The evolution connected things is being imagined in a vast and varied perception, may be in marketing, management and production. Though the concept is still an abstract when comes to perfect user case in different tiers, this emerging solution are very impressive. The realization from all this solutions is that the concept is being adapted directly but perceived differently. Following this reality, even I thought to design and develop system in the stream on home automation in the domain of the rockstar the Internet of Things.
Coming to the idea, It is regular idea to automate home with new stunning technologies (like very adaptive/easy cloud services) and Raspberry Pi, the micro computer which is moving a meteoric speed in this hype. The composition of this both impressive tools will leverage any idea to next level, and composing them with present environment is the challenge I took.
Project Idea:The basic idea is to build a bridge and enable communication between all the sensors used in regular home. The discovery is to collect the sensor data regularly and define patterns and then derive a solution which can save us in terms expenditures and plan us in terms of efficiency and provoke us in terms of usage.
Basic sensors ( Temperature sensor, Humidity sensor, Water Level sensor and required) are fixed in the specific locations of our home and the data is collected using a real time clock. And this data is verified with threshold values and then using Azure notifications they are notified interactively and also actions are triggered to modulated the scene ( like switch off AC for a specific temperature, Air the room for certain humidity, and fill the tank for a level water).
Every time the actions are triggered, all those are noted as logs. They help us in further simplifications.
Along with this the ultimate goal is to keep all those objects in track and define the solution. We can actually do it very simply but using multiple sensors make the problem very focused and this help us in bringing a perfect solution.
This solution will make us think smart to take decisions in terms or expenditure. Every technology we use must empower us to stay healthy and think wisely. My concept of home automation is not to make things automatically work but notify us conclude our use. This type of management will help us in saving the electricity , water to maximum and in the same way it'll give a room to realize the usage and plan the better future in terms of infrastructure.
Project Concept:Here we're using Raspberry Pi Model 2 with Windows IoT Core/ Ubuntu Core and a Arduino Uno/Due which is being programmed by Raspberry Pi.
Let's discuss the rest in steps.
- Connect the Sensors, Relays and Modules to Arduino Uno/Due and sensing the data.
- Next, that sensor data is pushed to Microsoft Azure SQL Server. A single table is created in server to make calculations easy. The processing is initiated and maintained by our Raspberry Pi.
- That sensor data is being processed using Azure stream analytics and then visualized using Power BI. Data visualization is being added because we're solving focused problem here. \
- Apart from just visualizing the data, the coolest thing we can do here is query the sensor data values and trigger actions. Here my special composition comes into play. We can actually trigger actions based on the environment we're using.
a) Environment with internet availability.
If our environment can access environment we can query the values and trigger actions lively.
b) Environment without internet
If our environment can't access environment we can query the values locally in the local host and these values can be saved and then imported into a readable format and visualized.
- The entire data is now processed in Azure ML to define a pattern and this patterns are used to plan the future.
- We are making it available it everywhere irrespective of availability of internet.
- We are making the problem more focused and saving the resources to pin point.
- This idea is customizable and used in any case of home and expand to industry level.
At last, we're adding value to individual decisions in personal life expenditures and helping him to realize the truth.