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Andrew MAustin M
Published © GPL3+

R.A.D - Farming

The Risk Assessing Drone (R.A.D) utilizes multiple detection methods to map a field for UXO and prioritize objects for mitigation

AdvancedWork in progressOver 4 days681
R.A.D - Farming

Things used in this project

Hardware components

NavQ+ Mission Computer
SG90 Micro-servo motor
SG90 Micro-servo motor
Not the exact servo used
Adafruit BME688 Temperature, Humidity, Pressure and Gas Sensor - STEMMA QT
Deployable frame for sensors
Grove - Thermal Imaging Camera / IR Array MLX90640 110 degree
Seeed Studio Grove - Thermal Imaging Camera / IR Array MLX90640 110 degree
Using 55 degree version
Grove - Ultrasonic Ranger
Seeed Studio Grove - Ultrasonic Ranger

Software apps and online services

Bosch Sensortec BME AI-Studio
Adafruit Circuitpython
Microsoft Visual Studio Code
Robot Operating System
ROS Robot Operating System
PX4 QGroundControl
Cloud based circuit board design tool, as a stand in till I get better with KiCAD.
Ubuntu LTS 22.04
Used for graphics and logo design
Simple online diagram software
Autodesk Tinkercad
Used as a beginner friendly 3D design tool

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Screwdrivers (various)
3D Printer (generic)
3D Printer (generic)


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Custom parts and enclosures

Pantograph arm for sensor package

Mounted to the bottom of the drone, the pantrograph should allow you to retract the sensors during normal flight then lower them as needed. The advantange of a pantograph design is the platform should remain at the same angle at various extensions. This is useful for wide, flat sensors like metal detectors

Camera arm for a servo

This was not meant as a gimbal, just to allow changing the camera and a Seeed thermal camera module between horizion and ground views

NXP NavQPlus Mounting place

A mashup of two other posted cases for the NavQPlus

NavQPlus case top

A modification of the existing top case, including closing the hole for the absent 1Gb Ethernet connection


Flir Lepton module for Seeed Grove (Outdated)

Carrier board for a Flir Lepton thermal camera module, using a Raspberry Pi RP2040 to manage the camera. This module didn't make it into the project this time around.

System Diagram


Testing fit of NavQPlus to top plate


Hovergames Gitbook fork

Forked repo to contribute to the Hovergames Gitbook


Repository for notes, research and design

NAVQPlus Gitbook fork

Forked copy for contributing to the NXP Gitbook


Adding the NAVQPlus to PlatformDetect (Used by Adafruit_Blinka to identify the current system)

Adafruit Blinka

Adding the NAVQPlus to the Adafruit Blinka so it Circuitpython can be used


Andrew M

Andrew M

5 projects • 8 followers
My day job is irrelevant, I'm here for the tinkering and blinking lights. Proud owner of a set of Kraft servos older than me.
Austin M

Austin M

0 projects • 1 follower
