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Tyler Gilbert
Published © GPL3+

Stratity OS Running on MBED LPC1768

Stratify OS bring easy application development to the MBED LPC1768.

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Stratity OS Running on MBED LPC1768

Things used in this project

Hardware components

SparkFun USB Mini-B Breakout
SparkFun USB Mini-B Breakout
You can use this or just modify a regular USB cable.
USB-A to Micro-USB Cable
USB-A to Micro-USB Cable
To use this, you need to cut the Micro side off and add females pins and heat shrink (that's what I did)

Software apps and online services

Stratify Labs Stratify Link
Stratify Labs Stratify OS


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USB Connections

This is how to connect the USB cable.


MBED LPC1768 Board Support Package

The mbedLPC1768 BSP is the board support package contains the source code for both the bootloader and the kernel. You don't need to download or compile it. But it is available.

Hello World

You don't need to download the source to run the program, but you are welcome to.


Again, you don't need the source code. You can download and run the binaries, but the source is available if you like.


Tyler Gilbert

Tyler Gilbert

3 projects • 2 followers
Embedded systems hardware and firmware engineer with an entrepreneurial streak
