Tom Minnich
Published © GPL3+

Inspection Drone with Walabot Capability

Building a high capability drone for commercial inspection work with Walabot Pro enables inspections behind walls and safety radar.

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Inspection Drone with Walabot Capability

Things used in this project


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Raspberry Pi Schematic

Used to connect to Walabot



Visual Studio 2015 Code example (nothing exciting here just using the Walabot API )
#include "WalabotAPI.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>

#define CHECK_WALABOT_RESULT(result, func_name)					\
{																\
	if (result != WALABOT_SUCCESS)								\
	{															\
		unsigned int extended = Walabot_GetExtendedError();		\
		const char* errorStr = Walabot_GetErrorString();		\
		std::cout << std::endl << "Error at " __FILE__ << ":"	\
                  << std::dec << __LINE__ << " - "				\
				  << func_name << " result is 0x" << std::hex	\
                  << result << std::endl;						\
		std::cout << "Error string: " << errorStr << std::endl; \
		std::cout << "Extended error: 0x" << std::hex			\
                  << extended << std::endl << std::endl;		\
		std::cout << "Press enter to continue ...";				\
		std::string dummy;										\
		std::getline(std::cin, dummy);							\
		return;													\
	}															\

void PrintSensorTargets(SensorTarget* targets, int numTargets)
	int targetIdx;


	if (numTargets > 0)
		for (targetIdx = 0; targetIdx < numTargets; targetIdx++)
			printf("Target #%d: \nX = %lf \nY = %lf \nZ = %lf \namplitude = %lf\n\n\n ",
		printf("No target detected\n");

void SensorCode_SampleCode()
	// --------------------
	// Variable definitions
	// --------------------

	// Walabot_GetSensorTargets - output parameters
	SensorTarget* targets;
	int numTargets;

	// Walabot_GetStatus - output parameters
	APP_STATUS appStatus;
	double calibrationProcess; // Percentage of calibration completed, if status is STATUS_CALIBRATING

							   // Walabot_GetRawImageSlice - output parameters
	int*	rasterImage;
	int		sizeX;
	int		sizeY;
	double	sliceDepth;
	double	power;

	// ------------------------
	// Initialize configuration
	// ------------------------

	// Walabot_SetArenaR - input parameters
	double minInCm = 30;
	double maxInCm = 200;
	double resICm = 3;

	// Walabot_SetArenaTheta - input parameters
	double minIndegrees = -15;
	double maxIndegrees = 15;
	double resIndegrees = 5;

	// Walabot_SetArenaPhi - input parameters
	double minPhiInDegrees = -60;
	double maxPhiInDegrees = 60;
	double resPhiInDegrees = 5;

	// ----------------------
	// Sample Code Start Here
	// ----------------------

	For an image to be received by the application, the following need to happen :
	1) Connect
	2) Configure
	3) Calibrate
	4) Start
	5) Trigger
	6) Get action
	7) Stop/Disconnect

	bool mtiMode = true;

	// Configure Walabot database install location (for windows)
	res = Walabot_SetSettingsFolder("C:/ProgramData/Walabot/WalabotSDK");
	CHECK_WALABOT_RESULT(res, "Walabot_SetSettingsFolder");

	//	1) Connect : Establish communication with Walabot.
	//	==================================================
	res = Walabot_ConnectAny();
	CHECK_WALABOT_RESULT(res, "Walabot_ConnectAny");

	//  2) Configure : Set scan profile and arena
	//	=========================================

	// Set Profile - to Sensor. 
	//			Walabot recording mode is configure with the following attributes:
	//			-> Distance scanning through air; 
	//			-> high-resolution images
	//			-> slower capture rate 
	res = Walabot_SetProfile(PROF_SENSOR);
	CHECK_WALABOT_RESULT(res, "Walabot_SetProfile");

	// Setup arena - specify it by Cartesian coordinates(ranges and resolution on the x, y, z axes); 
	//	In Sensor mode there is need to specify Spherical coordinates(ranges and resolution along radial distance and Theta and Phi angles).
	res = Walabot_SetArenaR(minInCm, maxInCm, resICm);
	CHECK_WALABOT_RESULT(res, "Walabot_SetArenaR");

	// Sets polar range and resolution of arena (parameters in degrees).
	res = Walabot_SetArenaTheta(minIndegrees, maxIndegrees, resIndegrees);
	CHECK_WALABOT_RESULT(res, "Walabot_SetArenaTheta");

	// Sets azimuth range and resolution of arena.(parameters in degrees).
	res = Walabot_SetArenaPhi(minPhiInDegrees, maxPhiInDegrees, resPhiInDegrees);
	CHECK_WALABOT_RESULT(res, "Walabot_SetArenaPhi");

	FILTER_TYPE filterType = mtiMode ?
		FILTER_TYPE_MTI :		//Moving Target Identification: standard dynamic-imaging filter

	res = Walabot_SetDynamicImageFilter(filterType);
	CHECK_WALABOT_RESULT(res, "Walabot_SetDynamicImageFilter");

	//	3) Start: Start the system in preparation for scanning.
	//	=======================================================
	res = Walabot_Start();
	CHECK_WALABOT_RESULT(res, "Walabot_Start");

	//	4) Trigger: Scan(sense) according to profile and record signals to be available
	//	for processing and retrieval.
	//	================================================================================
	if (!mtiMode) // if MTI mode is not set - start calibrartion
		// calibrates scanning to ignore or reduce the signals
		res = Walabot_StartCalibration();
		CHECK_WALABOT_RESULT(res, "Walabot_StartCalibration");

	bool recording = true;

	while (recording)
		// calibrates scanning to ignore or reduce the signals
		res = Walabot_GetStatus(&appStatus, &calibrationProcess);
		CHECK_WALABOT_RESULT(res, "Walabot_GetStatus");

		//	5) Trigger: Scan(sense) according to profile and record signals to be 
		//	available for processing and retrieval.
		//	====================================================================
		res = Walabot_Trigger();
		CHECK_WALABOT_RESULT(res, "Walabot_Trigger");

		//	6) 	Get action : retrieve the last completed triggered recording 
		//	================================================================
		res = Walabot_GetSensorTargets(&targets, &numTargets);
		CHECK_WALABOT_RESULT(res, "Walabot_GetSensorTargets");

		res = Walabot_GetRawImageSlice(&rasterImage, &sizeX, &sizeY, &sliceDepth, &power);
		CHECK_WALABOT_RESULT(res, "Walabot_GetRawImageSlice");

		//	******************************
		//	TODO: add processing code here
		//	******************************
		PrintSensorTargets(targets, numTargets);

	//	7) Stop and Disconnect.
	//	======================
	res = Walabot_Stop();
	CHECK_WALABOT_RESULT(res, "Walabot_Stop");

	res = Walabot_Disconnect();
	CHECK_WALABOT_RESULT(res, "Walabot_Disconnect");

#ifndef _SAMPLE_CODE_
int main()


Tom Minnich

Tom Minnich

19 projects • 80 followers
Embedded software guy for a long time
