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Moises Vargas
Published © MIT

Best Movies all the Times

Ask Alexa like Start Trek Audio Computer Interface to Find the best movies all the times base on high rated movies.

IntermediateProtip20 hours749
Best Movies all the Times

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Amazon Echo
Amazon Alexa Amazon Echo
This is an application for Alexa Echo, Tap, or other derivates from these.

Software apps and online services

AWS Lambda
Amazon Web Services AWS Lambda
Alexa Skills Kit
Amazon Alexa Alexa Skills Kit


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VUI State Machine Diagram

The state machine diagram for Voice User Interface(VUI), it is useful to know what states you interface has, it helps to visualize the interface states will finish and will not broke. Also it is util to have a big picture of the voice design interactions.


Alexa Skill to find Best Movies all times

Github repository you can clone it, and you can run test as it is mention in README.md file


Moises Vargas

Moises Vargas

1 project • 2 followers
I'm Software Engineer, mainly work in Ruby, Python and a Machine Learning learner.
