Andrew DenbowEvan Thurman

Automatic Shot Dispenser

Do you ever get tired of pouring drinks by hand? This project uses 2 particle photons to automatically dispense the perfect shot.

BeginnerFull instructions provided4 hours3,172
Automatic Shot Dispenser

Things used in this project

Hardware components

12v battery charger
Particle Photon
Relay (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
USB-A to Micro-USB Cable
USB-A to Micro-USB Cable
Breadboard (generic)
Breadboard (generic)
DC 12V micropump
12V battery charger (generic)
food grade hose

Software apps and online services

Mobicle Mobicle
Google Sheets
Google Sheets
Maker service
IFTTT Maker service


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Drink Dispenser


Publish Code

This code publishes the event to the cloud.
 //      +----------| USB |----------+
// *                          |          +-----+       *  |
 //*                          | [ ] VIN           3V3 [ ] |
 //*                          | [ ] GND           RST [ ] |
 //*                          | [ ] TX           VBAT [ ] |
 //*                          | [ ] RX  [S]   [R] GND [ ] |
 //*                          | [ ] WKP            D7 [*] |<-LED triggers jumpered to pin D0 (digital write)
 //*                          | [ ] DAC +-------+  D6 [ ] |
 //*                          | [ ] A5  |   *   |  D5 [ ] |
 //*                          | [ ] A4  |Photon |  D4 [ ] |
 //*                          | [ ] A3  |       |  D3 [ ] |
 //*                          | [ ] A2  +-------+  D2 [ ] |
 //*                          | [ ] A1             D1 [ ] |
 //*                          | [ ] A0             D0 [*] |<-This pin reads the signal from the D7 pin (digital read)
 //*                          |                           |
 //*                           \    []         [______]  /
 //*                            \_______________________/
//The D7 pin is jumpered to the D0 pin.  

int led = D7;
int lightsensor = D0;
int val = 1;

void setup() 
pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
pinMode(lightsensor, INPUT_PULLDOWN);

digitalWrite(led, HIGH);
digitalWrite(led, LOW);

Particle.function("togglelights", togglelights);


int togglelights(String command){
    if(command == "On" || command == "on" || command == "ON"){
        return 1;
 else if (command=="off") {
        return 0;
else {
    return -1;

void loop() {
    val = digitalRead(lightsensor);
    digitalWrite(led, val);

    if(digitalRead(lightsensor) == 1){

Subscribe Code

This is the code for the photon that subscribes to the event.
//      +----------| USB |----------+
 //*                                          |          +-----+       *  |
 //*  This connects to the vcc on the relay ->| [*] VIN           3V3 [ ] |
 //*                connects to GND on relay->| [*] GND           RST [ ] |
 //*                                          | [ ] TX           VBAT [ ] |
 //*                                          | [ ] RX  [S]   [R] GND [ ] |
 //*                                          | [ ] WKP            D7 [*] |<-connects to the IN1 on the relay
 //*                                          | [ ] DAC +-------+  D6 [ ] |
 //*                                          | [ ] A5  |   *   |  D5 [ ] |
 //*                                          | [ ] A4  |Photon |  D4 [ ] |
 //*                                          | [ ] A3  |       |  D3 [ ] |
 //*                                          | [ ] A2  +-------+  D2 [ ] |
 //*                                          | [ ] A1             D1 [ ] |
 //*                                          | [ ] A0             D0 [ ] |
 //*                                          |                           |
 //*                                           \    []         [______]  /
 //*                                            \_______________________/

int led = D7;

void setup() {

    pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(led, HIGH);

    Particle.subscribe("drink_maker44", pumpOn, "420029001147353138383138");


void pumpOn(const char *event, const char *data)

digitalWrite(led, LOW);

  // We'll leave it on for 1.7 second...

  // Then we'll turn it off...
  digitalWrite(led, HIGH);
  delay (-1700);
  // the negative cuts off the loop



Andrew Denbow
1 project • 0 followers
Evan Thurman
1 project • 0 followers
