Electronic paper displays can clearly display images/text under lighting or natural light, without backlight, with lower power consumption
Classic E-Paper thermometer: ESP32-powered, web dashboard, private data. Vintage look, modern weather.
A low-power E-Paper weather display powered by an ESP32 microcontroller. Utilizes the OpenWeatherMap API.
Fed up of ugly weather station ? Build your own providing current weather and forecast but also air pollution tracking and top news !
Track the ISS' current location & trajectory using a Raspberry Pi, ePaper Display, ProtoStax Enclosure and Python.
In this article, I explain how I created a tabletop weather station with ePaper display, a Raspberry Pi, and an enclosure.
A 7.5" e-ink display for displaying useful information such as news, weather, crypto prices, tube status and word of the day.
Tracking the tides and weather at your favorite beach.
Do you need to display and update information on a screen but can't afford installing wires? IoTink can be deployed anywhere with WiFi!
A little solar-powered E-Ink weather station that fits in a window frame.
Make your own minimalist and modern photo frame with a tri-color ePaper Display, Raspberry Pi, ProtoStax Enclosure and Python
How to display pictures on a remote screen? The project combines two technologies, e-paper screen and IoT, to solve this problem.
Create a beautiful medium for weather information using Particle's cloud services and IFTTT.
A C64 emulator on ePaper.
Use PiSupply's PaPiRus ePaper display to monitor your network with a Raspberry Pi. -Updated for Raspberry Pi 3B+-
We used electronic paper to streamline office communication and created our very own e-paper social network.
Today we will make an automatic Coronavirus COVID 19 Live Data Tracker with E-paper!
An animated e-paper display badge for Hacksters.
This is a E-ink dashboard that provides real-time information pulled from API using a Raspberry Pi Zero.
Product showcase and little project tutorial using the low power E ink display.
A wearable ePaper device to track COVID-19 situation.
Securely prove that you have been to a site at a specific time with JSON web tokens signed in QR format.
We set ourselves a challenge. Make a Flappy bird clone for our V tablet. In an hour. This is the result.
Open-source e-paper development board