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A Chronicle of Fails

A humanoid arm + hand prototype made of balsa wood

A Chronicle of Fails

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Due
Arduino Due
Arduino Leonardo
Arduino Leonardo
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
Balsa Wood parts
~75 main part on mechanical structure, have been made of balsa wood
CAD Application
Any CAD Application (preferably with 3D modeling capabilities) can be used.
Crafting Tools (Drills and Accessories)
Micro drill, drill bits, grinding and cutting accessories...
Hand Tools (Screwdrivers, Cutters, etc.)
pliers, utility/hobby knifes, screwdrivers...
SG90 Micro-servo motor
SG90 Micro-servo motor
SM-4303 Standard Servo Motor
Flat Washer 1/4" Screw Size
OpenBuilds Flat Washer 1/4" Screw Size
PCB 8x2 cm
Header Pins
Packaging Rubber Bands
lots of them are used since they loose elasticity in time.
Fishing Ropes
meters of fishing ropes are used in parts
PVC Tube, 6mm diameter
~1m by cutting into parts
PVC Pipe 40mm Diameter
~10cm part on Upper Arm-Shoulder joint
PVC Pipe 25mm Diameter
~10cm part on Upper Arm-Shoulder joint
Glass Nails
mainly used on fingers for guiding fishing ropes.
Plastic Cable Ties
Staple Pins
used to fix some parts in more flexible way
Paper Clips
mainly pulley bases and hangers are made of paper clips

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


Read more


Instr.List, I/O List, Terminal Board Layout, Wiring Diagram


Application Program - Arduino Due

This program shall be loaded onto Due
#include <Servo.h>

/* Serial Comm.Baudrate Setting: ARDUINO DUE */
    const int _BAUDRATE = 4800;
/* End of Serial Comm.Baudrate Setting: ARDUINO DUE */

/* Tag-Channel(Pin) Assignments and IO_Channel() Function: ARDUINO DUE */
    const int _01MCZL = 22;   // 01: Thumb Finger Metacarpal ZL
    const int _01MCZH = 23;   // 01: Thumb Finger Metacarpal ZH
    const int _01PDZL = 24;   // 01: Thumb Finger Proximal+Distal ZL
    const int _01PDZH = 25;   // 01: Thumb Finger Proximal+Distal ZH
    const int _01MCCM = 2;    // 01: Thumb Finger Metacarpal CMD
    const int _01PDCM = 3;    // 01: Thumb Finger Distal CMD

    const int _02PXZL = 26;   // 02: Index Finger Proximal ZL
    const int _02PXZH = 27;   // 02: Index Finger Proximal ZH
    const int _02MDZL = 28;   // 02: Index Finger Medial+Distal ZL
    const int _02MDZH = 29;   // 02: Index Finger Medial+Distal ZH
    const int _02PXCM = 4;    // 02: Index Finger Proximal CMD
    const int _02MDCM = 5;    // 02: Index Finger Distal CMD

    const int _03PXZL = 30;   // 03: Middle Finger Proximal ZL
    const int _03PXZH = 31;   // 03: Middle Finger Proximal ZH
    const int _03MDZL = 32;   // 03: Middle Finger Medial+Distal ZL
    const int _03MDZH = 33;   // 03: Middle Finger Medial+Distal ZH
    const int _03PXCM = 6;    // 03: Middle Finger Proximal CMD
    const int _03MDCM = 7;    // 03: Middle Finger Distal CMD

    const int _04PXZL = 34;   // 04: Ring Finger Proximal ZL
    const int _04PXZH = 35;   // 04: Ring Finger Proximal ZH
    const int _04MDZL = 36;   // 04: Ring Finger Medial+Distal ZL
    const int _04MDZH = 37;   // 04: Ring Finger Medial+Distal ZH
    const int _04PXCM = 8;    // 04: Ring Finger Proximal CMD
    const int _04MDCM = 9;    // 04: Ring Finger Distal CMD

    const int _05PXZL = 38;   // 05: Pinky Finger Proximal ZL
    const int _05PXZH = 39;   // 05: Pinky Finger Proximal ZH
    const int _05MDZL = 40;   // 05: Pinky Finger Medial+Distal ZL
    const int _05MDZH = 41;   // 05: Pinky Finger Medial+Distal ZH
    const int _05PXCM = 10;   // 05: Pinky Finger Proximal CMD
    const int _05MDCM = 11;   // 05: Pinky Finger Distal CMD

    const int _10WHZL = 42;   // 10: Wrist Horizontal ZL
    const int _10WHZH = 43;   // 10: Wrist Horizontal ZH
    const int _10WHTX = A0;   // 10: Wrist Horizontal Actual Pos
    const int _10WHCM = 12;   // 10: Wrist Horizontal CMD

    const int _10WVZL = 44;   // 10: Wrist Vertical ZL
    const int _10WVZH = 45;   // 10: Wrist Vertical ZH
    const int _10WVTX = A1;   // 10: Wrist Vertical Actual Pos
    const int _10WVCM = 13;   // 10: Wrist Vertical CMD

    const int _11FRTX = A2;   // 11: Front Arm Radius Actual Pos
    const int _11FUTX = A3;   // 11: Front Arm Ulna Actual Pos
    const int _21UATX = A4;   // 21: Upper Arm Actual Pos
    const int _31SHTX = A5;   // 31: Shoulder Actual Pos

    const int _00XXXC = 50;   // Execute Command (0: Stop/Idle, 1: Execute)
    const int _00XXSP = DAC0; // Setpoint Register
    const int _00XXCM = DAC1; // Command Selector (*1)
    const int _00XXOK = 51;   // Command Executed by Arduino Leonardo (*2-IMPORTANT)

    int IO_Channel(String Tag) { /* VERIFIED FUNCTION: ARDUINO DUE */
       /* This function is used to validate IO Channel for DI/DO/AO/PWM-O. 
        * If given tag is valid, respective channel number will be returned.
        * Otherwise -1 will be returned as "error".
       if (Tag=="_01MCZL") return(_01MCZL);
       if (Tag=="_01MCZH") return(_01MCZH);
       if (Tag=="_01PDZL") return(_01PDZL);
       if (Tag=="_01PDZH") return(_01PDZH);
       if (Tag=="_01MCCM") return(_01MCCM);
       if (Tag=="_01PDCM") return(_01PDCM);
       if (Tag=="_02PXZL") return(_02PXZL);
       if (Tag=="_02PXZH") return(_02PXZH);
       if (Tag=="_02MDZL") return(_02MDZL);
       if (Tag=="_02MDZH") return(_02MDZH);
       if (Tag=="_02PXCM") return(_02PXCM);
       if (Tag=="_02MDCM") return(_02MDCM);
       if (Tag=="_03PXZL") return(_03PXZL);
       if (Tag=="_03PXZH") return(_03PXZH);
       if (Tag=="_03MDZL") return(_03MDZL);
       if (Tag=="_03MDZH") return(_03MDZH);
       if (Tag=="_03PXCM") return(_03PXCM);
       if (Tag=="_03MDCM") return(_03MDCM);
       if (Tag=="_04PXZL") return(_04PXZL);
       if (Tag=="_04PXZH") return(_04PXZH);
       if (Tag=="_04MDZL") return(_04MDZL);
       if (Tag=="_04MDZH") return(_04MDZH);
       if (Tag=="_04PXCM") return(_04PXCM);
       if (Tag=="_04MDCM") return(_04MDCM);
       if (Tag=="_05PXZL") return(_05PXZL);
       if (Tag=="_05PXZH") return(_05PXZH);
       if (Tag=="_05MDZL") return(_05MDZL);
       if (Tag=="_05MDZH") return(_05MDZH);
       if (Tag=="_05PXCM") return(_05PXCM);
       if (Tag=="_05MDCM") return(_05MDCM);
       if (Tag=="_10WHZL") return(_10WHZL);
       if (Tag=="_10WHZH") return(_10WHZH);
       if (Tag=="_10WHTX") return(_10WHTX);
       if (Tag=="_10WHCM") return(_10WHCM);
       if (Tag=="_10WVZL") return(_10WVZL);
       if (Tag=="_10WVZH") return(_10WVZH);
       if (Tag=="_10WVTX") return(_10WVTX);
       if (Tag=="_10WVCM") return(_10WVCM);
       if (Tag=="_11FRTX") return(_11FRTX);
       if (Tag=="_11FUTX") return(_11FUTX);
       if (Tag=="_21UATX") return(_21UATX);
       if (Tag=="_31SHTX") return(_31SHTX);
       if (Tag=="_00XXXC") return(_00XXXC);
       if (Tag=="_00XXSP") return(_00XXSP);
       if (Tag=="_00XXCM") return(_00XXCM);
       if (Tag=="_00XXOK") return(_00XXOK);
} /* End of "IO_Channel(String Tag)": ARDUINO DUE */
/* End of Tag-Channel(Pin) Assignments and IO_Channel() Function: ARDUINO DUE */

/* Servo _Definitions + CommandToServo() function: ARDUINO DUE */
    Servo _01MC_Servo;
    Servo _01PD_Servo;
    Servo _02PX_Servo;
    Servo _02MD_Servo;
    Servo _03PX_Servo;
    Servo _03MD_Servo;
    Servo _04PX_Servo;
    Servo _04MD_Servo;
    Servo _05PX_Servo;
    Servo _05MD_Servo;
    Servo _10WH_Servo;
    Servo _10WV_Servo;

    void CommandToServo(String Tag, int Value) { /* VERIFIED FUNCTION: ARDUINO DUE */
       /* This function is used to actuate PWM outputs to Servo Motors. */
       if (Tag=="_01MCCM") _01MC_Servo.write(Value);
       if (Tag=="_01PDCM") _01PD_Servo.write(Value);
       if (Tag=="_02PXCM") _02PX_Servo.write(Value);
       if (Tag=="_02MDCM") _02MD_Servo.write(Value);
       if (Tag=="_03PXCM") _03PX_Servo.write(Value);
       if (Tag=="_03MDCM") _03MD_Servo.write(Value);
       if (Tag=="_04PXCM") _04PX_Servo.write(Value);
       if (Tag=="_04MDCM") _04MD_Servo.write(Value);
       if (Tag=="_05PXCM") _05PX_Servo.write(Value);
       if (Tag=="_05MDCM") _05MD_Servo.write(Value);
       if (Tag=="_10WHCM") _10WH_Servo.write(Value);
       if (Tag=="_10WVCM") _10WV_Servo.write(Value);
    } /* End of "CommandToServo()": ARDUINO DUE */
/* End of Servo _Definitions + CommandToServo() function: ARDUINO DUE */

/* Constant Parameters, floatMap() Function: ARDUINO DUE */
    const float _DBPercent  =    1.0;  // % Deadband
    const int   _CCW        =    1;    // Servo Direction for Counter Clockwise
    const int   _CW         =   -1;    // Servo Direction for Counter Clockwise
    float floatMap /* VERIFIED FUNCTION: ARDUINO DUE */
          (int InputValue, int fromLow, int fromHigh, int toLow, int toHigh) {
      /* This function has exacly same functionality with Arduino's 
       * map(value, fromLow, fromHigh, toLow, toHigh)
       * function. However, original map function truncates fractions and return
       * just integers. So this one is programmed to return exactly scaled values.
      return( (float)toLow + (float)((float)((InputValue-fromLow)*(toHigh-toLow))/(float)(fromHigh-fromLow)) );
    } /* End of "floatMap()" */
/* End of Constant Parameters, floatMap() Function: ARDUINO DUE */

/* Constant Parameters for Intercommunication: ARDUINO DUE */
    const int   _FA_Radius  =  840;    // Front Arm Radius Section
    const int   _FA_Ulna    = 1530;    // Front Arm Ulna Section
    const int   _UpperArm   = 2220;    // Upper Arm Section
    const int   _Shoulder   = 2910;    // Front Arm Radius Section
/* End of Constant Parameters for Intercommunication: ARDUINO DUE */

/* "void setup()": ARDUINO DUE */
void setup() {
    pinMode(_01MCZL, INPUT_PULLUP);
    pinMode(_01MCZH, INPUT_PULLUP);
    pinMode(_01PDZL, INPUT_PULLUP);
    pinMode(_01PDZH, INPUT_PULLUP);
    pinMode(_02PXZL, INPUT_PULLUP);
    pinMode(_02PXZH, INPUT_PULLUP);
    pinMode(_02MDZL, INPUT_PULLUP);
    pinMode(_02MDZH, INPUT_PULLUP);
    pinMode(_03PXZL, INPUT_PULLUP);
    pinMode(_03PXZH, INPUT_PULLUP);
    pinMode(_03MDZL, INPUT_PULLUP);
    pinMode(_03MDZH, INPUT_PULLUP);
    pinMode(_04PXZL, INPUT_PULLUP);
    pinMode(_04PXZH, INPUT_PULLUP);
    pinMode(_04MDZL, INPUT_PULLUP);
    pinMode(_04MDZH, INPUT_PULLUP);
    pinMode(_05PXZL, INPUT_PULLUP);
    pinMode(_05PXZH, INPUT_PULLUP);
    pinMode(_05MDZL, INPUT_PULLUP);
    pinMode(_05MDZH, INPUT_PULLUP);
    pinMode(_10WHZL, INPUT_PULLUP);
    pinMode(_10WHZH, INPUT_PULLUP);
    pinMode(_10WVZL, INPUT_PULLUP);
    pinMode(_10WVZH, INPUT_PULLUP);
    pinMode(_00XXOK, INPUT);


   /* This part is used to send initial "neutral position/stop" 
    * to all PWM outputs assigned to Servo Motors.
   analogReadResolution(12);  /* Analog Reading Scale: 0-4095 for ARDUINO DUE*/

   analogWriteResolution(12); /* Analog Writing Scale: 0-4095 for ARDUINO DUE*/
  /* DAC Initialize
   *  DAC initialization is needed at first start, otherwise DAC of Due 
   *  generates incorrect voltage levels.
   *  Note that 0 and 4095 have no functions on Leonardo.
   analogWrite(_00XXSP,0); delay(50); analogWrite(_00XXSP,4095); delay(50); analogWrite(_00XXSP,0);
   analogWrite(_00XXCM,0); delay(50); analogWrite(_00XXCM,4095); delay(50); analogWrite(_00XXCM,0);

   Serial.begin(_BAUDRATE); while(!Serial) { };
   Serial.println("? -> Help.");
   Serial.print("[ARD DUE/] > ");
} /* End of "void setup()": ARDUINO DUE */

/* Global Variables for Test Purposes: ARDUINO DUE */

/* End of Global Variables for Test Purposes: ARDUINO DUE */

/* Verified Global Variables: ARDUINO DUE */

/* End of Verified Global Variables: ARDUINO DUE */

void CommandPromptOverSerial(String _Prompt) { /* VERIFIED FUNCTION: ARDUINO DUE */
  /* Reprompting and flushing serial for next input.
   *  This function will be used after each use of ReadUserInputOverSerial()
  Serial.print(_Prompt); Serial.end(); Serial.begin(_BAUDRATE); while(!Serial) { };
} /* End of "CommandPromtOverSerial()": ARDUINO DUE */

String ReadUserInputOverSerial(){ /* VERIFIED FUNCTION: ARDUINO DUE */
  /* This function will be used only "if (Serial.available())" */
  char   UserInput[32];
  /* Buffering and capitalizing User Input */
  String Buffer=UserInput; Buffer.toUpperCase();
} /* End of "ReadUserInputOverSerial()": ARDUINO DUE */

void Read(String Tag) { /* VERIFIED FUNCTION: ARDUINO DUE */
  /* Indicates value at input channel defined by "Tag" */
  if ( (Tag.substring(5,7)=="ZL") || (Tag.substring(5,7)=="ZH") || (Tag.substring(5,7)=="OK"))
     Serial.println(Tag + " = " + String(digitalRead(IO_Channel(Tag))));
     else if (Tag.substring(5,7)=="TX")
        Serial.println(Tag + " = " + String(analogRead(IO_Channel(Tag))));
        else Serial.println(Tag + "is not an input.");
} /* End of "void Read()": ARDUINO DUE */

 String Command, User_Tag;
 Serial.println("? -> Help, X -> Terminate");
 CommandPromptOverSerial("[ARD DUE/LoopTest/] > "); 
     if (Serial.available())
         byte   Command_to_Case=0; /* Command is invalid if remains as 0. */
         int    User_Value=0, User_Value_Last=0, Reading=0, Reading_Last=-1;
         String Buffer = ReadUserInputOverSerial();
         Serial.println(Buffer); Serial.end(); Serial.begin(_BAUDRATE); while(!Serial) { };
         /* Seperating Command and Tag*/
         Command = Buffer.substring(0,2); User_Tag = Buffer.substring(3,10);
         /* Converting (string)Command to (byte)Command_to_Case */
         if (Command=="AI") Command_to_Case=11;
         if (Command=="AO") Command_to_Case=12;
         if (Command=="DI") Command_to_Case=21;
         if (Command=="DO") Command_to_Case=22;
         if (Command=="PO") Command_to_Case=32;
         if (Command[0]=='?') Command_to_Case=98;   // Display Help
         if (Command[0]=='X') Command_to_Case=99;   // Terminate Test
         /* Checking whether tag is valid. */
         if ((Command_to_Case!=0)&&(Command_to_Case<90)&&(IO_Channel(User_Tag)<0))
            Command_to_Case=1; /* Redirecting to unrecognized tag case. */

         /* Taking respective actions and giving feedbacks for each command. */
         switch (Command_to_Case) {
               case 0 : Serial.println("Invalid command.");
                        CommandPromptOverSerial("[ARD DUE/LoopTest/] > ");
               case 1 : Serial.println("Tag not exists: " + User_Tag);
                        CommandPromptOverSerial("[ARD DUE/LoopTest/] > ");
               case 11: Serial.println("AI-Test('X'->Terminate): " + User_Tag);
                        Reading_Last = -1;
                            Buffer = ReadUserInputOverSerial();
                            Reading = analogRead(IO_Channel(User_Tag));
                            if (Reading != Reading_Last)
                                Serial.println(User_Tag + " = " + String(Reading));
                                Reading_Last = Reading; delay(1000);
                                /* 1s delay is used to avoid fast updates on Serial Monitor */
                        while (Buffer[0]!='X');
                        CommandPromptOverSerial("[ARD DUE/LoopTest/] > ");
               case 12: Serial.println("AO-Test('X'->Terminate): " + User_Tag);
                        Serial.println("Integer Value(0-4095): ");
                            if (Serial.available())
                                Buffer = ReadUserInputOverSerial();
                                if (Buffer[0]=='X') User_Value=0; else User_Value=Buffer.substring(0).toInt();
                                Serial.println(String(User_Value) + " -> " + User_Tag);
                                if (User_Value!=User_Value_Last) 
                                    User_Value_Last = User_Value;
                                   else analogWrite(IO_Channel(User_Tag),User_Value_Last);
                                Serial.println("Integer Value(0-4095): ");
                                Serial.end(); Serial.begin(_BAUDRATE); while(!Serial) { };
                               } /* End of "if (Serial.available())..." */
                        while (Buffer[0]!='X');
                        CommandPromptOverSerial("[ARD DUE/LoopTest/] > ");
               case 21: Serial.println("DI-Test('X'->Terminate): " + User_Tag); 
                        Reading_Last = -1;
                            Buffer = ReadUserInputOverSerial();
                            Reading = digitalRead(IO_Channel(User_Tag));
                            if (Reading != Reading_Last)
                                Serial.println(User_Tag + " = " + String(Reading));
                                Reading_Last = Reading;
                        while (Buffer[0]!='X');
                        CommandPromptOverSerial("[ARD DUE/LoopTest/] > ");
               case 22: Serial.println("DO-Test('X'->Terminate): " + User_Tag);
                        Serial.print("Enter 0 or 1: ");
                            if (Serial.available())
                                Buffer = ReadUserInputOverSerial();
                                if (Buffer[0]=='X') User_Value=0; else User_Value=Buffer.substring(0).toInt();
                                Serial.println(String(User_Value) + " -> " + User_Tag);
                                if (((User_Value==0)||(User_Value==1))&&(User_Value!=User_Value_Last))
                                    User_Value_Last = User_Value;
                                   else digitalWrite(IO_Channel(User_Tag),User_Value_Last);
                                Serial.print("Enter 0 or 1: ");
                                Serial.end(); Serial.begin(_BAUDRATE); while(!Serial) { };
                               } /* End of "if (Serial.available())..." */
                        while (Buffer[0]!='X');
                        CommandPromptOverSerial("[ARD DUE/LoopTest/] > ");
               case 32: Serial.println("PWM-Test('X'->Terminate): " + User_Tag);
                        CommandToServo(User_Tag,90); /* Sending "stop" to selected tag */
                        Serial.print("Integer Value(0-180): ");
                            if (Serial.available())
                                Buffer = ReadUserInputOverSerial();
                                if (Buffer[0]=='X') User_Value=90; else User_Value=Buffer.substring(0).toInt();
                                Serial.println(String(User_Value) + " -> " + User_Tag);
                                if (((User_Value>=0)||(User_Value<=180))&&(User_Value!=User_Value_Last))
                                   { CommandToServo(User_Tag,User_Value); User_Value_Last = User_Value; }
                                   else CommandToServo(User_Tag,User_Value);
                                Serial.print("Integer Value(0-180): ");
                                Serial.end(); Serial.begin(_BAUDRATE); while(!Serial) { };
                               } /* End of "if (Serial.available())..." */
                        while (Buffer[0]!='X');
                        CommandPromptOverSerial("[ARD DUE/LoopTest/] > ");
               case 98: Serial.println("Usage: '[CC] [Tag]'");
                        Serial.println("    [CC]: Channel Type");
                        Serial.println("          AI, AO: Analog Input/Output");
                        Serial.println("          DI, DO: Digital Input/Output");
                        Serial.println("          PO: PWM Output for Servo Motor");
                        Serial.println("Other Commands:");
                        Serial.println("      ? : Help (this display)");
                        Serial.println("      X : Exit from Loop Testing");
                        CommandPromptOverSerial("[ARD DUE/LoopTest/] > ");
               case 99: Serial.println("Loop Test is terminated.");
             } /* End of "switch (Command_to_Case)..." */
        } /* End of "if (Serial.available())..." */
 while (Command[0]!='X');
} /* End of "void LoopTest()": ARDUINO DUE */

void FullTravelDurationMeasurement( /* VERIFIED FUNCTION: ARDUINO DUE */
     String PWM_Tag, String LimitSw_CCW, String LimitSw_CW, int Speed) {
   /* This function is used to measure full travel time of a "section"
    * equipped with Servo:User_Tag and Limit Switches.
  int           LimitSw_CCW_Ch = IO_Channel(LimitSw_CCW),
                LimitSw_CW_Ch  = IO_Channel(LimitSw_CW),
                _LimitSwCCW_Ch = 0, /* Corrected Limit Sw.Ch.for CCW-direction */
                _LimitSwCW_Ch  = 0, /* Corrected Limit Sw.Ch.for CW-direction */
                Direction      = _CCW,
                Counter        = 0;
  unsigned long StartTime=0, Duration=0;
  Serial.println("Full Travel Duration Test");
  if ((IO_Channel(PWM_Tag)*LimitSw_CCW_Ch*LimitSw_CW_Ch)!=-1)
        Serial.println("     PWM           : " + PWM_Tag + " [Ch. " + String(IO_Channel(PWM_Tag)) + "]");
        Serial.println("     Limit Switch.1: " + LimitSw_CCW + " [Ch. " + String(LimitSw_CCW_Ch) + "]");
        Serial.println("     Limit Switch.2: " + LimitSw_CW + " [Ch. " + String(LimitSw_CW_Ch) + "]");
        /* Matching Limit Switches with Directions 
         * Servo is set to turn CCW direction at first. Then reached limit switch is
         * marked as the one corresponding to CCW-end, while the other is for CW-end.
         * Notes:
         *   - Limit switches gives 0 when reached.
         *   - (90+Speed) -> Counter Clockwise turn (CCW)
         *   - (90-Speed) -> Clockwise turn (CW)
        CommandToServo(PWM_Tag, 90 + Direction*Speed);
        while ( digitalRead(LimitSw_CCW_Ch) && digitalRead(LimitSw_CW_Ch) ) { }
        CommandToServo(PWM_Tag, 90);
        if ( ! digitalRead(LimitSw_CCW_Ch) ) 
           { _LimitSwCCW_Ch = LimitSw_CCW_Ch; _LimitSwCW_Ch = LimitSw_CW_Ch; }
           { _LimitSwCCW_Ch = LimitSw_CW_Ch; _LimitSwCW_Ch = LimitSw_CCW_Ch; }
        Serial.println("     DI-Channel matches CCW-end: Ch. " + String(_LimitSwCCW_Ch));
        Serial.println("     DI-Channel matches CW-end : Ch. " + String(_LimitSwCW_Ch));

        /* Main Test, 5 steps */
        for (Counter=0; Counter<=4; Counter++)
             /* Direction must be reverted when limit is reached */
             if ( ! digitalRead(_LimitSwCCW_Ch) ) Direction = _CW;
                else if ( ! digitalRead(_LimitSwCW_Ch) ) Direction = _CCW;
                     else Direction = 0;
             /* Starting time is stored and Servo is actuated */
             StartTime = millis(); CommandToServo(PWM_Tag, 90 + Direction*Speed); 

             /* Wait until reaching to limit at direction */
             if (Direction==-1) while ( digitalRead(_LimitSwCW_Ch) ) { }
                else if (Direction==1) while ( digitalRead(_LimitSwCCW_Ch) ) { }
             CommandToServo(PWM_Tag, 90); Duration = millis() - StartTime; Direction *= -1;
             Serial.println("     Duration.#" + String(Counter) + ": " + String(Duration) + " ms");
        Serial.println("Error: Unrecognized tag(s).");
} /* End of "void FullTravelDurationMeasurement()": ARDUINO DUE */

void MoveDuringMillis /* VERIFIED FUNCTION: ARDUINO DUE */
    (String Tag, int Direction, int Speed, unsigned long Milliseconds) {
  /* This function is used to operate a "section" given by "Tag" to "Direction" 
   * at specified "Speed" and during determined "Milliseconds", unless "LimitSw"
   * is activated (Limit Switches give 0 when activated).
  unsigned long StartTime=0, EndTime=0;
  Serial.print("Actuate " + Tag + ", "); 
  switch (Direction) {
         case _CCW: Serial.print("Counter Clockwise, "); break;
         case _CW : Serial.print("Clockwise, "); break;
         case 0   : Serial.print("STOP, "); break;
  Serial.print("Speed="+String(Speed)+", ");
  if (IO_Channel(Tag)==-1) Serial.println("Error: Recheck given tag.");
          CommandToServo(Tag, 90 + Direction*Speed);
          while ( (millis()-StartTime)<Milliseconds ) 
                { /* Waits until time is over */ };
          CommandToServo(Tag, 90); EndTime=millis(); /* Stop command to Servo */
          Serial.println(Tag + " STOP: Time reached - " + String(EndTime-StartTime) + "ms.");
} /* End of "void MoveDuringMillis()": ARDUINO DUE */

     (String Section, int Speed, float SetValue) {
  /* This function is used to operate a "Section" at a determined 
   * "Speed" to required position given by "SetValue".
   * ("Section" is the first 5 characters of any I/O tag.)
  String PWM_Tag=Section+"CM", TX_Tag=Section+"TX"; 
  boolean Actuated=0,
          Flag_LL=0, Flag_L=0, Flag_H=0, Flag_HH=0,
          Alarmed_1=0, Alarmed_2=0;

  byte    Section_to_Case=0;
  int     IncreaseDirection=0, Direction=0,
          TX_RawMin, TX_RawMax,
          Alarm_LL, Alarm_L, Alarm_H, Alarm_HH,

  if (Section=="_10WH") { Section_to_Case=1; IncreaseDirection=_CCW; }
     else if (Section=="_10WV") { Section_to_Case=2; IncreaseDirection=_CW; }

  /* Scale and Alarm values corresponding to Sections should be adjusted
   *  depending on tests.
   * Direction equations should be adjusted by multiplying -1 depending on 
   * mechanical configuration.
  switch (Section_to_Case) {
         case 0 : Serial.println("Invalid section."); 
         case 1 : /* Customizations for _10WH Section */
                  TX_RawMin=0; TX_RawMax=4095;
                  Alarm_LL=10; Alarm_L=20; Alarm_H=80; Alarm_HH=90;
         case 2 : /* Customizations for _10WL Section */
                  TX_RawMin=0; TX_RawMax=4095;
                  Alarm_LL=10; Alarm_L=20; Alarm_H=80; Alarm_HH=90;

  CurrentTxReading=map( analogRead(IO_Channel(TX_Tag)), TX_RawMin, TX_RawMax, 0, 100 );

  if (Section_to_Case!=0 && Speed!=0)
      Serial.print("Actuate " + PWM_Tag + ", Pos.Tx:" + TX_Tag + "[=" + String(CurrentTxReading) + "%], ");
      if (IncreaseDirection==_CCW) Direction = (int)( (SetValue-CurrentTxReading)/abs(SetValue-CurrentTxReading) );
         else                      Direction = (int)( (-1)*(SetValue-CurrentTxReading)/abs(SetValue-CurrentTxReading) );
      switch (Direction) {
             case _CCW: Serial.print("CCW, ");
             case _CW : Serial.print("CW, ");
             case 0   : Serial.print("STOP, ");
      Serial.print("Speed="+String(Speed)+", ");
      Serial.println("Set Value="+String(SetValue)+"%");
      while ( !( Flag_SPMatched || Flag_LL || Flag_HH ) )
             CurrentTxReading=map( analogRead(IO_Channel(TX_Tag)), TX_RawMin, TX_RawMax, 0, 100 );
             if (IncreaseDirection==_CCW)
                 if ( (Direction==_CW)  && (CurrentTxReading<=Alarm_L) )  Flag_L  = 1;
                 if ( (Direction==_CW)  && (CurrentTxReading<=Alarm_LL) ) Flag_LL = 1;
                 if ( (Direction==_CCW) && (CurrentTxReading>=Alarm_H) )  Flag_H  = 1;
                 if ( (Direction==_CCW) && (CurrentTxReading>=Alarm_HH) ) Flag_HH = 1;
                 if ( ( (Direction==_CCW) && (CurrentTxReading>=SetValue) ) || 
                      ( (Direction==_CW)  && (CurrentTxReading<=SetValue) ) ) Flag_SPMatched  = 1;
             if (IncreaseDirection==_CW)
                 if ( (Direction==_CCW) && (CurrentTxReading<=Alarm_L) )  Flag_L  = 1;
                 if ( (Direction==_CCW) && (CurrentTxReading<=Alarm_LL) ) Flag_LL = 1;
                 if ( (Direction==_CW)  && (CurrentTxReading>=Alarm_H) )  Flag_H  = 1;
                 if ( (Direction==_CW)  && (CurrentTxReading>=Alarm_HH) ) Flag_HH = 1;
                 if ( ( (Direction==_CW)  && (CurrentTxReading>=SetValue) ) || 
                      ( (Direction==_CCW) && (CurrentTxReading<=SetValue) ) ) Flag_SPMatched = 1;

             if (Flag_L || Flag_H)
                if (!Alarmed_1)
                    if ( Flag_L ) Serial.println("Alarm      : "+ String(Alarm_L) + "% is reached.");
                    if ( Flag_H ) Serial.println("Alarm      : "+ String(Alarm_H) + "% is reached.");
                    Alarmed_1 = 1;

             if (Flag_LL || Flag_HH)
                CommandToServo(PWM_Tag, 90); /* Interlocked */
                if (!Alarmed_2)
                    if ( Flag_LL ) Serial.println("Interlocked: "+ String(Alarm_LL) + "% is reached.");
                    if ( Flag_HH ) Serial.println("Interlocked: "+ String(Alarm_HH) + "% is reached.");
                    Alarmed_2 = 1;
                else if (! Actuated )
                        { CommandToServo(PWM_Tag, 90+Direction*Speed); Actuated = 1; }
            } /* Waits until reaching to setpoint */
      CommandToServo(PWM_Tag, 90); /* Stop command to Servo */
      Serial.println(PWM_Tag + " is stopped at " + String(CurrentTxReading) + "%.");
     } /* End of "if (Section_to_Case!=0)" */
} /* End of "void MoveToPosition()" */

void CommandToLeonardo(String Section, int SetValue) {  /* VERIFIED FUNCTION: ARDUINO DUE */
    /* SetValue is given as Percentage */
    int Section_Num=0;
    if (Section=="_11FR") Section_Num = _FA_Radius;
       else if (Section=="_11FU") Section_Num = _FA_Ulna;
               else if (Section=="_21UA") Section_Num = _UpperArm;
                       else if (Section=="_31SH") Section_Num = _Shoulder;
    if (Section_Num==0) Serial.println("Section cannot be recognized.");
    if ((SetValue<0) || (SetValue>100)) Serial.println("Set Value should be between 0-100).");
    if ((Section_Num!=0) && (SetValue>=0) && (SetValue<=100) )
        Serial.print(String(SetValue) + "% -> ");
              case _FA_Radius: Serial.println("Front Arm-Radius"); break;
              case _FA_Ulna  : Serial.println("Front Arm-Ulna"); break;
              case _UpperArm : Serial.println("Upper Arm"); break;
              case _Shoulder : Serial.println("Shoulder"); break;

        analogWrite (_00XXCM, Section_Num);
        analogWrite (_00XXSP, map(SetValue, 0, 100, 0, 4095));
        delay(50);                           // Delay for stabilization of outputs
        digitalWrite(_00XXXC, HIGH);         // Execute Command
        do { } while(!digitalRead(_00XXOK)); // Wait until getting OK from Leonardo
        Serial.println("ARD LNRD = OK.");
        analogWrite (_00XXCM, 0); 
        analogWrite (_00XXSP, 0);            // Resetting Section and Set Value outputs
        delay(50);                           // Delay for stabilization of outputs
        digitalWrite(_00XXXC, LOW);          // Resetting Command
       } /* End of "if (Section_Num!=0)" */
} /* End of "void CommandToLeonardo()" */

void Fingers_Hold() {  
    /* CurrentPos and SetValue are given as Percentage and multipliers of 10.*/
    /* Finger#0 is 01-Metacarpal and #1 is 01-Proximal+Distal.
     * The rest are only for Medial+Distal Sections of respective fingers.
     * All timing values are determined by Speed = 20 ( PWM = 90+/-20 )
     * Some sections should be released in 2 steps, indicated as (x+y).
     * Finger#.............: _01MCCM   _01PDCM _02MDCM    _03MDCM _04MDCM _05MDCM
     * Tigth Direction.....: CCW       CCW     CCW        CCW     CW      CW
     * Full Tight Time...ms: 2000      2500    4000       2500    2500    2500
     * Full Release Time.ms: 1500+500  1500    2000+1000  2000    2000    2000

    /* Tighting Order of Fingers: 03-01(MD+PD)-05-02-04
     * 10% tight on each step.
    for (int i=1; i<=5; i++) {
         _03MD_Servo.write(120); delay(500); _03MD_Servo.write(90);
         _01MC_Servo.write(120); delay(200); _01MC_Servo.write(90);
         _01PD_Servo.write(120); delay(250); _01PD_Servo.write(90);
         _05MD_Servo.write(70);  delay(250); _05MD_Servo.write(90);
         _02MD_Servo.write(120); delay(400); _02MD_Servo.write(90);
         _04MD_Servo.write(70);  delay(250); _04MD_Servo.write(90);
} /* End of "int Fingers_Hold()" */

void Fingers_Release() {  
    /* CurrentPos and SetValue are given as Percentage and multipliers of 10.*/
    /* Finger#0 is 01-Metacarpal and #1 is 01-Proximal+Distal.
     * The rest are only for Medial+Distal Sections of respective fingers.
     * All timing values are determined by Speed = 20 ( PWM = 90+/-20 )
     * Some sections should be released in 2 steps, indicated as (x+y).
     * Finger#.............: _01MCCM   _01PDCM _02MDCM    _03MDCM _04MDCM _05MDCM
     * Tigth Direction.....: CCW       CCW     CCW        CCW     CW      CW
     * Full Tight Time...ms: 2000      2500    4000       2500    2500    2500
     * Full Release Time.ms: 1500+500  1500    2000+1000  2000    2000    2000

    /* Relesing Order of Fingers: 03-01(MD+PD)-05-02-04
     * 10% tight on each step.
    for (int i=1; i<=5; i++) {
         _03MD_Servo.write(60);  delay(200); _03MD_Servo.write(90);
         _01MC_Servo.write(70);  delay(200); _01MC_Servo.write(90);
         _01PD_Servo.write(70);  delay(150); _01PD_Servo.write(90);
         _05MD_Servo.write(110); delay(200); _05MD_Servo.write(90);
         _02MD_Servo.write(60);  delay(300); _02MD_Servo.write(90);
         _04MD_Servo.write(110); delay(200); _04MD_Servo.write(90);
} /* End of "int Fingers_Release()" */

void Final_Demo(){
   CommandToLeonardo("_31SH", 0);
   CommandToLeonardo("_11FU", 0);
   CommandToLeonardo("_21UA", 0);
   for (int i=0;i<=100;i+=10) {
       CommandToLeonardo("_31SH", i);
       if (i<=50) CommandToLeonardo("_11FU", i);
          else  CommandToLeonardo("_11FU", (i-50));
       CommandToLeonardo("_21UA", i);
   /* CommandToLeonardo(String Section, int SetValue) */
   CommandToLeonardo("_31SH", 0);
   CommandToLeonardo("_11FU", 0);
   CommandToLeonardo("_21UA", 0);

/* "void loop(): ARDUINO DUE */
void loop() {
  int           User_Int1=0;
  /* TEST CODES: */
     /* Commands and Actions */
     /* All recognized commands give a feedback in all cases.
      * If you don't see any feedback on Serial Monitor, check your input
      * for any typewriting errors.
      * Example: "XYZ" command does not exist, so will result as follows:
      *     [ARD DUE/] > XYZ
      *     [ARD DUE/] > 
     if (Serial.available())
         String Command=ReadUserInputOverSerial(); Serial.println(Command); 
         if (Command.substring(0,1)=="?") /* Help */
             Serial.println("  CTL [Section] [SetValue (0-100)]");
             Serial.println("      CommandToLeonardo - Section: First 5 characters of PWM Tag (e.g. _10WH for _10WHCM).");
             Serial.println("  FD");
             Serial.println("      Final Demo.");
             Serial.println("  FTD [ServoTag] [LimitSwitch1Tag] [LimitSwitch2Tag] [Speed (0-90)]");
             Serial.println("      Full Travel Duration(Test).");
             Serial.println("  HLD");
             Serial.println("      Hold (by Fingers).");
             Serial.println("  LT");
             Serial.println("      Starts Loop Test subroutine.");
             Serial.println("  MDM [ServoTag] [Direction] [Speed (0-90)] [Milliseconds]");
             Serial.println("      Move During Millis-Actuate a Servo during a determined time.");
             Serial.println("      Direction   : Either CC(=CounterClockwise) or CW(=Clockwise)");
             Serial.println("      WARNING:");
             Serial.println("      This function does not check whether limit switch is matching with direction.");
             Serial.println("      Incorrect usage can result damages. Ensure applicable durations by using");
             Serial.println("      FullTravelDurationMeasurement() in advance.");
             Serial.println("  MTP [Section] [Speed (0-90)] [SetValue]");
             Serial.println("      Move To Position - Section: First 5 characters of PWM Tag (e.g. _10WH for _10WHCM).");
             Serial.println("  RD [IO_Tag]");
             Serial.println("      Reads value on a single input channel.");
             Serial.println("  REL");
             Serial.println("      Release (by Fingers).");
             Serial.end(); Serial.begin(_BAUDRATE); while(!Serial) { };
         if (Command.substring(0,3)=="CTL")
            CommandToLeonardo(Command.substring(4,9), Command.substring(10).toInt());
            /* CommandToLeonardo(String Section, int SetValue) */

         if (Command.substring(0,2)=="FD")

         if (Command.substring(0,3)=="FTD")
            FullTravelDurationMeasurement(Command.substring(4,11), Command.substring(12,19), Command.substring(20,27), Command.substring(28,30).toInt());
            /* FullTravelDurationMeasurement(PWM-Output, Limit Switch.1, Limit Switch.2 Tag, Speed) */

         if (Command.substring(0,3)=="HLD")
         if (Command.substring(0,3)=="REL")

         if (Command.substring(0,2)=="LT")

         if (Command.substring(0,3)=="MDM")
             if (Command.substring(12,14)=="CC") User_Int1=_CCW; 
                else if (Command.substring(12,14)=="CW") User_Int1=_CW;
                     else User_Int1=0;                                   /* Direction */
             MoveDuringMillis(Command.substring(4,11), User_Int1, 
                              Command.substring(15,17).toInt(), (unsigned long)Command.substring(18,22).toInt());
             /* MoveDuringMillis(PWM-Output, Direction, Speed, Milliseconds) */

         if (Command.substring(0,3)=="MTP")
            MoveToPosition(Command.substring(4,9), Command.substring(10,12).toInt(), Command.substring(13).toFloat());
            /* MoveToPosition(Section, Speed, Set Value) */

         if (Command.substring(0,2)=="RD") 
            /* Read(Tag) */ 

         CommandPromptOverSerial("[ARD DUE/] > ");
        } /* End of "if (Serial.available())..." */
} /* End of "void loop()": ARDUINO DUE */ 

Application Program - Arduino Leonardo

This one shall be loaded to Leonardo
#include <Servo.h>

/* Serial Comm.Baudrate Setting: ARDUINO LEONARDO */
    const int _BAUDRATE = 4800;
/* End of Serial Comm.Baudrate Setting: ARDUINO LEONARDO */

/* Tag-Channel(Pin) Assignments and IO_Channel() Function: ARDUINO LEONARDO */
    const int _11FRZL = 0;    // 11: Front Arm Radius ZL
    const int _11FRZH = 1;    // 11: Front Arm Radius ZH
    const int _11FRTX = A2;   // 11: Front Arm Radius Actual Pos
    const int _11FRCM = 9;    // 11: Front Arm Radius CMD

    const int _11FUZL = 2;    // 11: Front Arm Ulna ZL
    const int _11FUZH = 3;    // 11: Front Arm Ulna ZH
    const int _11FUTX = A3;   // 11: Front Arm Ulna Actual Pos
    const int _11FUCM = 10;   // 11: Front Arm Ulna CMD

    const int _21UAZL = 4;    // 21: Upper Arm ZL
    const int _21UAZH = 5;    // 21: Upper Arm ZH
    const int _21UATX = A4;   // 21: Upper Arm Actual Pos
    const int _21UACM = 11;   // 21: Upper Arm CMD

    const int _31SHZL = 6;    // 31: Shoulder ZL
    const int _31SHZH = 7;    // 31: Shoulder ZH
    const int _31SHTX = A5;   // 31: Shoulder Actual Pos
    const int _31SHCM = 13;   // 21: Shoulder CMD

    const int _00XXXC = 8;    // Execute Command (0: Stop/Idle, 1: Execute)
    const int _00XXSP = A0;   // Setpoint Register
    const int _00XXCM = A1;   // Command Selector (*1)
    const int _00XXOK = 12;   // Command Executed by Arduino Leonardo (*2-IMPORTANT)

    int IO_Channel(String Tag) { /* VERIFIED FUNCTION: ARDUINO LEONARDO */
       /* This function is used to validate IO Channel for DI/DO/AO/PWM-O. 
        * If given tag is valid, respective channel number will be returned.
        * Otherwise -1 will be returned as "error".
       if (Tag=="_11FRZL") return(_11FRZL);
       if (Tag=="_11FRZH") return(_11FRZH);
       if (Tag=="_11FRTX") return(_11FRTX);
       if (Tag=="_11FRCM") return(_11FRCM);
       if (Tag=="_11FUZL") return(_11FUZL);
       if (Tag=="_11FUZH") return(_11FUZH);
       if (Tag=="_11FUTX") return(_11FUTX);
       if (Tag=="_11FUCM") return(_11FUCM);
       if (Tag=="_21UAZL") return(_21UAZL);
       if (Tag=="_21UAZH") return(_21UAZH);
       if (Tag=="_21UATX") return(_21UATX);
       if (Tag=="_21UACM") return(_21UACM);
       if (Tag=="_31SHZL") return(_31SHZL);
       if (Tag=="_31SHZH") return(_31SHZH);
       if (Tag=="_31SHTX") return(_31SHTX);
       if (Tag=="_31SHCM") return(_31SHCM);
       if (Tag=="_00XXXC") return(_00XXXC);
       if (Tag=="_00XXSP") return(_00XXSP);
       if (Tag=="_00XXCM") return(_00XXCM);
       if (Tag=="_00XXOK") return(_00XXOK);
} /* End of "IO_Channel(String Tag)": ARDUINO LEONARDO */
/* End of Tag-Channel(Pin) Assignments and IO_Channel() Function: ARDUINO LEONARDO */

/* Servo _Definitions + CommandToServo() function: ARDUINO LEONARDO */
    Servo _11FR_Servo;
    Servo _11FU_Servo;
    Servo _21UA_Servo;
    Servo _31SH_Servo;

    void CommandToServo(String Tag, int Value) { /* VERIFIED FUNCTION: ARDUINO LEONARDO */
       /* This function is used to actuate PWM outputs to Servo Motors. */
       if (Tag=="_11FRCM") _11FR_Servo.write(Value);
       if (Tag=="_11FUCM") _11FU_Servo.write(Value);
       if (Tag=="_21UACM") _21UA_Servo.write(Value);
       if (Tag=="_31SHCM") _31SH_Servo.write(Value);
    } /* End of "CommandToServo()": ARDUINO LEONARDO */
/* End of Servo _Definitions + CommandToServo() function: ARDUINO LEONARDO */

/* Constant Parameters: ARDUINO LEONARDO */
    const int _DBPercent =  1;  // % Deadband
    const int _CCW       =  1;  // Servo Direction for Counter Clockwise
    const int _CW        = -1;  // Servo Direction for Counter Clockwise
/* End of Constant Parameters: ARDUINO LEONARDO */

/* Constant Parameters for Intercommunication: ARDUINO LEONARDO */
    const int   _FA_Radius  = 310;    // Front Arm Radius Section
    const int   _FA_Ulna    = 425;    // Front Arm Ulna Section
    const int   _UpperArm   = 540;    // Upper Arm Section
    const int   _Shoulder   = 655;    // Front Arm Radius Section
    const int   _ICDB       =  40;    // Front Arm Radius Section
    /* Since the signals cannot generate exact integer values, Section 
     * shall be identified by [ (SectionValue) +/- _ICDB ] reading.
/* End of Constant Parameters for Intercommunication: ARDUINO LEONARDO */

/* "void setup()": ARDUINO LEONARDO */
void setup() {
    pinMode(_11FRZL, INPUT_PULLUP);
    pinMode(_11FRZH, INPUT_PULLUP);
    pinMode(_11FUZL, INPUT_PULLUP);
    pinMode(_11FUZH, INPUT_PULLUP);
    pinMode(_21UAZL, INPUT_PULLUP);
    pinMode(_21UAZH, INPUT_PULLUP);
    pinMode(_31SHZL, INPUT_PULLUP);
    pinMode(_31SHZH, INPUT_PULLUP);
    pinMode(_00XXXC, INPUT_PULLUP);
    pinMode(_00XXOK, OUTPUT);

   /* This part is used to send initial "neutral position/stop" 
    * to all PWM outputs assigned to Servo Motors.

   /* Initial Feedback to Due */
   digitalWrite(_00XXOK, LOW); 
   /* analogReadResolution(10);  Analog Reading Scale: 0-1023 for ARDUINO LEONARDO*/

   /* analogWriteResolution(10); Analog Writing Scale: 0-1023 for ARDUINO LEONARDO*/

   Serial.begin(_BAUDRATE); while(!Serial) { };  
   Serial.println("? -> Help.");
   Serial.print("[ARD LNRD/] > ");
} /* End of "void setup()": ARDUINO LEONARDO */

/* Global Variables for Test Purposes: ARDUINO LEONARDO */

/* End of Global Variables for Test Purposes: ARDUINO LEONARDO */

/* Verified Global Variables: ARDUINO LEONARDO */
   int CommandFromDue_Section, CommandFromDue_SetValue;
/* End of Verified Global Variables: ARDUINO LEONARDO */

void CommandPromptOverSerial(String _Prompt) { /* VERIFIED FUNCTION: ARDUINO LEONARDO */
  /* Reprompting and flushing serial for next input.
   *  This function will be used after each use of ReadUserInputOverSerial()
  Serial.print(_Prompt); Serial.end(); Serial.begin(_BAUDRATE); while(!Serial) { };
} /* End of "CommandPromtOverSerial()": ARDUINO LEONARDO */

String ReadUserInputOverSerial(){ /* VERIFIED FUNCTION: ARDUINO LEONARDO */
  /* This function will be used only "if (Serial.available())" */
  char   UserInput[32];
  /* Buffering and capitalizing User Input */
  String Buffer=UserInput; Buffer.toUpperCase();
} /* End of "ReadUserInputOverSerial()": ARDUINO LEONARDO */

  /* Indicates value at input channel defined by "Tag" */
  if ( (Tag.substring(5,7)=="ZL") || (Tag.substring(5,7)=="ZH") || (Tag.substring(5,7)=="OK"))
     Serial.println(Tag + " = " + String(digitalRead(IO_Channel(Tag))));
     else if (Tag.substring(5,7)=="TX")
        Serial.println(Tag + " = " + String(analogRead(IO_Channel(Tag))));
        else Serial.println(Tag + "is not an input.");
} /* End of "void Read()": ARDUINO LEONARDO */

 String Command, User_Tag;
 Serial.println("? -> Help, X -> Terminate");
 CommandPromptOverSerial("[ARD LNRD/LoopTest/] > "); 
     if (Serial.available())
         byte   Command_to_Case=0; /* Command is invalid if remains as 0. */
         int    User_Value=0, User_Value_Last=0, Reading=0, Reading_Last=-1;
         String Buffer = ReadUserInputOverSerial();
         Serial.println(Buffer); Serial.end(); Serial.begin(_BAUDRATE); while(!Serial) { };
         /* Seperating Command and Tag*/
         Command = Buffer.substring(0,2); User_Tag = Buffer.substring(3,10);
         /* Converting (string)Command to (byte)Command_to_Case */
         if (Command=="AI") Command_to_Case=11;
         if (Command=="AO") Command_to_Case=12;
         if (Command=="DI") Command_to_Case=21;
         if (Command=="DO") Command_to_Case=22;
         if (Command=="PO") Command_to_Case=32;
         if (Command[0]=='?') Command_to_Case=98;   // Display Help
         if (Command[0]=='X') Command_to_Case=99;   // Terminate Test
         /* Checking whether tag is valid. */
         if ((Command_to_Case!=0)&&(Command_to_Case<90)&&(IO_Channel(User_Tag)<0))
            Command_to_Case=1; /* Redirecting to unrecognized tag case. */

         /* Taking respective actions and giving feedbacks for each command. */
         switch (Command_to_Case) {
               case 0 : Serial.println("Invalid command.");
                        CommandPromptOverSerial("[ARD LNRD/LoopTest/] > ");
               case 1 : Serial.println("Tag not exists: " + User_Tag);
                        CommandPromptOverSerial("[ARD LNRD/LoopTest/] > ");
               case 11: Serial.println("AI-Test('X'->Terminate): " + User_Tag);
                        Reading_Last = -1;
                            Buffer = ReadUserInputOverSerial();
                            Reading = analogRead(IO_Channel(User_Tag));
                            if (Reading != Reading_Last)
                                Serial.println(User_Tag + " = " + String(Reading));
                                Reading_Last = Reading; delay(1000);
                                /* 1s delay is used to avoid fast updates on Serial Monitor */
                        while (Buffer[0]!='X');
                        CommandPromptOverSerial("[ARD LNRD/LoopTest/] > ");
               case 12: Serial.println("AO-Test('X'->Terminate): " + User_Tag);
                        Serial.println("Integer Value(0-1023): ");
                            if (Serial.available())
                                Buffer = ReadUserInputOverSerial();
                                if (Buffer[0]=='X') User_Value=0; else User_Value=Buffer.substring(0).toInt();
                                Serial.println(String(User_Value) + " -> " + User_Tag);
                                if (User_Value!=User_Value_Last) 
                                    User_Value_Last = User_Value;
                                   else analogWrite(IO_Channel(User_Tag),User_Value_Last);
                                Serial.print("Integer Value(0-1023): ");
                                Serial.end(); Serial.begin(_BAUDRATE); while(!Serial) { };
                               } /* End of "if (Serial.available())..." */
                        while (Buffer[0]!='X');
                        CommandPromptOverSerial("[ARD LNRD/LoopTest/] > ");
               case 21: Serial.println("DI-Test('X'->Terminate): " + User_Tag); 
                        Reading_Last = -1;
                            Buffer = ReadUserInputOverSerial();
                            Reading = digitalRead(IO_Channel(User_Tag));
                            if (Reading != Reading_Last)
                                Serial.println(User_Tag + " = " + String(Reading));
                                Reading_Last = Reading;
                        while (Buffer[0]!='X');
                        CommandPromptOverSerial("[ARD LNRD/LoopTest/] > ");
               case 22: Serial.println("DO-Test('X'->Terminate): " + User_Tag);
                        Serial.print("Enter 0 or 1: ");
                            if (Serial.available())
                                Buffer = ReadUserInputOverSerial();
                                if (Buffer[0]=='X') User_Value=0; else User_Value=Buffer.substring(0).toInt();
                                Serial.println(String(User_Value) + " -> " + User_Tag);
                                if (((User_Value==0)||(User_Value==1))&&(User_Value!=User_Value_Last))
                                    User_Value_Last = User_Value;
                                   else digitalWrite(IO_Channel(User_Tag),User_Value_Last);
                                Serial.print("Enter 0 or 1: ");
                                Serial.end(); Serial.begin(_BAUDRATE); while(!Serial) { };
                               } /* End of "if (Serial.available())..." */
                        while (Buffer[0]!='X');
                        CommandPromptOverSerial("[ARD LNRD/LoopTest/] > ");
               case 32: Serial.println("PWM-Test('X'->Terminate): " + User_Tag);
                        CommandToServo(User_Tag,90); /* Sending "stop" to selected tag */
                        Serial.print("Integer Value(0-180): ");
                            if (Serial.available())
                                Buffer = ReadUserInputOverSerial();
                                if (Buffer[0]=='X') User_Value=90; else User_Value=Buffer.substring(0).toInt();
                                Serial.println(String(User_Value) + " -> " + User_Tag);
                                if (((User_Value>=0)||(User_Value<=180))&&(User_Value!=User_Value_Last))
                                   { CommandToServo(User_Tag,User_Value); User_Value_Last = User_Value; }
                                   else CommandToServo(User_Tag,User_Value);
                                Serial.print("Integer Value(0-180): ");
                                Serial.end(); Serial.begin(_BAUDRATE); while(!Serial) { };
                               } /* End of "if (Serial.available())..." */
                        while (Buffer[0]!='X');
                        CommandPromptOverSerial("[ARD LNRD/LoopTest/] > ");
               case 98: Serial.println("Usage: '[CC] [Tag]'");
                        Serial.println("    [CC]: Channel Type");
                        Serial.println("          AI, AO: Analog Input/Output");
                        Serial.println("          DI, DO: Digital Input/Output");
                        Serial.println("          PO: PWM Output for Servo Motor");
                        Serial.println("Other Commands:");
                        Serial.println("      ? : Help (this display)");
                        Serial.println("      X : Exit from Loop Testing");
                        CommandPromptOverSerial("[ARD LNRD/LoopTest/] > ");
               case 99: Serial.println("Loop Test is terminated.");
             } /* End of "switch (Command_to_Case)..." */
        } /* End of "if (Serial.available())..." */
 while (Command[0]!='X');

} /* End of "void LoopTest()": ARDUINO LEONARDO */

     (String Section, int Speed, int SetValue) {
  /* This function is used to operate a "Section" at a determined 
   * "Speed" to required position given by "SetValue".
   * ("Section" is the first 5 characters of any I/O tag.)
  String PWM_Tag=Section+"CM", TX_Tag=Section+"TX"; 
  boolean Actuated=0,
          Flag_LL=0, Flag_L=0, Flag_H=0, Flag_HH=0,
          Alarmed_1=0, Alarmed_2=0;

  byte    Section_to_Case=0;
  int     IncreaseDirection=0, Direction=0,
          TX_RawMin, TX_RawMax,
          Alarm_LL, Alarm_L, Alarm_H, Alarm_HH,

  if (Section=="_11FR") { Section_to_Case=1; IncreaseDirection=_CCW; }
     else if (Section=="_11FU") { Section_to_Case=2; IncreaseDirection=_CCW; }
             else if (Section=="_21UA") { Section_to_Case=3; IncreaseDirection=_CW; }
                     else if (Section=="_31SH") { Section_to_Case=4; IncreaseDirection=_CW; }
  /* Scale and Alarm values corresponding to Sections should be adjusted
   *  depending on tests.
   * Direction equations should be adjusted by multiplying -1 depending on 
   * mechanical configuration.
  switch (Section_to_Case) {
         case 0 : Serial.println("Invalid section."); 
         case 1 : /* Customizations for _11FR Section */
                  TX_RawMin=0; TX_RawMax=1023;
                  Alarm_LL=10; Alarm_L=20; Alarm_H=80; Alarm_HH=90;
         case 2 : /* Customizations for _11FU Section */
                  TX_RawMin=690; TX_RawMax=230; 
                  Alarm_LL=5; Alarm_L=10; Alarm_H=80; Alarm_HH=90;
         case 3 : /* Customizations for _21UA Section - Completed */
                  TX_RawMin=775; TX_RawMax=520;
                  Alarm_LL=10; Alarm_L=20; Alarm_H=80; Alarm_HH=90;
         case 4 : /* Customizations for _31SH Section - Completed */
                  TX_RawMin=250; TX_RawMax=760;
                  Alarm_LL=10; Alarm_L=20; Alarm_H=80; Alarm_HH=90;
  CurrentTxReading=map( analogRead(IO_Channel(TX_Tag)), TX_RawMin, TX_RawMax, 0, 100 );
  if (Section_to_Case!=0 && Speed!=0)
      Serial.print("Actuate " + PWM_Tag + ", Pos.Tx:" + TX_Tag + "[=" + String(CurrentTxReading) + "%], ");
      if (IncreaseDirection==_CCW) Direction = (int)( (SetValue-CurrentTxReading)/abs(SetValue-CurrentTxReading) );
         else                      Direction = (int)( (-1)*(SetValue-CurrentTxReading)/abs(SetValue-CurrentTxReading) );
      switch (Direction) {
             case _CCW: Serial.print("CCW, ");
             case _CW : Serial.print("CW, ");
             case 0   : Serial.print("STOP, ");
      Serial.print("Speed="+String(Speed)+", ");
      Serial.println("Set Value="+String(SetValue)+"%");
      while ( !( Flag_SPMatched || Flag_LL || Flag_HH ) )
             CurrentTxReading=map( analogRead(IO_Channel(TX_Tag)), TX_RawMin, TX_RawMax, 0, 100 );
             if (IncreaseDirection==_CCW)
                 if ( (Direction==_CW)  && (CurrentTxReading<=Alarm_L) )  Flag_L  = 1;
                 if ( (Direction==_CW)  && (CurrentTxReading<=Alarm_LL) ) Flag_LL = 1;
                 if ( (Direction==_CCW) && (CurrentTxReading>=Alarm_H) )  Flag_H  = 1;
                 if ( (Direction==_CCW) && (CurrentTxReading>=Alarm_HH) ) Flag_HH = 1;
                 if ( ( (Direction==_CCW) && (CurrentTxReading>=SetValue) ) || 
                      ( (Direction==_CW)  && (CurrentTxReading<=SetValue) ) ) Flag_SPMatched  = 1;
             if (IncreaseDirection==_CW)
                 if ( (Direction==_CCW) && (CurrentTxReading<=Alarm_L) )  Flag_L  = 1;
                 if ( (Direction==_CCW) && (CurrentTxReading<=Alarm_LL) ) Flag_LL = 1;
                 if ( (Direction==_CW)  && (CurrentTxReading>=Alarm_H) )  Flag_H  = 1;
                 if ( (Direction==_CW)  && (CurrentTxReading>=Alarm_HH) ) Flag_HH = 1;
                 if ( ( (Direction==_CW)  && (CurrentTxReading>=SetValue) ) || 
                      ( (Direction==_CCW) && (CurrentTxReading<=SetValue) ) ) Flag_SPMatched = 1;

             if (Flag_L || Flag_H)
                if (!Alarmed_1)
                    if ( Flag_L ) Serial.println("Alarm      : "+ String(Alarm_L) + "% is reached.");
                    if ( Flag_H ) Serial.println("Alarm      : "+ String(Alarm_H) + "% is reached.");
                    Alarmed_1 = 1;

             if (Flag_LL || Flag_HH)
                CommandToServo(PWM_Tag, 90); /* Interlocked */
                if (!Alarmed_2)
                    if ( Flag_LL ) Serial.println("Interlocked: "+ String(Alarm_LL) + "% is reached.");
                    if ( Flag_HH ) Serial.println("Interlocked: "+ String(Alarm_HH) + "% is reached.");
                    Alarmed_2 = 1;
                else if (! Actuated )
                        { CommandToServo(PWM_Tag, 90+Direction*Speed); Actuated = 1; }
            } /* Waits until reaching to setpoint */
      CommandToServo(PWM_Tag, 90); /* Stop command to Servo */
      Serial.println(PWM_Tag + " is stopped at " + String(CurrentTxReading) + "%.");
     } /* End of "if (Section_to_Case!=0)" */
} /* End of "void MoveToPosition()" */

    CommandFromDue_Section = analogRead(_00XXCM);
       if ( ((_FA_Radius-_ICDB)<=CommandFromDue_Section) && (CommandFromDue_Section<=(_FA_Radius+_ICDB)) )
          else if ( ((_FA_Ulna-_ICDB)<=CommandFromDue_Section) && (CommandFromDue_Section<=(_FA_Ulna+_ICDB)) )
                  else if ( ((_UpperArm-_ICDB)<=CommandFromDue_Section) && (CommandFromDue_Section<=(_UpperArm+_ICDB)) )
                          else if ( ((_Shoulder-_ICDB)<=CommandFromDue_Section) && (CommandFromDue_Section<=(_Shoulder+_ICDB)) )

    CommandFromDue_SetValue = map(analogRead(_00XXSP),168,846,0,100);
    /* Due generates DAC outputs between 0.55-2.75 V and it corresponds
     * (int) 168-846 on Arduino Leonardo.
     * Here analog reading is converted to Percentage.
    boolean CommandFromDue_Execute = digitalRead(_00XXXC);
    String  Section = "";
    int     Speed   = 0;
    if ((CommandFromDue_Section!=0) && CommandFromDue_Execute)
        Serial.print("Command by ARD DUE: "+ String(CommandFromDue_SetValue) + "% -> ");
              case _FA_Radius: Serial.println("Front Arm-Radius");
                               Section = "_11FR";
                               Speed = 20;  /* to be adjusted depending on tests */
              case _FA_Ulna  : Serial.println("Front Arm-Ulna");
                               Section = "_11FU";
                               Speed = 20;  /* to be adjusted depending on tests */
              case _UpperArm : Serial.println("Upper Arm");
                               Section = "_21UA";
                               Speed = 90;  /* to be adjusted depending on tests */
              case _Shoulder : Serial.println("Shoulder");
                               Section = "_31SH";
                               Speed = 30;  /* to be adjusted depending on tests */
        Serial.println(" -action-");
        MoveToPosition(Section, Speed, CommandFromDue_SetValue);
        Serial.println("OK -> ARD DUE.");
        CommandPromptOverSerial("[ARD LNRD/] > ");
        digitalWrite(_00XXOK, HIGH); delay(100); digitalWrite(_00XXOK, LOW); // OK Feedback to Due
       } /* End of "if (Section_Num!=0)" */
} /* End of "void CommandToLeonardo()" */

/* "void loop(): ARDUINO LEONARDO */
void loop() {
  /* TEST CODES: */
     /* Commands and Actions */
     /* All recognized commands give a feedback in all cases.
      * If you don't see any feedback on Serial Monitor, check your input
      * for any typewriting errors.
      * Example: "XYZ" command does not exist, so will result as follows:
      *     [ARD LNRD/] > XYZ
      *     [ARD LNRD/] > 
     if (Serial.available())
         String Command=ReadUserInputOverSerial(); Serial.println(Command); 
         if (Command.substring(0,1)=="?") /* Help */
             Serial.println("  CFD");
             Serial.println("      Reads Command from ARD DUE.");
             Serial.println("  LT");
             Serial.println("      Starts Loop Test subroutine.");
             Serial.println("  MTP [Section] [Speed (0-90)] [SetValue]");
             Serial.println("      Move To Position - Section: First 5 characters of PWM Tag (e.g. _10WH for _10WHCM).");
             Serial.println("  RD [IO_Tag]");
             Serial.println("      Reads value on a single input channel.");
               /* This function is used to operate a "section" given by "Tag" to "Direction" 
              * at specified "Speed" and during determined "Milliseconds", unless "LimitSw"
               * is activated (Limit Switches give 0 when activated).
             Serial.end(); Serial.begin(_BAUDRATE); while(!Serial) { };
         if (Command.substring(0,3)=="CFD")

         if (Command.substring(0,2)=="LT")

         if (Command.substring(0,3)=="MTP")
            MoveToPosition(Command.substring(4,9), Command.substring(10,12).toInt(), Command.substring(13).toInt());
            /* MoveToPosition(Section, Speed, Set Value) */

         if (Command.substring(0,2)=="RD") 
            /* Read(Tag) */ 

         CommandPromptOverSerial("[ARD LNRD/] > ");
        } /* End of "if (Serial.available())..." */
} /* End of "void loop()": ARDUINO LEONARDO */ 


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