-->A thought of "how does the hardware components like Micro controller, Micro prossesor work?" inspired us to work with Iot based project.
What it does-->It captures the data from the different type of sensors like Accelometer, LED, LCD etc.
How we built it-->We made it using ESP32(Notecard), Armchip(Notecarrier), Jumper wires, Accelometer. In this we pass the data captured by accelometer is transfer to ESP32 which is connected to armchip. By using jumper wires data is tranfer to armchip.
Challenges we ran into-->As this is our first IoT based project we are not much familiar with configuration and function that used to run the hardware components, it takes too much time. Sometimes we had to repeat the same and same process with a little change for the correct output.
Accomplishments that we're proud of-->We are proud that we had work with our first IoT based project.
What we learned-->We learned how to pass data to Notecarrier device from Notecard devices.
What's next for The ESP32 Elite