 7: A new window should appear, similar to this below. Copy the right column output and paste it temporarily into notepad or similar text editor.
Step 8: Insert the TFT LCD module into the dot one making sure of the orientation of the display. Power the Dot one with a micro usb cable.
Step 9: Go to and select your space. Create a New Code Project by clicking on the 'Code' icon and clicking on the blue 'Create Code Project'.Enter a project name of your choice, I will name it "QR Code Display.' Make sure you select "Code Project" and click "Create Code Project."
Step 10: Copy this:
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>#include <Adafruit_ST7735.h>#include <SPI.h>#define TFT_RST -1#define TFT_CS 16#define TFT_DC 17Adafruit_ST7735 tft = Adafruit_ST7735(TFT_CS, TFT_DC, TFT_RST);const unsigned char qrcode [] PROGMEM = {//---------------------------------------------------------------//---------------------------------------------------------------//INPUT YOUR QR CODE DATA HERE//---------------------------------------------------------------//---------------------------------------------------------------};void setup() { WiFi.begin(); delay(2500); tft.initR(INITR_144GREENTAB);}void loop() { tft.setRotation(1); tft.fillScreen(ST7735_BLACK); tft.drawBitmap(0,0,qrcode,128,128,ST7735_WHITE); delay(10000);}
STEP 11: Replace the "//INPUT YOUR QR CODE DATA HERE" with the code that you have saved temporarily onto notepad.
STEP 12: Click on the rocket icon on the top right corner to upload your code. Select your device from the box below. and click the blue button "Deploy."
STEP 13: Once succesfully deployed you should see this screen. Proceed by clinking the button to the left of the USB cable to download the code onto your Dot One.
STEP 14: If done correctly, you should see a QR code on your LCD display.
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