My daughter loves to make woolen pompoms. But this is a strenuous thing and often consumes all our nerves. High time for a technical update.
TodayToday she uses two superimposed cardboard rings. These are wrapped in wool, then cut open between the rings and knotted. This works great, but it is very time consuming.
My solutionOn the Web you can also find another way to make pompoms. Instead of the rings, the wool is wrapped around the tines of a fork. That is a clear simplification. But only small pompoms are possible and it still takes a long time to wind up the wool.
For more speed, a cordless screwdriver is used in my solution. This does not work so well with a normal fork :-), so I designed my own "Pompom Maker".
In addition to the hexagon socket for the chuck, there is a holder for the starting thread and a cutting aid for cutting with the scissors. The size and shape of the models fits ideally for a 3D printer.
We currently use 3 models: diameter 30, 40 and 50 mm.
If you already have a 3D printer, you can print out and test your own Pompom Maker right away. Look at the attachments.
Have fun!
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