With The Water Specialists' Flood Detection System you'll never have to worry again about water issues in your home. Place the sensor anywhere that you foresee a water leak occurring and be alerted through your smartphone as soon as water is detected. Give yourself that extra piece of mind while you're on vacation or just at work that your house is dry.
Pictured below is the setup of the two particle photons. The particle with the wires coming out of it is the one used to sense the presence of water and publish an event to the cloud. The second particle can be placed anywhere you'd like and will illuminate the D7 LED when water is detected by the first particle. An IFTTT notification is also sent to your cell phone when the first particle detects water and publishes the event of Flood_status with event contents of "Hey! Your basement is flooding!" to the cloud.
The following picture shows how the sensor wires are positioned in order to detect water. The water completes the circuit when both wires are submerged in it. These wires can be positioned anywhere you would like to keep an eye on the presence of water. The tape was our method of keeping the wires in place but they can be held in place using other methods. The wires can also be any length you desire so that the particle can be placed a safe distance from the area where there is a possibility of water.
Watch the particle detect water, publish an event to the cloud and notify the homeowner here.
The following picture is an example of the graphing portion of the flood detection system. ATOMIOT was used for this. The program reads events published to the cloud. When water is detected the event Flood_status with event contents of "Hey! Your basement is flooding!" is published and the digital value goes to 1. When no water is detected the digital value is 0.
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