You must have seen a Harry Potter movie in which Harry does magic by just pointing towards things. And inspired by this, I, with the help of my friend, made the magical wand named E-wand - the Electronic Wand. Use this wand to turn On and Off appliances by just pointing towards them - just like magic.
Story behind this is that, I was thinking of a project that feels like magic. Thinking about this topic I came up with the idea of making a wand just like what we see in animation or movies, but ours will have electronics parts inside the wand like a sensor which will provide the coordinates, a micro-controller which will control all the functions and a RF section which will communicate with other devices.
I discussed this idea with my friend Akshay, he suggested I use a smart phone and its inbuilt sensor instead of that wand because making the controller, sensor and RF module to get fit inside the thin wand would be quite difficult and complicated. So we went through research about how we can access our smart phone’s sensor for our use. We came across an app named SENSODUINO through which we can send the data of our inbuilt sensors to the controller via Bluetooth. This is all we wanted at the transmitter part. On the receiver part, i.e. appliances, we have connected a controller, Bluetooth module and a relay module. After doing simple programming our so called E-wand was ready for doing magic.
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