Tolentino Cotesta
Published © Apache-2.0

Let's learn how to use finite state machine with Arduino

The finite state machines (FSMs) are significant for understanding the decision making logic as well as control the digital systems.

BeginnerProtip30 minutes12,837
Let's learn how to use finite state machine with Arduino

Things used in this project

Hardware components

LED (generic)
LED (generic)
You can use any led you want, preferably of a different color
Resistor 330 ohm
Resistor 330 ohm
Pushbutton switch 12mm
SparkFun Pushbutton switch 12mm
Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
Or any other development board you have, it doesn't matter which one it is

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Breadboard, 170 Pin
Breadboard, 170 Pin


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The sketch is quite simple as you can see, it is all "declarative".
The real job you you have to done carefully is define the automation model on paper, and then easily "translate" to states, transitions and actions.
#include <YA_FSM.h>  //

const byte BTN_CALL = 2;
const byte GREEN_LED = 12;
const byte YELLOW_LED = 11;
const byte RED_LED = 10;

// Create new FSM
YA_FSM stateMachine;

// State Alias
enum State {RED, GREEN, YELLOW, CALL};

// Helper for print labels instead integer when state change
const char * const stateName[] PROGMEM = { "RED", "GREEN", "YELLOW", "CALL"};

// Pedestrian traffic light -> green ligth ON until button pressed
#define YELLOW_TIME  2000
#define RED_TIME     10000
#define CALL_DELAY   5000

// Input (trig transition from GREEN to CALL state, the others transitions on timeout)
bool callButton = false;

// Output variables
bool redLed = false;
bool greenLed = false;
bool yellowLed = false;

/////////// STATE MACHINE CALLBACK FUNCTIONS //////////////////
// Define "on entering" callback function (the same for all "light" states)
void onEnter() {
  Serial.println(F(" light ON")); 
// Define "on leaving" callback function (the same for all "light"  states)
void onExit() {
  Serial.println(F(" light OFF\n"));
// Define "on enter" for CALL button state
void onEnterCall() {
  Serial.println(F("Call registered, please wait a little time.")); 

// Setup the State Machine
void setupStateMachine() {

  // Follow the order of defined enumeration for the state definition (will be used as index)
  // Add States => name,timeout, onEnter cb, onState cb, onLeave cb
  stateMachine.AddState(stateName[RED], RED_TIME, onEnter, nullptr, onExit);
  stateMachine.AddState(stateName[GREEN], 0, onEnter, nullptr, onExit);
  stateMachine.AddState(stateName[YELLOW], YELLOW_TIME, onEnter, nullptr, onExit);
  stateMachine.AddState(stateName[CALL], CALL_DELAY, onEnterCall, nullptr, nullptr);

  stateMachine.AddAction(RED, YA_FSM::N, redLed);        // N -> while state is active red led is ON
  stateMachine.AddAction(GREEN, YA_FSM::S, greenLed);    // S -> SET green led on
  stateMachine.AddAction(YELLOW, YA_FSM::R, greenLed);   // R -> RESET the green led
  stateMachine.AddAction(YELLOW, YA_FSM::N, yellowLed);  // N -> while state is active yellow led is ON

  // Add transitions with related trigger input callback functions
  // In this example it's just a simple lambda function that return state timeout value
  stateMachine.AddTransition(RED, GREEN, [](){return stateMachine.CurrentState()->timeout;} );    
  stateMachine.AddTransition(YELLOW, RED, [](){return stateMachine.CurrentState()->timeout;}  );
  stateMachine.AddTransition(CALL, YELLOW, [](){return stateMachine.CurrentState()->timeout;});
  stateMachine.AddTransition(GREEN, CALL, callButton);

void setup() {
  // Setup Input/Output
  pinMode(RED_LED, OUTPUT);
  while(!Serial) {}  // Needed for native USB port only
  Serial.println(F("Starting the Finite State Machine...\n"));

void loop() {
  // Read inputs
  callButton = (digitalRead(BTN_CALL) == LOW);

  // Update State Machine
    Serial.print(F("Active state: "));

  // Set outputs
  digitalWrite(RED_LED, redLed);
  digitalWrite(GREEN_LED, greenLed);
  digitalWrite(YELLOW_LED, yellowLed);



Tolentino Cotesta

Tolentino Cotesta

1 project • 0 followers
