Published © GPL3+

RepRap 3-Dimentional Additive Manufacturing Printer with IOT

Self-replicating, rapid prototyping open source 3D printer using an Arduino 101 that can be controlled via Internet.

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RepRap 3-Dimentional Additive Manufacturing Printer with IOT

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino 101
Arduino 101
Arduino Mega 2560
Arduino Mega 2560
3DR Ramps v1.4
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
Wire Cable - By the Foot
OpenBuilds Wire Cable - By the Foot
3DR cooling fan
3DR PLA filament
Stepper motor driver board A4988
SparkFun Stepper motor driver board A4988
NEMA 17 Stepper Motor
OpenBuilds NEMA 17 Stepper Motor
3DR heat sinks
industrial power supply
Idler Pulley Plate
OpenBuilds Idler Pulley Plate
Ball Bearing – 625 2RS 5x16x5
OpenBuilds Ball Bearing – 625 2RS 5x16x5
end stop switches
connecting rods
wooden frame
power chord
glass plate
heat bed
e3d extruder
SparkFun Serial Enabled 16x2 LCD - White on Black 3.3V
SparkFun Serial Enabled 16x2 LCD - White on Black 3.3V
Raspberry Pi 2 Model B
Raspberry Pi 2 Model B
I use a Pi2, but a B or B+ can be used as well. I do not know if older versions are up to the task.
MicroSD Card (Generic)
Ethernet Cable (Generic)
Or Wi-fi usb adapter.

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE
Arduino Web Editor
Arduino Web Editor
octo pi

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
Hot glue gun (generic)
Hot glue gun (generic)
3DR kapton tape
3DR zip ties
3DR bolt and screws
3DR tension springs
Allen Wrench
OpenBuilds Allen Wrench
3DR usb cables


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Custom parts and enclosures

G-code and STL files

They are the design files for creating the 3dimentional objects from the design phase.


wiring diagram

they form the nervous system for the 3d printer

arduino mega 2560

it forms the brain of the system


marlin firmware

it forms the core of the system functions


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