Thomas Garcia

Fan Condition Monitoring with the SAMD21 ML Eval Kit

Classify a fan's operational state on the SAMD21 ML Eval Kit using the SensiML Toolkit.

IntermediateFull instructions provided1.5 hours667

Things used in this project

Hardware components

SAMD21 Machine Learning Evaluation Kit with Bosch IMU
Microchip SAMD21 Machine Learning Evaluation Kit with Bosch IMU
Note that the TDK variant of the evaluation kit (Mikroe IMU14 click board) cannot be used directly with this firmware because the sensor does not natively support the sample rate that was used when developing the fan classifier model.

Software apps and online services

Microchip MPLAB X IDE
SensiML Analytics Toolkit
SensiML Analytics Toolkit


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SAMD21 Fan Condition Monitoring Demo Github Repository

Includes firmware and MPLAB X project files for the fan condition monitoring demo using the Bosch IMU sensor.

SAMD21 Fan Condition Monitoring Demo GitHub Releases Page

Latest release of the fan condition monitoring demo project. Includes the dataset used in this tutorial, pre-built firmware images for fan operation state classification, and pre-built firmware images for data collection.

SAMD21 ML Eval Kit Data Logger Github Repository

Data logger firmware for the SAMD21 ML Eval Kit (SAM-IoT + MikroE IMU2/IMU14 Click Board).


Thomas Garcia
5 projects • 8 followers
Applications Engineer, Microchip Technology.
