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Terren Peterson
Published © CC BY-NC

Alexa Hurricane Center

Need the latest data on tropical storms? Want to learn more about storms from prior years? Use the Hurricane Center skill on Alexa!

IntermediateFull instructions provided8 hours1,459

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Amazon Echo
Amazon Alexa Amazon Echo

Software apps and online services

AWS Lambda
Amazon Web Services AWS Lambda
Used for business rules to translate what Alexa provides.
Amazon Web Services AWS S3
Used to store historical data about current and past tropical storms.
Weather Underground API's
using the currenthurricane API to pull latest hurricane details.


Read more


Echo System Context


Source Code

This is the repo containing both the configuration for the Alexa Voice Service as well as the business logic within the Alexa Skill.


Terren Peterson

Terren Peterson

11 projects • 36 followers
Life-long learner who started off with an Electrical Engineering degree, but have been in software and systems engineering my whole career.
