This is a plant media (soil, rockwool, moss, etc...) moisture sensor and ambient temp & humidity sensor. The case was printed with a Ultimaker2 clone. I designed it to house the soil sensor boards on the underside of the case, with just the probe leads going out.
There is a section in the code that is commented out for push notifications that you can uncomment to enable it.
I needed something to monitor the moisture of my orchids since the media is dense and hard to gauge how moist it is. This program uses the digital pics to momentarily power the sensor, and then takes its reading and sends it back to analog inputs. You need to run this AT command on your ESP8266-01 chip to get the right UART settings: AT+UART_DEF=9600,8,1,0,0
You also must be running the correct AT version on your ESP8266-01 or it won't work either. See this link:
Libraries Needed- Adafruit_Sensor.h
- DHT.h
- SimpleTimer.h
- BlynkSimpleShieldEsp8266.h
- ESP8266_Lib.h