You need to include the SPI and Ethernet Libraries. You probably need to change the IP Address and gateway. Subnet will be as it is in most cases.
You can find this below on the top of the code to change IP and gateway.
byte mac[] = { 0xAE, 0xFE, 0xDE, 0xEF, 0xFD, 0xFD }; //You can change the mac address to!
byte gateway[] = { 192, 168, *, *** }; //
byte subnet[] = { 255, 255, 255, 0 }; //
To find out what your gateway is: Select Start > Run. Type command into the dialog box, then click OK. In the command line window, type ipconfig /all
Here you will find your gateway. Find the control panel. Just go to the IP address you assigned to the Ethernet Shield in your browser, phone or tablets browser. From here you can Control each relay.
Good luck!
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Ethernet.h>
// Enter a MAC address and IP address for your controller below.
// The IP address will be dependent on your local network:
byte mac[] = { 0xAE, 0xFE, 0xDE, 0xEF, 0xFD, 0xFD };
byte gateway[] = { 192, 168, 2, 254 }; // <------- PUT YOUR ROUTERS IP Address to which your shield is connected Here
byte subnet[] = { 255, 255, 255, 0 }; // <------- It will be as it is in most of the cases
IPAddress ip(192,168,2,10);
// Initialize the Ethernet server library
// with the IP address and port you want to use
// (port 80 is default for HTTP):
EthernetServer server(80);
#define RELAY_CH1 2
#define RELAY_CH2 3
#define RELAY_CH3 4
#define RELAY_CH4 5
#define RELAY_CH5 6
#define RELAY_CH6 7
#define RELAY_CH7 8
#define RELAY_CH8 9
String readString;
void setup() {
digitalWrite(RELAY_CH1, HIGH); // switch on LED1
digitalWrite(RELAY_CH2, HIGH); // switch on LED2
digitalWrite(RELAY_CH3, HIGH); // switch on LED3
digitalWrite(RELAY_CH4, HIGH); // switch on LED4
digitalWrite(RELAY_CH5, HIGH); // switch on LED5
digitalWrite(RELAY_CH6, HIGH); // switch on LED6
digitalWrite(RELAY_CH7, HIGH); // switch on LED7
digitalWrite(RELAY_CH8, HIGH); // switch on LED8
// Open serial communications and wait for port to open:
while (!Serial) {
; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for Leonardo only
// start the Ethernet connection and the server:
Ethernet.begin(mac, ip);
Serial.print("server is at ");
void loop() {
// listen for incoming clients
EthernetClient client = server.available();
if (client) {
Serial.println("new client");
// an http request ends with a blank line
boolean currentLineIsBlank = true;
while (client.connected()) {
if (client.available()) {
char c =;
if (readString.length() < 100) {
//store characters to string
readString += c; //Serial.print(c);
// if you've gotten to the end of the line (received a newline
// character) and the line is blank, the http request has ended,
// so you can send a reply
if (c == '\n' && currentLineIsBlank) {
// send a standard http response header
client.println("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
client.println("Content-Type: text/html");
//client.println("Connection: close"); // the connection will be closed after completion of the response
//client.println("Refresh: 20"); // refresh the page automatically every 5 sec
client.println("<!DOCTYPE HTML>");
client.println("<meta name='apple-mobile-web-app-capable' content='yes' />");
client.println("<meta name='apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style' content='black-translucent' />");
client.println("<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"\" />");
client.println("<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"5;url=\"/>" );
client.println("<body bgcolor=\"#333333\">");
client.println("<h4><center><img border=\"2\" src=\"\" /></center></h4>");
client.print("<center> <p> <h1></h1></p> ");
//client.println("<br />");
//client.println("<br />");
// Relay Status Display
//client.println("<table border=\"5\">");
//if (digitalRead(RELAY_CH1))
//client.print("<td> <p style=\"font-family:arial;color:black;font-size:26px;\">Lamp 1.</p><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:green;font-size:35px;\">ON</p> </td>");
//client.print("<td> <p style=\"font-family:arial;color:black;font-size:26px;\">Lamp 1.</p><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:red;font-size:35px;\">OFF</p></td>");
//if (digitalRead(RELAY_CH2))
//client.print("<td> <p style=\"font-family:arial;color:black;font-size:26px;\">Lamp 2.</p><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:green;font-size:35px;\">ON</p></td>");
//client.print("<td> <p style=\"font-family:arial;color:black;font-size:26px;\">Lamp 2.</p><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:red;font-size:35px;\">OFF</p></td>");
//if (digitalRead(RELAY_CH3))
//client.print("<td><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:black;font-size:26px;\">Lamp 3.</p><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:green;font-size:35px;\">ON</p></td>");
//client.print("<td><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:black;font-size:26px;\">Lamp 3.</p><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:red;font-size:35px;\">OFF</p></td>");
//if (digitalRead(RELAY_CH4))
//client.print("<td><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:black;font-size:26px;\">Lamp 4.</p><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:green;font-size:35px;\">ON</p></td>");
//client.print("<td><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:black;font-size:26px;\">Lamp 4.</p><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:red;font-size:35px;\">OFF</p></td>");
//if (digitalRead(RELAY_CH5))
//client.print("<td><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:black;font-size:26px;\">Lamp 5.</p><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:green;font-size:35px;\">ON</p></td>");
//client.print("<td><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:black;font-size:26px;\">Lamp 5.</p><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:red;font-size:35px;\">OFF</p></td>");
//if (digitalRead(RELAY_CH6))
//client.print("<td><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:black;font-size:26px;\">Lamp 6.</p><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:green;font-size:35px;\">ON</p></td>");
//client.print("<td><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:black;font-size:26px;\">Lamp 6.</p><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:red;font-size:35px;\">OFF</p></td>");
//if (digitalRead(RELAY_CH7))
//client.print("<td><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:black;font-size:26px;\">Lamp 7.</p><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:green;font-size:35px;\">ON</p></td>");
//client.print("<td><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:black;font-size:26px;\">Lamp 7.</p><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:red;font-size:35px;\">OFF</p></td>");
//if (digitalRead(RELAY_CH8))
//client.print("<td><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:black;font-size:26px;\">Lamp 8.</p><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:green;font-size:35px;\">ON</p></td>");
//client.print("<td><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:black;font-size:26px;\">Lamp 8.</p><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:red;font-size:35px;\">OFF</p></td>");
//client.println("<br />");
//End relay status display
/* Relay Control Code */
client.println("<a href=\"/?relay1off\"\"> <button style=\"width:360px;height:120px\"> <font size=\"7\"; color:red ;>Lamp 1 OFF </font> </button> </a> ");
client.println("<a href=\"/?relay1on\"\"> <button style=\"width:360px;height:120px\"> <font size=\"7\">Lamp 1 ON </font> </button> </a> <br />");
client.println("<br />");
client.println("<a href=\"/?relay2off\"\"> <button style=\"width:360px;height:120px\"> <font size=\"7\">Lamp 2 OFF </font> </button> </a> ");
client.println("<a href=\"/?relay2on\"\"> <button style=\"width:360px;height:120px\"> <font size=\"7\">Lamp 2 ON </font> </button> </a> <br />");
client.println("<br />");
client.println("<a href=\"/?relay3off\"\"> <button style=\"width:360px;height:120px\"> <font size=\"7\">Lamp 3 OFF </font> </button> </a> ");
client.println("<a href=\"/?relay3on\"\"> <button style=\"width:360px;height:120px\"> <font size=\"7\">Lamp 3 ON </font> </button> </a> <br />");
client.println("<br />");
client.println("<a href=\"/?relay4off\"\"> <button style=\"width:360px;height:120px\"> <font size=\"7\">Lamp 4 OFF </font> </button> </a> ");
client.println("<a href=\"/?relay4on\"\"> <button style=\"width:360px;height:120px\"> <font size=\"7\">Lamp 4 ON </font> </button> </a> <br />");
client.println("<br />");
client.println("<a href=\"/?relay5off\"\"> <button style=\"width:360px;height:120px\"> <font size=\"7\">Lamp 5 OFF </font> </button> </a> ");
client.println("<a href=\"/?relay5on\"\"><button style=\"width:360px;height:120px\"> <font size=\"7\">Lamp 5 ON </font> </button> </a> <br />");
client.println("<br />");
client.println("<a href=\"/?relay6off\"\"><button style=\"width:360px;height:120px\"> <font size=\"7\">Lamp 6 OFF </font> </button> </a> ");
client.println("<a href=\"/?relay6on\"\"><button style=\"width:360px;height:120px\"> <font size=\"7\">Lamp 6 ON </font> </button> </a> <br />");
client.println("<br />");
client.println("<a href=\"/?relay7off\"\"><button style=\"width:360px;height:120px\"> <font size=\"7\">Lamp 7 OFF </font> </button> </a> ");
client.println("<a href=\"/?relay7on\"\"><button style=\"width:360px;height:120px\"> <font size=\"7\">Lamp 7 ON </font> </button> </a> <br />");
client.println("<br />");
client.println("<a href=\"/?relay8off\"\"><button style=\"width:360px;height:120px\"> <font size=\"7\">Lamp 8 OFF </font> </button> </a> ");
client.println("<a href=\"/?relay8on\"\"><button style=\"width:360px;height:120px\"> <font size=\"7\">Lamp 8 ON </font> </button> </a> <br />");
client.println("<br />");
// control arduino pin via ethernet Start //
if(readString.indexOf("?relay1off") >0)//checks for on
digitalWrite(RELAY_CH1, HIGH); // set pin 4 high
//Serial.println("Led On");
client.println("<link rel='apple-touch-icon' href='' />");
//client.println("Light 1 Is On");
client.println("<br />");
if(readString.indexOf("?relay1on") >0)//checks for off
digitalWrite(RELAY_CH1, LOW); // set pin 4 low
//Serial.println("Led Off");
client.println("<link rel='apple-touch-icon' href='' />");
//client.println("Light 1 Is Off");
client.println("<br />");
if(readString.indexOf("?relay2off") >0)//checks for on
digitalWrite(RELAY_CH2, HIGH); // set pin 4 high
//Serial.println("Led On");
client.println("<link rel='apple-touch-icon' href='' />");
//client.println("Light 1 Is On");
client.println("<br />");
if(readString.indexOf("?relay2on") >0)//checks for off
digitalWrite(RELAY_CH2, LOW); // set pin 4 low
//Serial.println("Led Off");
client.println("<link rel='apple-touch-icon' href='' />");
//client.println("Light 1 Is Off");
client.println("<br />");
if(readString.indexOf("?relay3off") >0)//checks for on
digitalWrite(RELAY_CH3, HIGH); // set pin 4 high
//Serial.println("Led On");
client.println("<link rel='apple-touch-icon' href='' />");
//client.println("Light 1 Is On");
client.println("<br />");
if(readString.indexOf("?relay3on") >0)//checks for off
digitalWrite(RELAY_CH3, LOW); // set pin 4 low
//Serial.println("Led Off");
client.println("<link rel='apple-touch-icon' href='' />");
//client.println("Light 1 Is Off");
client.println("<br />");
if(readString.indexOf("?relay4off") >0)//checks for on
digitalWrite(RELAY_CH4, HIGH); // set pin 4 high
//Serial.println("Led On");
client.println("<link rel='apple-touch-icon' href='' />");
//client.println("Light 1 Is On");
client.println("<br />");
if(readString.indexOf("?relay4on") >0)//checks for off
digitalWrite(RELAY_CH4, LOW); // set pin 4 low
//Serial.println("Led Off");
client.println("<link rel='apple-touch-icon' href='' />");
//client.println("Light 1 Is Off");
client.println("<br />");
if(readString.indexOf("?relay5off") >0)//checks for on
digitalWrite(RELAY_CH5, HIGH); // set pin 4 high
//Serial.println("Led On");
client.println("<link rel='apple-touch-icon' href='' />");
//client.println("Light 1 Is On");
client.println("<br />");
if(readString.indexOf("?relay5on") >0)//checks for off
digitalWrite(RELAY_CH5, LOW); // set pin 4 low
//Serial.println("Led Off");
client.println("<link rel='apple-touch-icon' href='' />");
//client.println("Light 1 Is Off");
client.println("<br />");
if(readString.indexOf("?relay6off") >0)//checks for on
digitalWrite(RELAY_CH6, HIGH); // set pin 4 high
//Serial.println("Led On");
client.println("<link rel='apple-touch-icon' href='' />");
//client.println("Light 1 Is On");
client.println("<br />");
if(readString.indexOf("?relay6on") >0)//checks for off
digitalWrite(RELAY_CH6, LOW); // set pin 4 low
//Serial.println("Led Off");
client.println("<link rel='apple-touch-icon' href='' />");
//client.println("Light 1 Is Off");
client.println("<br />");
if(readString.indexOf("?relay7off") >0)//checks for on
digitalWrite(RELAY_CH7, HIGH); // set pin 4 high
//Serial.println("Led On");
client.println("<link rel='apple-touch-icon' href='' />");
//client.println("Light 1 Is On");
client.println("<br />");
if(readString.indexOf("?relay7on") >0)//checks for off
digitalWrite(RELAY_CH7, LOW); // set pin 4 low
//Serial.println("Led Off");
client.println("<link rel='apple-touch-icon' href='' />");
//client.println("Light 1 Is Off");
client.println("<br />");
if(readString.indexOf("?relay8off") >0)//checks for on
digitalWrite(RELAY_CH8, HIGH); // set pin 4 high
//Serial.println("Led On");
client.println("<link rel='apple-touch-icon' href='' />");
//client.println("Light 1 Is On");
client.println("<br />");
if(readString.indexOf("?relay8on") >0)//checks for off
digitalWrite(RELAY_CH8, LOW); // set pin 4 low
//Serial.println("Led Off");
client.println("<link rel='apple-touch-icon' href='' />");
//client.println("Light 1 Is Off");
client.println("<br />");
// output the value of each analog input pin
//for (int analogChannel = 0; analogChannel < 6; analogChannel++) {
// int sensorReading = analogRead(analogChannel);
// client.print("analog input ");
// client.print(analogChannel);
// client.print(" is ");
// client.print(sensorReading);
// client.println("<br />");
client.println("<hr> <p> By <a href=\"\"></p><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:black;font-size:20px;\">Danny van den Brande</p></a>");
}// if ( c == \n )
if (c == '\n') {
// you're starting a new line
currentLineIsBlank = true;
else if (c != '\r') {
// you've gotten a character on the current line
currentLineIsBlank = false;
// give the web browser time to receive the data
//client.println("<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"10;url=\"/>" );
// close the connection:
Serial.println("client disonnected");
D v d B
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Ethernet.h>
// Enter a MAC address and IP address for your controller below.
// The IP address will be dependent on your local network:
byte mac[] = { 0xAE, 0xFE, 0xDE, 0xEF, 0xFD, 0xFD };
byte gateway[] = { 192, 168, 2, 254 }; // <------- PUT YOUR ROUTERS IP Address to which your shield is connected Here
byte subnet[] = { 255, 255, 255, 0 }; // <------- It will be as it is in most of the cases
IPAddress ip(192,168,2,10);
// Initialize the Ethernet server library
// with the IP address and port you want to use
// (port 80 is default for HTTP):
EthernetServer server(80);
#define RELAY_CH1 2
#define RELAY_CH2 3
#define RELAY_CH3 4
#define RELAY_CH4 5
#define RELAY_CH5 6
#define RELAY_CH6 7
#define RELAY_CH7 8
#define RELAY_CH8 9
String readString;
void setup() {
digitalWrite(RELAY_CH1, HIGH); // switch on LED1
digitalWrite(RELAY_CH2, HIGH); // switch on LED2
digitalWrite(RELAY_CH3, HIGH); // switch on LED3
digitalWrite(RELAY_CH4, HIGH); // switch on LED4
digitalWrite(RELAY_CH5, HIGH); // switch on LED5
digitalWrite(RELAY_CH6, HIGH); // switch on LED6
digitalWrite(RELAY_CH7, HIGH); // switch on LED7
digitalWrite(RELAY_CH8, HIGH); // switch on LED8
// Open serial communications and wait for port to open:
while (!Serial) {
; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for Leonardo only
// start the Ethernet connection and the server:
Ethernet.begin(mac, ip);
Serial.print("server is at ");
void loop() {
// listen for incoming clients
EthernetClient client = server.available();
if (client) {
Serial.println("new client");
// an http request ends with a blank line
boolean currentLineIsBlank = true;
while (client.connected()) {
if (client.available()) {
char c =;
if (readString.length() < 100) {
//store characters to string
readString += c; //Serial.print(c);
// if you've gotten to the end of the line (received a newline
// character) and the line is blank, the http request has ended,
// so you can send a reply
if (c == '\n' && currentLineIsBlank) {
// send a standard http response header
client.println("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
client.println("Content-Type: text/html");
//client.println("Connection: close"); // the connection will be closed after completion of the response
//client.println("Refresh: 20"); // refresh the page automatically every 5 sec
client.println("<!DOCTYPE HTML>");
client.println("<meta name='apple-mobile-web-app-capable' content='yes' />");
client.println("<meta name='apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style' content='black-translucent' />");
client.println("<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"\" />");
client.println("<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"5;url=\"/>" );
client.println("<body bgcolor=\"#333333\">");
client.println("<h4><center><img border=\"2\" src=\"\" /></center></h4>");
client.print("<center> <p> <h1></h1></p> ");
//client.println("<br />");
//client.println("<br />");
// Relay Status Display
//client.println("<table border=\"5\">");
//if (digitalRead(RELAY_CH1))
//client.print("<td> <p style=\"font-family:arial;color:black;font-size:26px;\">Lamp 1.</p><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:green;font-size:35px;\">ON</p> </td>");
//client.print("<td> <p style=\"font-family:arial;color:black;font-size:26px;\">Lamp 1.</p><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:red;font-size:35px;\">OFF</p></td>");
//if (digitalRead(RELAY_CH2))
//client.print("<td> <p style=\"font-family:arial;color:black;font-size:26px;\">Lamp 2.</p><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:green;font-size:35px;\">ON</p></td>");
//client.print("<td> <p style=\"font-family:arial;color:black;font-size:26px;\">Lamp 2.</p><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:red;font-size:35px;\">OFF</p></td>");
//if (digitalRead(RELAY_CH3))
//client.print("<td><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:black;font-size:26px;\">Lamp 3.</p><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:green;font-size:35px;\">ON</p></td>");
//client.print("<td><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:black;font-size:26px;\">Lamp 3.</p><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:red;font-size:35px;\">OFF</p></td>");
//if (digitalRead(RELAY_CH4))
//client.print("<td><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:black;font-size:26px;\">Lamp 4.</p><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:green;font-size:35px;\">ON</p></td>");
//client.print("<td><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:black;font-size:26px;\">Lamp 4.</p><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:red;font-size:35px;\">OFF</p></td>");
//if (digitalRead(RELAY_CH5))
//client.print("<td><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:black;font-size:26px;\">Lamp 5.</p><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:green;font-size:35px;\">ON</p></td>");
//client.print("<td><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:black;font-size:26px;\">Lamp 5.</p><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:red;font-size:35px;\">OFF</p></td>");
//if (digitalRead(RELAY_CH6))
//client.print("<td><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:black;font-size:26px;\">Lamp 6.</p><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:green;font-size:35px;\">ON</p></td>");
//client.print("<td><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:black;font-size:26px;\">Lamp 6.</p><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:red;font-size:35px;\">OFF</p></td>");
//if (digitalRead(RELAY_CH7))
//client.print("<td><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:black;font-size:26px;\">Lamp 7.</p><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:green;font-size:35px;\">ON</p></td>");
//client.print("<td><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:black;font-size:26px;\">Lamp 7.</p><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:red;font-size:35px;\">OFF</p></td>");
//if (digitalRead(RELAY_CH8))
//client.print("<td><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:black;font-size:26px;\">Lamp 8.</p><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:green;font-size:35px;\">ON</p></td>");
//client.print("<td><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:black;font-size:26px;\">Lamp 8.</p><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:red;font-size:35px;\">OFF</p></td>");
//client.println("<br />");
//End relay status display
/* Relay Control Code */
client.println("<a href=\"/?relay1off\"\"> <button style=\"width:360px;height:120px\"> <font size=\"7\"; color:red ;>Lamp 1 OFF </font> </button> </a> ");
client.println("<a href=\"/?relay1on\"\"> <button style=\"width:360px;height:120px\"> <font size=\"7\">Lamp 1 ON </font> </button> </a> <br />");
client.println("<br />");
client.println("<a href=\"/?relay2off\"\"> <button style=\"width:360px;height:120px\"> <font size=\"7\">Lamp 2 OFF </font> </button> </a> ");
client.println("<a href=\"/?relay2on\"\"> <button style=\"width:360px;height:120px\"> <font size=\"7\">Lamp 2 ON </font> </button> </a> <br />");
client.println("<br />");
client.println("<a href=\"/?relay3off\"\"> <button style=\"width:360px;height:120px\"> <font size=\"7\">Lamp 3 OFF </font> </button> </a> ");
client.println("<a href=\"/?relay3on\"\"> <button style=\"width:360px;height:120px\"> <font size=\"7\">Lamp 3 ON </font> </button> </a> <br />");
client.println("<br />");
client.println("<a href=\"/?relay4off\"\"> <button style=\"width:360px;height:120px\"> <font size=\"7\">Lamp 4 OFF </font> </button> </a> ");
client.println("<a href=\"/?relay4on\"\"> <button style=\"width:360px;height:120px\"> <font size=\"7\">Lamp 4 ON </font> </button> </a> <br />");
client.println("<br />");
client.println("<a href=\"/?relay5off\"\"> <button style=\"width:360px;height:120px\"> <font size=\"7\">Lamp 5 OFF </font> </button> </a> ");
client.println("<a href=\"/?relay5on\"\"><button style=\"width:360px;height:120px\"> <font size=\"7\">Lamp 5 ON </font> </button> </a> <br />");
client.println("<br />");
client.println("<a href=\"/?relay6off\"\"><button style=\"width:360px;height:120px\"> <font size=\"7\">Lamp 6 OFF </font> </button> </a> ");
client.println("<a href=\"/?relay6on\"\"><button style=\"width:360px;height:120px\"> <font size=\"7\">Lamp 6 ON </font> </button> </a> <br />");
client.println("<br />");
client.println("<a href=\"/?relay7off\"\"><button style=\"width:360px;height:120px\"> <font size=\"7\">Lamp 7 OFF </font> </button> </a> ");
client.println("<a href=\"/?relay7on\"\"><button style=\"width:360px;height:120px\"> <font size=\"7\">Lamp 7 ON </font> </button> </a> <br />");
client.println("<br />");
client.println("<a href=\"/?relay8off\"\"><button style=\"width:360px;height:120px\"> <font size=\"7\">Lamp 8 OFF </font> </button> </a> ");
client.println("<a href=\"/?relay8on\"\"><button style=\"width:360px;height:120px\"> <font size=\"7\">Lamp 8 ON </font> </button> </a> <br />");
client.println("<br />");
// control arduino pin via ethernet Start //
if(readString.indexOf("?relay1off") >0)//checks for on
digitalWrite(RELAY_CH1, HIGH); // set pin 4 high
//Serial.println("Led On");
client.println("<link rel='apple-touch-icon' href='' />");
//client.println("Light 1 Is On");
client.println("<br />");
if(readString.indexOf("?relay1on") >0)//checks for off
digitalWrite(RELAY_CH1, LOW); // set pin 4 low
//Serial.println("Led Off");
client.println("<link rel='apple-touch-icon' href='' />");
//client.println("Light 1 Is Off");
client.println("<br />");
if(readString.indexOf("?relay2off") >0)//checks for on
digitalWrite(RELAY_CH2, HIGH); // set pin 4 high
//Serial.println("Led On");
client.println("<link rel='apple-touch-icon' href='' />");
//client.println("Light 1 Is On");
client.println("<br />");
if(readString.indexOf("?relay2on") >0)//checks for off
digitalWrite(RELAY_CH2, LOW); // set pin 4 low
//Serial.println("Led Off");
client.println("<link rel='apple-touch-icon' href='' />");
//client.println("Light 1 Is Off");
client.println("<br />");
if(readString.indexOf("?relay3off") >0)//checks for on
digitalWrite(RELAY_CH3, HIGH); // set pin 4 high
//Serial.println("Led On");
client.println("<link rel='apple-touch-icon' href='' />");
//client.println("Light 1 Is On");
client.println("<br />");
if(readString.indexOf("?relay3on") >0)//checks for off
digitalWrite(RELAY_CH3, LOW); // set pin 4 low
//Serial.println("Led Off");
client.println("<link rel='apple-touch-icon' href='' />");
//client.println("Light 1 Is Off");
client.println("<br />");
if(readString.indexOf("?relay4off") >0)//checks for on
digitalWrite(RELAY_CH4, HIGH); // set pin 4 high
//Serial.println("Led On");
client.println("<link rel='apple-touch-icon' href='' />");
//client.println("Light 1 Is On");
client.println("<br />");
if(readString.indexOf("?relay4on") >0)//checks for off
digitalWrite(RELAY_CH4, LOW); // set pin 4 low
//Serial.println("Led Off");
client.println("<link rel='apple-touch-icon' href='' />");
//client.println("Light 1 Is Off");
client.println("<br />");
if(readString.indexOf("?relay5off") >0)//checks for on
digitalWrite(RELAY_CH5, HIGH); // set pin 4 high
//Serial.println("Led On");
client.println("<link rel='apple-touch-icon' href='' />");
//client.println("Light 1 Is On");
client.println("<br />");
if(readString.indexOf("?relay5on") >0)//checks for off
digitalWrite(RELAY_CH5, LOW); // set pin 4 low
//Serial.println("Led Off");
client.println("<link rel='apple-touch-icon' href='' />");
//client.println("Light 1 Is Off");
client.println("<br />");
if(readString.indexOf("?relay6off") >0)//checks for on
digitalWrite(RELAY_CH6, HIGH); // set pin 4 high
//Serial.println("Led On");
client.println("<link rel='apple-touch-icon' href='' />");
//client.println("Light 1 Is On");
client.println("<br />");
if(readString.indexOf("?relay6on") >0)//checks for off
digitalWrite(RELAY_CH6, LOW); // set pin 4 low
//Serial.println("Led Off");
client.println("<link rel='apple-touch-icon' href='' />");
//client.println("Light 1 Is Off");
client.println("<br />");
if(readString.indexOf("?relay7off") >0)//checks for on
digitalWrite(RELAY_CH7, HIGH); // set pin 4 high
//Serial.println("Led On");
client.println("<link rel='apple-touch-icon' href='' />");
//client.println("Light 1 Is On");
client.println("<br />");
if(readString.indexOf("?relay7on") >0)//checks for off
digitalWrite(RELAY_CH7, LOW); // set pin 4 low
//Serial.println("Led Off");
client.println("<link rel='apple-touch-icon' href='' />");
//client.println("Light 1 Is Off");
client.println("<br />");
if(readString.indexOf("?relay8off") >0)//checks for on
digitalWrite(RELAY_CH8, HIGH); // set pin 4 high
//Serial.println("Led On");
client.println("<link rel='apple-touch-icon' href='' />");
//client.println("Light 1 Is On");
client.println("<br />");
if(readString.indexOf("?relay8on") >0)//checks for off
digitalWrite(RELAY_CH8, LOW); // set pin 4 low
//Serial.println("Led Off");
client.println("<link rel='apple-touch-icon' href='' />");
//client.println("Light 1 Is Off");
client.println("<br />");
// output the value of each analog input pin
//for (int analogChannel = 0; analogChannel < 6; analogChannel++) {
// int sensorReading = analogRead(analogChannel);
// client.print("analog input ");
// client.print(analogChannel);
// client.print(" is ");
// client.print(sensorReading);
// client.println("<br />");
client.println("<hr> <p> By <a href=\"\"></p><p style=\"font-family:arial;color:black;font-size:20px;\">Danny van den Brande</p></a>");
}// if ( c == \n )
if (c == '\n') {
// you're starting a new line
currentLineIsBlank = true;
else if (c != '\r') {
// you've gotten a character on the current line
currentLineIsBlank = false;
// give the web browser time to receive the data
//client.println("<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"10;url=\"/>" );
// close the connection:
Serial.println("client disonnected");
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