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Laziz Turakulov
Published © GPL3+

Monitoring health of a wind turbine in 3D digital twin

Wind turbines operate in remote locations. So, let's find a way to monitor their health and visualise their digital twins in 3D.

AdvancedFull instructions provided4 hours1,818

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Seeed Studio LoRaWAN Dev Kit
Seeed Studio LoRaWAN Dev Kit
Wio Terminal
Seeed Studio Wio Terminal

Software apps and online services

Microsoft Azure
Microsoft Azure
Helium Console
Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE
Visual Studio Code Extension for Arduino
Microsoft Visual Studio Code Extension for Arduino
Microsoft Visual Studio Code


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High-Level Architecture


Industry Solutions: Wind Farm

My GitHub repo with the current project's deliverables.


Laziz Turakulov
13 projects • 21 followers
Newbie Hackster


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