Over the past few days I have been converting my “Speedtest-cron” code to work on the PaPiRus from PiSupply. Whilst going over the code, I decided to start a new Git Repository and rename this version to “PaPiRus Netapp”.
You can download this from my Git Hub Repository: https://github.com/vwillcox/papirus-netapp
Features- Find Raspberry Pi’s on your network
- Run a speed test of your internet connection
- Show a graph of your past speed test results
The easy way to install and use the appliance is as follows:
git clone https://github.com/vwillcox/papirus-netapp.git
cd papirus-netapp
sudo ./install.sh
What is happening when I do this?When you run the installer, it is running the requirements for you!
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-pip python3-pip python-w1thermsensor python3-w1thermsensor python-spidev python3-spidev nmap -y
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
depending what Raspberry Pi you are using - this may take from 10 minutes to about an hour. But once it has finished, you can simply run the software:
python main.py
FinallyIf you have any problems running this, or if you have any comments – please use the comments below, or tweet me @TalkTechDOTinfo