Hackster is hosting Hackster Holidays, Ep. 7: Livestream & Giveaway Drawing. Watch previous episodes or stream live on Friday!Stream Hackster Holidays, Ep. 7 on Friday!
Walter Silvestre Coan
Created October 15, 2019 © GPL3+

Air Quality Control in Schools

This project aims to present a device to control air quality in schools, improving health and quality of life for students.

AdvancedFull instructions provided10 hours384

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Azure Sphere MT3620 Starter Kit
Avnet Azure Sphere MT3620 Starter Kit
Mikroe Air Quality 4 click module

Software apps and online services

Microsoft Azure
Microsoft Azure
Microsoft Azure IoT Central
Visual Studio 2017
Microsoft Visual Studio 2017


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New version of the project AzureSphereAVNET_AirQuality adapted for CMake compiler process.


Walter Silvestre Coan
10 projects • 53 followers
Microsoft MVP, Professor at UNIVILLE, developer, speaker about IoT. Master's in computer science, Azure & AWS Dev Cert, MCSA MCSD, SCP Java
