The Watchman is an electronic wall sculpture that combines art, night lighting and security.
The working principle is very simple. It all is built around of Seeed Xiao RP2040 microcontroller board. Powered by a 3.7v Lithium-ion battery. RCWL-0516 doppler radar sensor detects the motion and sends the signal to MCU. Because the sensor's working voltage is above 4 voltage, I added a voltage booster. When the MCU gets a signal, its lights up the circular RGB LEDs.
Custom-Made PCBsIt has two custom-made PCBs. Both have my drawings on them.
The face-shape one is kindly made by Seeed Studio Fusion service. It holds the MCU board and has all the input/output pins.
I have defined some colours for RGB LEDs:
#define AMBER 255, 100, 0
#define AQUA 50, 255, 255
#define BLUE 0, 0, 255
#define CYAN 0, 255, 255
#define GOLD 255, 222, 30
#define GREEN 0, 255, 0
#define JADE 0, 255, 40
#define MAGENTA 255, 0, 20
#define OLD_LACE 253, 245, 230
#define ORANGE 255, 40, 0
#define PINK 242, 90, 255
#define PURPLE 180, 0, 255
#define RED 255, 0, 0
#define TEAL 0, 255, 120
#define WHITE 255, 255, 255
#define YELLOW 255, 150, 0
The rest of the code is on the GitHub repository.
More images are on my website
The end!