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Cheryl Olivia Benedict Sitorus
Published © GPL3+

Pistol Detection

As we all know, pistol is used by some people for a very bad purpose. This project is made to detect it and for safety purposes

BeginnerProtip1 hour12
Pistol Detection

Things used in this project

Hardware components

SenseCAP K1100 - The Sensor Prototype Kit with LoRa® and AI
Seeed Studio SenseCAP K1100 - The Sensor Prototype Kit with LoRa® and AI

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Box, General Purpose
Box, General Purpose


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Pistol COde

Paste it to the google colab
!pip install roboflow

from roboflow import Roboflow
rf = Roboflow(api_key="nP9lJYVqsItulm1dm3Fz")
project = rf.workspace("joseph-nelson").project("pistols")
dataset = project.version(1).download("yolov5")


Cheryl Olivia Benedict Sitorus

Cheryl Olivia Benedict Sitorus

6 projects • 1 follower
