Turgut Guneysu
Published © GPL3+

OLED Display driver written 100% in MicroBlocks !

Block based programming language MicroBlocks is performant enough to complete a task normally only possible in C-family of languages.

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OLED Display driver written 100% in MicroBlocks !

Things used in this project

Hardware components

micro:bit v2
ELECFREAKS Micro:bit Breakout Board (Octopus:bit)
2.42in OLED SSD1309 Display
0.96in OLED SSD1306 Display
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
USB-A to Mini-USB Cable
USB-A to Mini-USB Cable

Software apps and online services



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Plain text
This site does not allow the selection of MICROBLOCKS as a programming language.

TO RUN: Go to http://microblocks.fun/download and select a suitable version of MicroBlocks and install it.
Then download this demo program and make sure the name saved is: OLEDDemoPgm.ubp

You can now run MicroBlocks and load and run this program to explore it.
module main
author 'Turgut Guneysu'
version 2 1 
description 'Demonstrates the 128x64OLED(1306-09) Library use.'
variables S1 S2 _msg1 _msg2 _msg3 _picNo 

	spec ' ' 'OLEDDemo' 'OLEDDemo'
	spec ' ' 'dataLoop' 'dataLoop _ _ _ _' 'auto auto auto auto' '10' '10' '10' '10'
	spec ' ' 'CTRLPanel' 'CTRLPanel'
	spec ' ' 'Contrast1-4' 'Contrast1-4'
	spec ' ' 'MBLogo and Title' 'MBLogo and Title'
	spec ' ' 'OLEDCharset' 'OLEDCharset'
	spec ' ' 'animatedSprites' 'animatedSprites'
	spec ' ' 'drawCircles' 'drawCircles'
	spec ' ' 'drawCirclesMatrix' 'drawCirclesMatrix'
	spec ' ' 'drawLines' 'drawLines'
	spec ' ' 'drawRectangles' 'drawRectangles'
	spec ' ' 'linedraw framed Text' 'linedraw framed Text'
	spec ' ' 'mbitCharSet' 'mbitCharSet'
	spec ' ' 'textInGDBuffer' 'textInGDBuffer'
	spec ' ' 'lineDrawBT' 'lineDrawBT'
	spec ' ' 'lineDrawLR' 'lineDrawLR'
	spec ' ' 'lineDrawRL' 'lineDrawRL'
	spec ' ' 'lineDrawTB' 'lineDrawTB'
	spec ' ' 'MPFrame' 'MPFrame'

to CTRLPanel {
  comment 'Demo of Control Panel with 3 live values updated

Touch value is updated as an icon.'
  local 'Toff1' ('[data:split]' '3C,42,81,81,81,81,81,81' ',')
  for i (size Toff1) {
    atPut i Toff1 (hexToInt (at i Toff1))
  local 'Toff2' ('[data:split]' '81,81,81,81,81,81,42,3C' ',')
  for i (size Toff2) {
    atPut i Toff2 (hexToInt (at i Toff2))
  local 'Ton1' ('[data:split]' '3C,42,81,99,99,81,81,81' ',')
  for i (size Ton1) {
    atPut i Ton1 (hexToInt (at i Ton1))
  local 'Ton2' ('[data:split]' '81,81,81,99,99,81,42,3C' ',')
  for i (size Ton2) {
    atPut i Ton2 (hexToInt (at i Ton2))
  OLEDDrawString ' Control Panel  ' 1 1 false
  OLEDDrawString 'Light:' 3 1 false
  OLEDDrawString 'Temp:' 5 1 false
  OLEDDrawString 'Touch:' 7 1 false
  dataLoop Toff1 Toff2 Ton1 Ton2

to 'Contrast1-4' {
  comment 'Adjust CONTRAST 1 - 4'
  for i 4 {
    OLEDDispString ('[data:join]' ' ' i ' ') false 4 7
    OLEDContrast i
    waitMillis 1000
    OLEDContrast 1

to 'MBLogo and Title' {
  comment 'MicroBlocks Logo & Title'
  OLEDDrawPic _imgBMPTbl 'Display'
  OLEDMode 'Horizontal'
  OLEDDispString 'Micro
Blocks' true 3 8
  OLEDDispString 'Is
GREAT!!!' false 5 8

to MPFrame {
  OLEDDrawRect 0 2 127 44 true false 3
  OLEDDrawRect 2 4 83 42 true false 3
  OLEDDrawRect 85 4 125 42 true false 3

to OLEDCharset {
  OLEDContrast 1
  OLEDDispString '_CHARACTER SET_' false
  OLEDDispString _cTABLE false 3 1
  waitMillis 2000
  OLEDDispString ' _LINEDRAW SET_ ' false
  OLEDDispString ('[data:copyFromTo]' _lineTABLE 1 14) false 3 1
  OLEDDispString ('[data:copyFromTo]' _lineTABLE 15 28) false 5 1
  OLEDDispString ('[data:copyFromTo]' _lineTABLE 29 40) false 7 1

to OLEDDemo {
  comment 'Demo program to show various display features.'
  OLEDMode 'Horizontal'
  OLEDDispString 'Micro 
Blocks' true 3 7
  OLEDDispString 'Is
GREAT!!!' false 5 7
  waitMillis 1000
  if (_displayType == 9) {
    '_OLEDScroll-VRL' 'Vert-Right' 1 8 0 1 1 128
    waitMillis 2500
    waitMillis 1000
  } else {
    waitMillis 1000
    repeat 2 {
      OLEDZoomMode 'On'
      waitMillis 500
      OLEDZoomMode 'Off'
      waitMillis 500
  OLEDDrawPic _imgBMPTbl 'Display'
  comment 'Scroll image right and left'
  OLEDColMode 1 5
  '_OLEDScroll-RL' 'Right' 1 8 1 47
  waitMillis 690
  '_OLEDScroll-RL' 'Left' 1 8 1 47
  waitMillis 690
  waitMillis 1000
  OLEDMode 'Horizontal'

to animatedSprites {
  comment 'Make 2 Sprites and Loop them on display in horizontal and vertical directions.

Upon collision, display explosion pattern.'
  local '_clearSprite' (newList 5)
  S1 = (OLEDMakeSprite 23068334)
  S2 = (OLEDMakeSprite 15166916)
  forever {
    for c 120 {
      local 'r' (c % 9)
      local 's2R' (maximum r 1)
      local 's2C' (random 56 64)
      OLEDDrawSprite S1 1 c
      OLEDDrawSprite S2 ((8 - s2R) + 1) s2C
      if (and (s2R == 1) (and (c > (s2C - 2)) (c < (s2C + 2)))) {
        repeat 3 {
          OLEDDrawSprite (OLEDMakeSprite 22506965) 1 s2C
          waitMillis 200
          OLEDDrawSprite _clearSprite 1 (s2C - 2)
          OLEDDrawSprite _clearSprite 1 (s2C + 2)
          waitMillis 200
      } else {
        OLEDDrawSprite _clearSprite 1 c
        OLEDDrawSprite _clearSprite ((8 - s2R) + 1) s2C

to dataLoop t1 t2 t3 t4 {
  forever {
    OLEDDrawString ('[data:join]' '' ('[display:lightLevel]') '    ') 3 64 false
    OLEDDrawString ('[data:join]' '' ('[sensors:temperature]') '   ') 5 64 false
    if ('logo touched') {
      OLEDDrawSprite t3 7 64
      OLEDDrawSprite t4 7 72
    } else {
      OLEDDrawSprite t1 7 64
      OLEDDrawSprite t2 7 72
    waitMillis 250

to drawCircles {
  comment 'Concentric circles, out, in'
  OLEDContrast 1
  for i 64 {
    if ((i % 2) == 0) {OLEDDrawCircle 64 32 i true}
  for i 64 {
    if (((65 - i) % 2) == 0) {OLEDDrawCircle 64 32 (65 - i) false}

to drawCirclesMatrix {
  comment 'Draw Circles across the display
Center every 10 pixels,
Radius = 3'
  OLEDContrast 1
  _delayGDUpd = (booleanConstant false)
  for y 63 {
    if ((y % 8) == 0) {for x 127 {
      if ((x % 10) == 0) {OLEDDrawCircle x y 3 true}

to drawLines {
  comment 'Lines from 0,0 to opposite y-range

Place OLEDShowGDBuffer into loops (slow)

or at the end (fast)'
  OLEDContrast 1
  _delayGDUpd = (booleanConstant false)
  for i 64 {
    if ((i % 2) == 1) {OLEDDrawLine 0 0 127 (i - 1) true}
  comment 'Lines from 127,0 to origin y-range'
  for i 64 {
    if ((i % 2) == 1) {OLEDDrawLine 127 0 0 (i - 1) true}
  comment 'Draw two circles inside the right & left triangles'

to drawRectangles {
  comment 'Concentric Rectangles, in, in'
  OLEDContrast 1
  for i 28 {
    if (((i - 1) % 2) == 0) {OLEDDrawRect (i - 1) (i - 1) (127 - (i - 1)) (63 - (i - 1)) true true 3}
  for i 28 {
    if (((i - 1) % 2) == 0) {OLEDDrawRect (i - 1) (i - 1) (127 - (i - 1)) (63 - (i - 1)) false true 3}

to lineDrawBT {
  for r 5 {
    OLEDDispString _msg1 false (6 - r) 3
    OLEDDispString _msg2 false (7 - r) 3
    OLEDDispString _msg3 false (8 - r) 3
    OLEDDispString '                ' false (9 - r) 3
    waitMillis delay

to lineDrawLR {
  for c 2 {
    OLEDDispString _msg1 false 6 (1 + c)
    OLEDDispString _msg2 false 7 (1 + c)
    OLEDDispString _msg3 false 8 (1 + c)
    OLEDDispString ('[data:unicodeString]' 32) false 6 c
    OLEDDispString ('[data:unicodeString]' 32) false 7 c
    OLEDDispString ('[data:unicodeString]' 32) false 8 c
    waitMillis delay

to lineDrawRL {
  OLEDDispString _msg1 false 1 2
  OLEDDispString _msg2 false 2 2
  OLEDDispString _msg3 false 3 2
  waitMillis 100
  OLEDDispString _msg1 false 1 1
  OLEDDispString _msg2 false 2 1
  OLEDDispString _msg3 false 3 1
  waitMillis 1000

to lineDrawTB {
  for r 6 {
    OLEDDispString _msg1 false r 1
    OLEDDispString _msg2 false (r + 1) 1
    OLEDDispString _msg3 false (r + 2) 1
    OLEDDispString '                ' false (maximum 1 (r - 1)) 1
    waitMillis delay

to 'linedraw framed Text' {
  comment 'Text with LineDraw characters'
  _msg1 = ''
  _msg2 = 'MicroBlocks'
  _msg3 = ''
  local 'delay' 100
  waitMillis 150
  waitMillis 150
  waitMillis 150

to mbitCharSet {
  comment 'Using Sprite capability to draw the micro:bit character set

of the LED Library Uses 5x5 matrix of letter instead of 8x8.'
  local 'c#' 1
  local 'r#' 1
  local 'string' 'Using Sprite capability  to draw the micro:bit    character set.'
  for c string {
    OLEDDrawSprite (OLEDMakeSprite 15237440 ('[display:mbShapeForLetter]' ('[data:unicodeAt]' 1 c))) r# c#
    c# += 5
    if (c# >= 125) {
      r# += 1
      c# = 1
  local 'c#' 1
  local 'r#' 5
  for c _cTABLE {
    OLEDDrawSprite (OLEDMakeSprite 15237440 ('[display:mbShapeForLetter]' ('[data:unicodeAt]' 1 c))) r# c#
    c# += 5
    if (c# >= 125) {
      r# += 1
      c# = 1

to textInGDBuffer {
  comment 'Treats character bitmaps as Sprite and draws them on GDBuffer
Drawn text is surrounded by a rectangle.
You can either OLEDShowGDBuffer after every character (slower)
or at the end (much faster).'
  OLEDContrast 1
  local 'C' 24
  for CHAR 'Text w Line' {
    OLEDDrawSprite ('_cBMP' CHAR false) 3 C
    C += 8
  waitMillis 2000
  OLEDDrawRect 20 12 112 28 true true 3
  waitMillis 3000
  OLEDDrawRect 20 12 112 28 false true 3

script 67 50 {
comment 'Please make sure to modify the OLEDInit blocks according to your display type and connectivity,
as well as provide the I2C address, and other pin info as it pertains to your environment.'

script 67 131 {
comment 'SPI '
OLEDInit_SPI 'OLED_2.42in' 16 8
OLEDContrast 1

script 439 145 {
comment 'I2C'
OLEDInit_I2C 'OLED_2.42in' '3C' 1
OLEDContrast 1
OLEDDispString 'Hello!' false

script 442 299 {
whenButtonPressed 'B'
comment 'Using Sprite capability to draw the micro:bit character set
of the LED Library Uses 5x5 matrix of letter instead of 8x8.'

script 63 323 {
whenButtonPressed 'A'
comment 'Display the character and linedraw set tables'

script 50 513 {
comment '====================== LIBRARY USE SAMPLES ARE PROVIDED BELOW ==========================

                                                        To run, click on each examples comment block.'

script 66 680 {
comment 'Full line of text'
OLEDDispString '0123456789ABCDEF' false

script 67 839 {
comment 'Adjust CONTRAST 1 - 4'

script 67 909 {
comment 'MicroBlocks Logo & Title'
'MBLogo and Title'

script 67 979 {
comment 'REVERSE VIDEO Test'
OLEDDispString '




' true

script 67 1170 {
comment 'Text framed with LineDraw characters'
'linedraw framed Text'

script 67 1240 {
comment 'In the examples below, you can set the _delayGDUpd field to TRUE and delay updating the display until alll image composition is complete.

Try it both ways to see the difference.'

script 67 1337 {
comment 'Lines from 0,0 to opposite y-range
Place OLEDShowGDBuffer into loops (slow)
or at the end (fast)'

script 67 1438 {
comment 'Draw Circles across the display
Center every 10 pixels,
Radius = 3'

script 67 1539 {
comment 'Concentric circles, out, in'

script 67 1609 {
comment 'Concentric Rectangles, in, in'

script 67 1679 {
comment '====================== SPRITE SPECIFIC EXAMPLES PROVIDED BELOW (Make use of the GDBuffer)  =========================='

script 67 1745 {
comment 'Make 2 Sprites and Loop them on display in horizontal and vertical directions.

Upon collision, display explosion pattern.'

script 67 1865 {
comment 'Treats character bitmaps as Sprite and draws them on GDBuffer
Drawn text is surrounded by a rectangle.
You can either OLEDShowGDBuffer after every character (slower)
or at the end (much faster).'

script 67 2000 {
comment 'Demo of Control Panel with 3 live values updated
Touch value is updated as an icon.'

script 67 2085 {
comment 'Picture of Jens & John
Reveals GDBuffer onto Display by random pixels.'
OLEDContrast 1
OLEDDrawPic _imgBMPTbl 'GDBuffer'
waitMillis 2000
waitMillis 2000
'_OLEDReveal' 0
waitMillis 4000

script 67 2403 {
comment 'AV Control Panel
Displays equalizer bars with a picture show of MB team.
On SPI displays, adjust speed 1000 - 10000000.'
'[sensors:spiSetup]' 10000000
local 'picBMPs' ('[data:makeList]')
'[data:addLast]' _imgBMPTbl picBMPs
'[data:addLast]' _imgBMPTbl picBMPs
'[data:addLast]' _imgBMPTbl picBMPs
'[data:addLast]' _imgBMPTbl picBMPs
OLEDContrast 4
OLEDDrawPic _imgBMPTbl 'GDBuffer'
for i 200 {
  if ((i % 25) == 0) {
    _begRow = 1
    _begCol = 90
    _picNo = (random 1 4)
    '_toGDBuffer' (at _picNo picBMPs)
  local 'c' 0
  repeat 9 {
    c += 8
    r = 5
    repeat (random 1 4) {
      OLEDDrawSprite (newList 7 119) r c
      r += -1
  for i 4 {
    OLEDDrawSprite (newList 72 0) (1 + i) 8

module '32BR'
author unknown
version 1 0 
description ''
variables _imgBMPTbl _imgBMPTbl2 

	spec ' ' 'BR1' 'BR1'
	spec ' ' 'BRPIC' 'BRPIC'

to BR1 {
  comment 'Make this custom block P1'
  local '_img1' ('[data:join]' '' '3C,DE,80,01/1F,00,81,02/1F,00,80,00/07,1C,80,00/1B,F0,C0,00/1B,C8,03,00/1F,F8,0F,00/1B,F8,1D,00/07,F8,3D,00/07,F8,79,00/07,F8,F8,00/07,FC,F0,01/07,FC,F8,01/07,FC,DD,30/01,FE,7F,22/01,FE,7F,03/01,FE,7F,06/01,FF,BC,04/01,7E,3C,08/03,7F,34,00/03,3F,84,00/03,3F,2C,02/07,3E,BC,00/03,7E,3E,01/03,7C,3F,01/07,78,FF,01/0B,F8,FF,81/0D,F0,BF,C0/1D,C0,7F,E0/15,00,00,F0/71,00,00,7C/71,A9,11,3')
  _imgBMPTbl = ('[data:join]' _imgBMPTbl ('[data:split]' _img1 '/'))

to BRPIC {
  comment 'Make this custom block PIC. 

Assembles a user PICTURE into the 

global _imgBMPTbl

Delimiter is "comma" uni(44)

Picture lines are "/" terminated.'
  _imgBMPTbl = ('[data:makeList]')

module '32JM'
author unknown
version 1 0 
description ''
variables _imgBMPTbl _imgBMPTbl2 

	spec ' ' 'JM1' 'JM1'
	spec ' ' 'JMPIC' 'JMPIC'

to JM1 {
  comment 'Make this custom block P1'
  local '_img1' ('[data:join]' '' '7F,E0,D4,FF/FF,3F,C0,FF/DF,BF,80,FF/0F,03,E0,F1/8F,00,00,C0/03,00,00,00/09,38,00,00/1C,40,01,00/0F,B1,02,00/8F,E8,55,00/DF,C8,EA,00/CF,28,01,00/CF,14,00,00/9F,04,00,00/1F,00,00,00/7F,04,03,08/FF,0F,03,35/FF,9F,83,2A/9F,DF,03,5D/DF,9C,87,3F/DF,FC,87,7F/DF,BC,8F,7F/FF,7C,DE,FF/FF,FD,FB,FF/FF,FF,FF,FF/FF,FF,FF,FF/FF,FF,FF,7F/FF,FF,FF,1F/FE,FF,FF,BF/F8,FF,FF,33/F0,FF,7F,00/E0,FF,1F,0')
  _imgBMPTbl = ('[data:join]' _imgBMPTbl ('[data:split]' _img1 '/'))

to JMPIC {
  comment 'Make this custom block PIC. 

Assembles a user PICTURE into the 

global _imgBMPTbl

Delimiter is "comma" uni(44)

Picture lines are "/" terminated.'
  _imgBMPTbl = ('[data:makeList]')

module '32JMo'
author unknown
version 1 0 
description ''
variables _imgBMPTbl _imgBMPTbl2 

	spec ' ' 'JMo1' 'JMo1'
	spec ' ' 'JMoPIC' 'JMoPIC'

to JMo1 {
  comment 'Make this custom block P1'
  local '_img1' ('[data:join]' '' '00,F8,FF,FF/00,00,FE,FF/00,80,F8,FF/00,00,E0,FF/00,00,DE,FF/00,00,F8,FF/00,00,00,FC/00,00,00,B0/00,06,3C,E0/80,03,FF,08/9E,0B,FD,03/FF,8B,3E,07/FF,5B,0C,0F/FF,0F,0C,0E/FF,0F,82,1C/FF,07,88,38/FF,0F,80,F9/FF,3F,E0,F9/FF,FF,FD,FF/FF,FF,9F,FF/FF,FF,9F,FF/FF,EF,FF,FF/FF,FB,EF,FF/FF,FF,7F,FF/FF,FF,FF,FF/FE,FF,FF,FF/FB,FF,FF,FF/FF,FF,FF,FF/FF,FF,FF,FF/FF,FF,FF,03/FF,1F,80,FF/FF,1F,80,F')
  _imgBMPTbl = ('[data:join]' _imgBMPTbl ('[data:split]' _img1 '/'))

to JMoPIC {
  comment 'Make this custom block PIC. 

Assembles a user PICTURE into the 

global _imgBMPTbl

Delimiter is "comma" uni(44)

Picture lines are "/" terminated.'
  _imgBMPTbl = ('[data:makeList]')

module '32KG'
author unknown
version 1 0 
description ''
variables _imgBMPTbl _imgBMPTbl2 

	spec ' ' 'KG1' 'KG1'
	spec ' ' 'KGPIC' 'KGPIC'

to KG1 {
  comment 'Make this custom block P1'
  local '_img1' ('[data:join]' '' 'FF,0F,00,FC/FF,FF,FF,FF/3F,24,01,FE/3F,E0,7F,70/1F,FE,FF,01/FF,FF,FF,AF/FB,FF,FF,FF/FF,FF,FF,FF/FF,FB,FF,FF/FF,FB,FF,BF/FF,F1,BF,7F/FF,FB,BF,7F/FF,FB,3B,3F/FF,FF,3F,7D/FF,FF,3B,0D/FF,7F,92,1E/FF,0F,70,0B/FF,03,50,0D/FF,7B,3B,06/FF,FF,FF,07/FE,DF,3F,00/F1,C6,3F,00/80,CC,07,00/00,8E,0B,00/00,00,00,00/00,00,00,00/00,00,00,00/00,00,00,00/00,00,00,00/03,00,00,00/0E,00,00,00/15,00,00,0')
  _imgBMPTbl = ('[data:join]' _imgBMPTbl ('[data:split]' _img1 '/'))

to KGPIC {
  comment 'Make this custom block PIC. 

Assembles a user PICTURE into the 

global _imgBMPTbl

Delimiter is "comma" uni(44)

Picture lines are "/" terminated.'
  _imgBMPTbl = ('[data:makeList]')

module 'Basic Sensors' Input
author MicroBlocks
version 1 1 
tags tilt acceleration light sensor 
choices accelerometerRange '1' '2' '4' '8' 
description 'Provides blocks to read tilt in the three axes, acceleration, temperature and light level. Many boards come with this particular set of sensors, such as the micro:bit, the Circuit Playground Express, the Calliope or the Citilab ED1.'

	spec 'r' '[sensors:tiltX]' 'tilt x'
	spec 'r' '[sensors:tiltY]' 'tilt y'
	spec 'r' '[sensors:tiltZ]' 'tilt z'
	spec 'r' '[sensors:acceleration]' 'acceleration'
	spec 'r' '[display:lightLevel]' 'light level'
	spec 'r' '[sensors:temperature]' 'temperature (C)'
	spec ' ' '_setAccelRange' 'set acceleration range _ g = 100' 'menu.accelerometerRange' '1'

to '_setAccelRange' n {
  '[sensors:setAccelerometerRange]' (0 + n)

module BunnyPic
author unknown
version 1 0 
description ''
variables _imgBMPTbl 

	spec ' ' 'B1' 'B1'
	spec ' ' 'B2' 'B2'
	spec ' ' 'BunnyPIC' 'BunnyPIC'

to B1 {
  comment 'Make this custom block P1'
  local '_img1' ('[data:join]' '' '00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00/00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00/00,00,00,00,C0,FF,03,00/00,F8,07,00,F8,00,1E,00/00,FE,FF,00,1E,00,70,00/80,03,C0,8F,03,00,C0,00/E0,00,00,FC,00,00,80,01/30,00,00,60,00,00,00,03/18,00,00,00,00,00,00,06/0C,00,00,00,00,00,00,0C/04,00,00,06,00,00,00,18/06,00,F8,07,00,00,00,10/C2,FF,3F,06,00,00,00,30/FB,00,00,06,00,00,08,20/8F,FF,0F,02,00,00,08,60/E2,00,FF,03,00,00,10,40/30,00,80,03,00,00,20,40/18,00,00,00,00,E0,20,C0/0C,00,00,00,00,E0,40,C0/04,00,00,00,00,60,40,80/06,00,00,00,00,00,C0,81/02,00,80,03,00,00,C2,87/03,00,FE,03,00,00,86,86/C3,FF,1F,03,00,00,FE,C3/F9,00,00,02,00,00,FE,C3/0F,00,00,02,00,00,46,42/02,00,00,02,00,20,C0,43/00,00,00,06,00,70,40,60/00,00,00,06,00,70,40,60/00,00,00,04,00,00,20,20/00,00,00,0C,00,00,20,30/00,00,00,08,00,00,10,18')
  _imgBMPTbl = ('[data:join]' _imgBMPTbl ('[data:split]' _img1 '/'))

to B2 {
  comment 'Make this custom block P2'
  local '_img2' ('[data:join]' '' '00,00,00,18,00,00,08,08/00,00,00,30,00,00,00,0C/00,00,00,60,00,00,00,06/00,00,00,C0,00,00,00,03/00,00,00,80,03,00,C0,01/00,00,00,00,0E,00,60,00/00,00,00,00,38,00,3C,00/00,00,00,00,E0,FF,0F,00/00,00,00,00,00,FE,00,00/00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00')
  _imgBMPTbl = ('[data:join]' _imgBMPTbl ('[data:split]' _img2 '/'))

to BunnyPIC {
  comment 'Make this custom block PIC. 

Assembles a user PICTURE into the 

global _imgBMPTbl

Delimiter is "comma" uni(44)

Picture lines are "comma + /" terminated.'
  _imgBMPTbl = ('[data:makeList]')

module JensJohnPic
author unknown
version 1 0 
description ''
variables _imgBMPTbl 

	spec ' ' 'JJ1' 'JJ1'
	spec ' ' 'JJ2' 'JJ2'
	spec ' ' 'JJ3' 'JJ3'
	spec ' ' 'JJ4' 'JJ4'
	spec ' ' 'JJPIC' 'JJPIC'

to JJ1 {
  comment 'Make this custom block P1'
  local '_img1' ('[data:join]' '' 'FF,7F,00,FE,FF,FF,FF,FF/FF,1F,00,FC,FF,FF,FF,7F/FF,07,00,E0,FF,FF,FF,7F/FF,03,00,80,FF,FF,FF,7F/FF,01,00,00,E0,FF,FF,BF/FF,00,00,00,00,FF,FF,BF/7F,00,00,00,00,FC,FF,FF/1F,00,00,00,00,F0,FF,FF/0F,00,00,00,00,C0,FF,FF/0F,00,00,00,00,87,FF,FF/09,00,00,00,00,00,FF,1F/01,00,00,00,00,00,FC,E7/00,00,00,00,00,00,F0,E3/00,00,00,00,00,00,C0,F3/00,00,00,00,00,00,00,63/00,00,00,00,00,00,00,F8/01,00,00,00,00,00,00,C0/00,00,00,08,00,00,00,00/00,00,00,0C,00,00,00,00/00,00,0E,0E,00,00,0E,00/00,00,0F,4F,00,04,3C,00/00,80,FF,4F,00,00,3C,00/00,E0,FF,4F,00,00,18,00/00,F0,FF,1F,00,00,00,00/00,F8,FF,1F,00,00,00,00/00,FD,FF,3F,00,00,00,00/80,FF,FF,1F,00,00,02,00/C0,FF,FF,3F,00,00,06,00/C0,FF,FF,FF,00,80,06,07/C0,FF,FF,FF,03,40,C6,03/C0,FF,FF,FF,1F,0F,C7,3F/E0,FF,FF,FF,FF,0F,EF,7F')
  _imgBMPTbl = ('[data:join]' _imgBMPTbl ('[data:split]' _img1 '/'))

to JJ2 {
  comment 'Make this custom block P2'
  local '_img2' ('[data:join]' '' 'C0,FF,FF,FF,FF,0F,EF,FF/81,FF,FF,3F,FE,87,F7,FF/01,FF,FF,1B,FE,E3,F7,FF/01,FE,FF,1B,FE,F3,FB,FF/01,FC,FF,9F,FF,E3,FC,FF/01,F8,FF,FF,FF,67,FE,FF/03,F0,FF,FF,FF,7F,FF,FF/07,C0,FF,DF,FF,7F,FF,FF/07,00,FE,FF,FF,77,FF,FF/0F,08,FC,FF,FF,EF,FF,FF/FF,FF,FF,FF,FF,FF,FF,FF/FF,FF,FF,FF,FF,FF,FF,FF/FF,FF,FF,FF,FF,FF,FF,7F/FF,FF,FF,FF,FF,FF,FF,07/FF,FF,FF,FF,FF,FF,07,E0/FF,FF,FF,FF,01,80,07,FE/00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00/D0,FF,FF,FF,FF,FF,FF,FF/90,FF,FF,FF,FF,FF,FF,FF/80,FF,3F,00,E0,F8,FF,FF/00,FF,1F,E0,00,F8,FF,FF/00,FF,FF,FF,00,F8,FF,FF/00,FF,FF,FF,00,F0,FF,FF/00,F6,03,0F,00,C0,FF,FF/00,FE,C1,01,00,BE,F8,FF/00,FB,00,00,00,00,E0,FF/80,FF,00,00,00,00,00,7F/C0,1F,00,00,00,00,00,7C/E0,0F,00,00,00,00,00,70/F0,07,00,00,00,00,00,38/F8,E7,00,00,00,00,00,00/FC,FF,01,E0,01,00,00,00')
  _imgBMPTbl = ('[data:join]' _imgBMPTbl ('[data:split]' _img2 '/'))

to JJ3 {
  comment 'Make this custom block P3'
  local '_img3' ('[data:join]' '' 'FC,FF,71,F8,07,00,00,00/FE,FF,71,F8,0F,0E,00,00/FE,FF,71,F8,07,0C,00,00/FE,FF,71,EC,01,00,00,00/FF,FF,71,3C,00,00,00,00/FF,FF,71,34,00,00,00,00/FF,FF,23,02,00,00,00,00/FF,FF,03,00,00,00,00,00/FF,FF,0F,00,00,00,00,00/FF,FF,3F,04,18,00,00,00/FF,FF,7F,1E,1C,00,00,00/FF,FF,FF,1F,1E,00,3E,00/FF,FF,FF,FF,1E,C0,3F,00/FF,FF,FF,BF,1F,E0,3F,00/FF,FF,E3,1F,1F,E0,7F,00/FF,FF,73,3E,3F,E0,7F,00/FE,FF,33,7E,3F,E0,FF,00/FE,FF,33,FE,7F,F0,FF,80/FE,FF,33,FE,FF,F0,FF,81/FE,FF,73,FC,FF,FD,FF,C7/FC,FF,77,FE,FF,FF,FF,EF/FC,FF,77,FE,FF,FF,FF,FF/F8,FF,FF,FE,FF,FF,FF,FF/F8,FF,FF,FF,FF,FF,FF,FF/80,FF,FF,FF,FF,FF,FF,FF/00,FF,FF,FF,FF,FF,FF,9F/00,FE,FF,FF,FF,FF,7F,00/00,F8,FF,FF,FF,FF,1F,00/00,F8,FF,F5,FF,FF,0C,00/00,C0,FF,DF,FF,FF,FF,0F/00,80,FF,FF,FF,FF,20,F0/00,00,FF,FF,FF,0F,00,00')
  _imgBMPTbl = ('[data:join]' _imgBMPTbl ('[data:split]' _img3 '/'))

to JJ4 {
  comment 'Make this custom block P4'
  local '_img4' ('[data:join]' '' '00,00,FE,FF,FF,03,00,00/00,00,FC,FF,FF,01,00,00/00,00,F8,FF,FF,03,00,00/00,00,E0,FF,FF,03,00,00/00,00,00,FF,FF,00,00,00/00,00,00,F8,1F,00,00,00/00,00,00,80,30,F4,3F,02/00,00,00,00,00,00,FF,FF')
  _imgBMPTbl = ('[data:join]' _imgBMPTbl ('[data:split]' _img4 '/'))

to JJPIC {
  comment 'Make this custom block PIC. 

Assembles a user PICTURE into the 

global _imgBMPTbl

Delimiter is "comma" uni(44)

Picture lines are "comma + /" terminated.'
  _imgBMPTbl = ('[data:makeList]')

module 'LED Display' Output
author MicroBlocks
version 1 2 
tags pixel matrix led tft 
description 'Display primitives for the 5x5 LED display on the BBC micro:bit, Calliope mini and M5Atom Matrix. Boards with TFT displays (such as the Citilab ED1 or the M5Stack family) also support this primitives in a simulated "fat pixel" display.'
variables _stop_scrolling_text 

	spec ' ' '[display:mbDisplay]' 'display _' 'microbitDisplay' 15237440
	spec ' ' '[display:mbDisplayOff]' 'clear display'
	spec ' ' '[display:mbPlot]' 'plot x _ y _' 'num num' 3 3
	spec ' ' '[display:mbUnplot]' 'unplot x _ y _' 'num num' 3 3
	spec ' ' 'displayCharacter' 'display character _' 'str' 'A'
	spec ' ' 'scroll_text' 'scroll text _ : pausing _ ms' 'str num' 'HELLO ROSA!' 100
	spec ' ' 'stopScrollingText' 'stop scrolling'

to displayCharacter s {
  s = ('[data:join]' '' s)
  if ((size s) == 0) {
    return 0
  '[display:mbDrawShape]' ('[display:mbShapeForLetter]' (at 1 s))

to scroll_text text optionalDelay {
  text = ('[data:join]' text '')
  delay = 100
  if ((pushArgCount) > 1) {
    delay = optionalDelay
  _stop_scrolling_text = (booleanConstant false)
  local 'length' (size text)
  for position ((length * 6) + 6) {
    if _stop_scrolling_text {return 0}
    for i length {
      '[display:mbDrawShape]' ('[display:mbShapeForLetter]' ('[data:unicodeAt]' i text)) (((i * 6) + 2) - position) 1
    waitMillis delay

to stopScrollingText {
  _stop_scrolling_text = (booleanConstant true)
  waitMillis 10

module 'Misc Primitives'
author MicroBlocks
version 1 1 
description 'Miscellaneous system primitives.'

	spec ' ' 'noop' 'no op'
	spec ' ' 'ignoreArgs' 'ignore : _ : ...' 'auto' 0
	spec 'r' 'pushArgCount' 'arg count'
	spec 'r' 'getArg' 'arg _' 'num' 0
	spec 'r' 'longMult' '( _ * _ ) >> _' 'num num num' 1024 2048 10
	spec 'r' '[misc:sin]' 'fixed sine _' 'num' 9000

module MusicPanel
author unknown
version 1 0 
description ''
variables _imgBMPTbl _imgBMPTbl2 

	spec ' ' 'MP1' 'MP1'
	spec ' ' 'MP2' 'MP2'
	spec ' ' 'MP3' 'MP3'
	spec ' ' 'MP4' 'MP4'
	spec ' ' 'MPPIC' 'MPPIC'

to MP1 {
  comment 'Make this custom block P1'
  local '_img1' ('[data:join]' '' 'FC,FF,FF,FF,FF,1F,00,00/04,00,00,00,00,10,00,00/F4,FF,FF,FF,FF,97,FF,3F/14,01,00,00,00,95,00,20/14,00,00,00,00,94,FE,2F/14,00,00,00,00,94,FE,2F/14,00,00,00,00,94,40,20/14,00,00,00,00,94,E0,20/14,00,00,00,00,94,F8,23/14,00,00,00,00,94,FC,27/14,00,00,00,00,94,FE,2F/14,00,00,00,00,94,FE,2F/14,00,00,00,00,94,E0,20/14,00,00,00,00,94,F8,23/14,00,00,00,00,94,FC,27/14,00,00,00,00,94,FE,2F/14,00,00,00,00,94,FE,2F/14,00,00,00,00,94,00,20/14,00,00,00,00,94,00,20/14,00,00,00,00,94,FF,3F/14,00,00,00,00,14,00,00/14,00,00,00,00,14,00,00/14,00,00,00,00,14,00,00/14,00,00,00,00,94,FF,3F/14,00,00,00,00,94,00,20/14,00,00,00,00,94,FE,2F/14,00,00,00,00,94,FE,2F/14,00,00,00,00,94,FC,27/14,00,00,00,00,94,FC,27/14,00,00,00,00,94,F8,23/14,00,00,00,00,94,F8,23/14,00,00,00,00,94,F8,23')
  _imgBMPTbl = ('[data:join]' _imgBMPTbl ('[data:split]' _img1 '/'))

to MP2 {
  comment 'Make this custom block P2'
  local '_img2' ('[data:join]' '' '14,00,00,00,00,94,F0,21/14,00,00,00,00,94,F0,21/14,00,00,00,00,94,F0,21/14,00,00,00,00,94,E0,20/14,00,00,00,00,94,E0,20/14,00,00,00,00,94,40,20/14,00,00,00,00,94,40,20/14,00,00,00,00,94,00,20/14,00,00,00,00,94,FF,3F/14,00,00,00,00,14,00,00/14,00,00,00,00,14,00,00/14,00,00,00,00,14,00,00/14,00,00,00,00,94,FF,3F/14,00,00,00,00,94,00,20/14,00,00,00,00,94,00,20/14,00,00,00,00,94,FE,2F/14,00,00,00,00,94,FE,2F/14,00,00,00,00,94,FE,2F/14,00,00,00,00,94,FE,2F/14,00,00,00,00,94,FE,2F/14,00,00,00,00,94,FE,2F/14,00,00,00,00,94,FE,2F/14,00,00,00,00,94,FE,2F/14,00,00,00,00,94,FE,2F/14,00,00,00,00,94,FE,2F/14,00,00,00,00,94,FE,2F/14,00,00,00,00,94,FE,2F/14,00,00,00,00,94,00,20/14,00,00,00,00,94,00,20/14,00,00,00,00,94,FF,3F/14,00,00,00,00,14,00,00/14,00,00,00,00,14,00,00')
  _imgBMPTbl = ('[data:join]' _imgBMPTbl ('[data:split]' _img2 '/'))

to MP3 {
  comment 'Make this custom block P3'
  local '_img3' ('[data:join]' '' '14,00,00,00,00,14,00,00/14,00,00,00,00,14,00,00/14,00,00,00,00,94,FF,3F/14,00,00,00,00,94,00,20/14,00,00,00,00,94,00,20/14,00,00,00,00,94,00,20/14,00,00,00,00,94,FE,2F/14,00,00,00,00,94,FE,2F/14,00,00,00,00,94,FE,2F/14,00,00,00,00,94,FE,2F/14,00,00,00,00,94,00,20/14,00,00,00,00,94,00,20/14,00,00,00,00,94,FE,2F/14,00,00,00,00,94,FE,2F/14,00,00,00,00,94,FE,2F/14,00,00,00,00,94,FE,2F/14,00,00,00,00,94,00,20/14,00,00,00,00,94,00,20/14,00,00,00,00,94,00,20/F4,FF,FF,FF,FF,97,FF,3F/04,00,00,00,00,10,00,00/F4,FF,FF,FF,FF,17,00,00/14,00,00,00,00,14,00,00/14,00,00,00,00,94,FF,3F/14,00,00,00,00,94,00,20/14,00,00,00,00,94,00,20/14,01,00,00,80,94,FE,2F/14,00,00,00,00,94,FE,2F/14,00,00,00,00,94,FC,27/14,00,00,00,00,94,F8,23/14,00,00,00,00,94,E0,20/14,00,00,00,00,94,FE,2F')
  _imgBMPTbl = ('[data:join]' _imgBMPTbl ('[data:split]' _img3 '/'))

to MP4 {
  comment 'Make this custom block P4'
  local '_img4' ('[data:join]' '' '14,00,00,00,00,94,FE,2F/14,00,00,00,00,94,FC,27/14,00,00,00,00,94,F8,23/14,00,00,00,00,94,E0,20/14,00,00,00,00,94,40,20/14,00,00,00,00,94,FE,2F/14,00,00,00,00,94,FE,2F/14,00,00,00,00,94,00,20/14,00,00,00,00,94,FF,3F/14,00,00,00,00,14,00,00/14,00,00,00,00,14,00,00/14,00,00,00,00,14,00,00/14,00,00,00,00,94,FF,3F/14,00,00,00,00,94,00,20/14,00,00,00,00,94,08,22/14,00,00,00,00,94,08,22/14,00,00,00,00,94,08,22/14,00,00,00,00,94,10,21/14,00,00,00,00,94,E0,20/14,00,00,00,00,94,C0,20/14,00,00,00,00,94,20,21/14,00,00,00,00,94,10,22/14,00,00,00,00,94,08,22/14,00,00,00,00,94,08,22/14,01,00,00,00,94,BE,2F/14,00,00,00,80,94,1C,27/14,00,00,00,00,94,08,22/14,00,00,00,00,94,00,20/14,00,00,00,00,94,00,20/F4,FF,FF,FF,FF,97,FF,3F/04,00,00,00,00,10,00,00/FC,FF,FF,FF,FF,1F,00,00')
  _imgBMPTbl = ('[data:join]' _imgBMPTbl ('[data:split]' _img4 '/'))

to MPPIC {
  comment 'Make this custom block PIC. 

Assembles a user PICTURE into the 

global _imgBMPTbl

Delimiter is "comma" uni(44)

Picture lines are "comma + /" terminated.'
  _imgBMPTbl = ('[data:makeList]')

module 'OLED128x64(1306-09)'
author 'Turgut Guneysu'
version 2 3.5 
depends Strings miscPrims 
choices ModeMenu Horizontal Vertical 
choices TargetMenu Display GDBuffer 
choices OnOffMenu On Off 
choices VideoMenu Inverse Normal 
choices ScrollMenu1 Right Left 
choices ScrollMenu2 'Vert-Right' 'Vert-Left' 
choices LineMenu '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' 
choices DispTypeMenu 'OLED_0.96in' 'OLED_2.42in' 
description 'Supports 0.96in and 2.42in OLED Displays with SD1306 and SD1309 chipsets. Comm mode is I2C or SPI. 
- fix pixel off logic
- name change
variables OLEDReady OLEDi2cAddr _GDBufReady _GDBuffer _INITseq _begCol _begRow _cHexTBL _cLINEUniTBL _cList _comma _cStarts _cTABLE _clearSprite _col _comMode _dList _dcPin _delayGDUpd _displayType _endCol _endRow _hexTbl _imgBMPTbl _lineHexTBL _lineTABLE _resetPin _row char invFlag timer _cmdPrefix 

	spec ' ' 'OLEDInit_I2C' 'OLEDInit_I2C _ I2CAddr(hex) _ ResetPin# _' 'str.DispTypeMenu auto auto' 'OLED_0.96in' '3C' 0
	spec ' ' 'OLEDInit_SPI' 'OLEDInit_SPI _ D/CPin# _ ResetPin# _' 'str.DispTypeMenu auto auto' 'OLED_2.42in' 16 8
	spec ' ' 'OLEDClear' 'OLEDClear'
	spec ' ' 'OLEDFlip' 'OLEDFlip'
	spec ' ' 'OLEDColMode' 'OLEDColMode Beg (1-16) _ End (1-16) _' 'auto auto' 1 16
	spec ' ' 'OLEDContrast' 'OLEDContrast (1-4) _' 'auto' 2
	spec ' ' 'OLEDCursorReset' 'OLEDCursorReset'
	spec ' ' 'OLEDDisplay' 'OLEDDisplay _' 'str.OnOffMenu' 'On'
	spec ' ' 'OLEDDispString' 'OLEDDispString _ InvYN _ : Row (1-8) _ Col (1-16) _' 'auto bool auto auto' 'Hello!' false 1 1
	spec ' ' 'OLEDDrawCircle' 'OLEDDrawCircle Cx (0-127) _ Cy (0-63) _ R _ Pix On _' 'auto auto auto bool' 64 32 '10' true
	spec ' ' 'OLEDDrawLine' 'OLEDDrawLine x0 (0-127) _ y0 (0-63) _ x1 _ y1 _ pixOn _' 'auto auto auto auto bool' 0 0 127 63 true
	spec ' ' 'OLEDDrawPic' 'OLEDDrawPic ImgList _ To _ : Row (0-7) _ Col (0-127) _' 'auto str.TargetMenu auto auto' '' 'Display' 0 0
	spec ' ' 'OLEDDrawRect' 'OLEDDrawRect TLx (0-127) _ TLy (0-63) _ BRx _ BRy _ Pix On _ Rounded _ R(3-15) _' 'auto auto auto auto bool bool auto' 0 0 127 63 true false 3
	spec ' ' 'OLEDDrawSprite' 'OLEDDrawSprite _ Row (1-8) _ Col (1-128) _' 'auto auto auto' 0 1 1
	spec ' ' 'OLEDDrawString' 'OLEDDrawString _ Row (1-8) _ Col (1-128) _ InvYN _' 'auto auto auto bool' 'Hello!' 1 1 false
	spec 'r' 'OLEDMakeSprite' 'OLEDMakeSprite _ : sprSeed(0-33554431) _' 'microbitDisplay auto' 15237440 0
	spec ' ' 'OLEDMode' 'OLEDMode _' 'str.ModeMenu' 'Horizontal'
	spec ' ' 'OLEDPixel' 'OLEDPixel Px (0-127) _ Py (0-63) _ Pix On _' 'auto auto bool' 0 0 true
	spec ' ' 'OLEDSetVideo' 'OLEDSetVideo _' 'str.VideoMenu' 'Inverse'
	spec ' ' 'OLEDShowGDBuffer' 'OLEDShowGDBuffer'
	spec ' ' 'OLEDZoomMode' 'OLEDZoomMode _' 'str.OnOffMenu' 'On'
	spec ' ' '_GDDRAMoff' '_GDDRAMoff'
	spec ' ' '_GDDRAMon' '_GDDRAMon'
	spec ' ' '_L1' '_L1'
	spec ' ' '_L2' '_L2'
	spec ' ' '_OLEDReset' '_OLEDReset Pin# _' 'auto' '0'
	spec ' ' '_OLEDReveal' '_OLEDReveal Delay(ms) _' 'auto' 0
	spec ' ' '_OLEDScroll-RL' '_OLEDScroll-RL _ BegRow (1-8) _ EndRow _ BegCol (1-128) _ EndCol _' 'str.ScrollMenu1 auto auto auto auto' 'Right' 1 8 1 128
	spec ' ' '_OLEDScroll-VRL' '_OLEDScroll-VRL _ BegRow (1-8) _ EndRow _ #Hor (0-1) _ #Ver (0-63) _ BegCol (1-128) _ EndCol _' 'str.ScrollMenu2 auto auto auto auto auto auto' 'Vert-Right' 1 8 0 1 1 128
	spec ' ' '_OLEDStopScroll' '_OLEDStopScroll'
	spec ' ' '_SPIWriteCmd' '_SPIWriteCmd'
	spec ' ' '_SPIWriteData' '_SPIWriteData'
	spec ' ' '_T1' '_T1'
	spec ' ' '_T2' '_T2'
	spec ' ' '_T3' '_T3'
	spec ' ' '_T4' '_T4'
	spec 'r' '_bufPtr2rc' '_bufPtr2rc _' 'auto' '10'
	spec ' ' '_buildHexTBL' '_buildHexTBL'

This file has been truncated, please download it to see its full contents.


Turgut Guneysu
2 projects • 3 followers
I am a retired computer professional from the USA, living in Cappadocia, Turkey.
Thanks to John Maloney, Jens Moenig, and Bernat Romagosa.
