- This project uses the Project Tango APK project but WITH ADDED EXPLOSIONS! The project stems from the Google Project Tango VRathon (Hackathon) of Staten Island, NY.
(***For notes on how to set up your Unity3D environment please see https://www.hackster.io/the-first-team/chair-anywhere-ee5034?ref=user&ref_id=71164&offset=1 ****)
- NYC VR University @nycvru
- Google Project Tango @Project_Tango #projecttango
- Unofficial Cardboard @UCardboardVR
- RawRev @RawRev
- Me @amartini1129)
Some preliminary work is required before starting this Hackster project. You will need to have downloaded and configured your development environment. Please see steps outlined at this site for assistance.
Assets Needed:
- Elementals by G.T. TeamDev
API's needed:
- Google Tango SDK
- Android SDK
Quick Demo of capabilities:
Step One: The key to creating this desired effect is to create a second GUIARController.
Step Two: Download this Asset from the Asset Store
Step Two: Change the Prefab Marker for "Explode" by Elements by clicking and dragging.
All the best!
Special Thanks goes to MAKERSPACE Staten Island, NY.