Tatsuya Iwai
Published © GPL3+

S2C – Shoe Sole Cleaner

Shoe Sole Cleaner (S2C) is a handy cleaner that cleans your shoe sole with conveyor-belt-shaped brush driven by DC motor.

IntermediateFull instructions providedOver 1 day40
S2C – Shoe Sole Cleaner

Things used in this project

Hardware components

EA LPC11U35 QuickStart Board
Ultrasonic Sensor - HC-SR04 (Generic)
Ultrasonic Sensor - HC-SR04 (Generic)
Texas Instruments LM60 ±2°C analog output temperature sensor
Dual H-Bridge motor drivers L298
SparkFun Dual H-Bridge motor drivers L298
Geared DC Motor, 12 V
Geared DC Motor, 12 V
TLP627 Photocoupler
Vpp-14V Transformer (Generic)
TLP561J IRED & Photo-Transistor
STMicroelectronics BTA24 25 A standard and Snubberless triacs
Hot Plate (generic)

Software apps and online services

PlatformIO IDE
PlatformIO IDE


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Custom parts and enclosures

Custom parts for Shoe Sole Cleaner

Custom parts created for The COVID-19 Detect & Protect Challenge. All parts are generated using 3D printer with PLA.


Shoe Sole Cleaner Schematics

Shoe Sole Cleaner Hardware Schematics


Source code for The COVID-19 Detect & Protect Challenge

This repository holds source code for the COVID-19 Detect & Protect Challenge. This program requires mbed LPC11u35 board with sensors used in the project


Tatsuya Iwai

Tatsuya Iwai

2 projects • 5 followers
Engineer at codeHead as programmer, manly develop web services and mobile apps for years. Prefer to build apps on small devices :)
