The objective of this project is to simulate game controls using brain signals so, that physically handicapped person(no hands) can play games using their mind. The idea is to simulate virtual keys of keyboard using DirectX programming defined in ctypes.h module for each keypress in realtime to avoid any conflict between multiple keypress. Further, this project can be implemented to enhance gaming experience in A.I by integrating with gaming suits & environments where people can play games with a great experience. My dream is simple & clear to build applications in Neuroscience/Cognitive-science field which can help people with disabilities. Also, my initial idea was to build more Brain controlled applications like Smart Wheel Chair, Robots, Brain Keyboard & I completed Brain Game Simulator, Robot & Keyboard UI & logics. For, a long term plan I would like to improve its features by developing proper suit & add more gaming models like guns that can trigger with gaming controls. I already worked on triggers of guns using normal switch with pull-down registers to raspberry pi & further, the data is sent to python server on windows machine using socket connection & its working fine.
In future, I would like to implement IoT & AI together with Machine Learning algorithms for interpreting meaningful data from brain signals, that can be utilized in Gaming A.I experiences.
Thanks to offer electronic components for my projects
*Project Report:
Gallery- Buy NeuroSky Mindwave Headset: AMAZONFor best results install NeroSky Mindwave Apps & train your brain: We are trying to automate the windows games first racing games controls using attention & meditation level values that we have captured from the frontal lobe of brain using NeuroSky Mindwave Headset.Link:
- Check attention/meditation values using my code:
- Install thinkgear connector:
- Dependencies: PyWin32, Mindwave, Python2.7, ThingGear Connector(I used Python2.7 64-bit on Windows 10 OS)
- PyWin32: Download & Install from below linksUsing exe: pip:
Note:This doesn't contains Brain Game Simulator codes or software due to IP issues but feel free to contact:
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