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Bryant Patten
Published © CC BY-SA

K-12 IoT Curriculum - Rapid IoT Prototype Kit Project

With trillions of dollars in play, we need to start educating our students about IoT

BeginnerProtip4 hours53
K-12 IoT Curriculum - Rapid IoT Prototype Kit Project

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Rapid IoT Prototyping Kit
NXP Rapid IoT Prototyping Kit


K-12 NXP Rapid IoT Prototyping Kit Project Sheet

Student and Instructor Materials for using the NXP Rapid IoT Prototyping Kit in K-12 Makerspaces


No Coding Required

Plain text
See attached PDF for K-12 Makerspace project using NXP
[see attached PDF]


Bryant Patten

Bryant Patten

3 projects • 3 followers
