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Washington Coutinho Corrêa Junior
Published © GPL3+

Grove Serial Camera with Linkit ONE

Using the Grove Serial Camera with Mediatek Labs Linkit ONE.

BeginnerProtip30 minutes2,030
Grove Serial Camera with Linkit ONE

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Seeed Studio Grove Serial Camera
Pushbutton switch 12mm
SparkFun Pushbutton switch 12mm

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE
Visual Studio 2015
Microsoft Visual Studio 2015


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Connect the grove cable to the camera and to the grove connector on the board. Note that there are two connectors on the board, one is for serial communication (labeled with RX and TX) and the other one is for i2C (labeled SDA and SCL). You must use the serial one, as this is a serial device. The pins on this connector are the same as D0 and D1, which is the second serial port available on the Linkit ONE, but using the connector makes it more pretty. If you have a pushbutton, connect one pin to D4 and the other one to GND, or you can use a simple dupont wire to make this connection.



//  File SerialCamera_DemoCode_CJ-OV528.ino
//  8/8/2013 Jack Shao
//  Demo code for using seeeduino or Arduino board to cature jpg format
//  picture from seeed serial camera and save it into sd card. Push the
//  button to take the a picture .

//  For more details about the product please check http://www.seeedstudio.com/depot/

// PRETO   -> GND
// VERM    -> 5V
// BRANCO  -> D3
// AMARELO -> D2

#include <arduino.h>
#include <LFlash.h>
#include <LSD.h>
#include <LStorage.h>

#define PIC_PKT_LEN    128        //data length of each read, dont set this too big because ram is limited
#define PIC_FMT_VGA    7
#define PIC_FMT_CIF    5
#define PIC_FMT_OCIF   3
#define CAM_ADDR       0
#define CAM_SERIAL     Serial1

#define PIC_FMT        PIC_FMT_VGA

#define SD LFlash          // use Internal 10M Flash
//#define SD LSD           // use SD card

LFile myFile;

const byte cameraAddr = (CAM_ADDR << 5);  // addr
const int buttonPin = 4;                 // the number of the pushbutton pin
unsigned long picTotalLen = 0;            // picture length
int picNameNum = 0;

void setup()
  //CAM_SERIAL.begin(9600);       //cant be faster than 9600, maybe difference with diff board.
  CAM_SERIAL.begin(9600);       //cant be faster than 9600, maybe difference with diff board.
  pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);    // initialize the pushbutton pin as an input
  Serial.println("Initializing SD card....");
  pinMode(10, OUTPUT);         // CS pin of SD Card Shield

  if (!SD.begin()) {
    Serial.print("sd init failed");
  Serial.println("sd init done.");
void loop()
  int n = 0;
  while (1) {
    Serial.println("\r\nPress the button to take a picture");
    while (digitalRead(buttonPin) == LOW);      //wait for buttonPin status to HIGH
    if (digitalRead(buttonPin) == HIGH) {
      delay(20);                               //Debounce
      if (digitalRead(buttonPin) == HIGH)
        if (n == 0) preCapture();
        Serial.print("Saving picture...");
      Serial.print("\r\nDone ,number : ");
      n++ ;
void clearRxBuf()
  while (CAM_SERIAL.available())
void sendCmd(char cmd[], int cmd_len)
  for (char i = 0; i < cmd_len; i++) CAM_SERIAL.write(cmd[i]);
int readBytes(char *dest, int len, unsigned int timeout)
  int read_len = 0;
  unsigned long t = millis();
  while (read_len < len)
    while (CAM_SERIAL.available() < 1)
      if ((millis() - t) > timeout)
        return read_len;
    *(dest + read_len) = CAM_SERIAL.read();
  return read_len;
void initialize()
  char cmd[] = {0xaa, 0x0d | cameraAddr, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00} ;
  unsigned char resp[6];

  Serial.print("initializing camera...");

  while (1)
    sendCmd(cmd, 6);
    if (readBytes((char *)resp, 6, 1000) != 6)
    if (resp[0] == 0xaa && resp[1] == (0x0e | cameraAddr) && resp[2] == 0x0d && resp[4] == 0 && resp[5] == 0)
      if (readBytes((char *)resp, 6, 500) != 6) continue;
      if (resp[0] == 0xaa && resp[1] == (0x0d | cameraAddr) && resp[2] == 0 && resp[3] == 0 && resp[4] == 0 && resp[5] == 0) break;
  cmd[1] = 0x0e | cameraAddr;
  cmd[2] = 0x0d;
  sendCmd(cmd, 6);
  Serial.println("\nCamera initialization done.");
void preCapture()
  char cmd[] = { 0xaa, 0x01 | cameraAddr, 0x00, 0x07, 0x00, PIC_FMT };
  unsigned char resp[6];

  while (1)
    sendCmd(cmd, 6);
    if (readBytes((char *)resp, 6, 100) != 6) continue;
    if (resp[0] == 0xaa && resp[1] == (0x0e | cameraAddr) && resp[2] == 0x01 && resp[4] == 0 && resp[5] == 0) break;
void Capture()
  char cmd[] = { 0xaa, 0x06 | cameraAddr, 0x08, PIC_PKT_LEN & 0xff, (PIC_PKT_LEN >> 8) & 0xff , 0};
  unsigned char resp[6];

  while (1)
    sendCmd(cmd, 6);
    if (readBytes((char *)resp, 6, 100) != 6) continue;
    if (resp[0] == 0xaa && resp[1] == (0x0e | cameraAddr) && resp[2] == 0x06 && resp[4] == 0 && resp[5] == 0) break;
  cmd[1] = 0x05 | cameraAddr;
  cmd[2] = 0;
  cmd[3] = 0;
  cmd[4] = 0;
  cmd[5] = 0;
  while (1)
    sendCmd(cmd, 6);
    if (readBytes((char *)resp, 6, 100) != 6) continue;
    if (resp[0] == 0xaa && resp[1] == (0x0e | cameraAddr) && resp[2] == 0x05 && resp[4] == 0 && resp[5] == 0) break;
  cmd[1] = 0x04 | cameraAddr;
  cmd[2] = 0x1;
  while (1)
    sendCmd(cmd, 6);
    if (readBytes((char *)resp, 6, 100) != 6) continue;
    if (resp[0] == 0xaa && resp[1] == (0x0e | cameraAddr) && resp[2] == 0x04 && resp[4] == 0 && resp[5] == 0)
      if (readBytes((char *)resp, 6, 1000) != 6)
      if (resp[0] == 0xaa && resp[1] == (0x0a | cameraAddr) && resp[2] == 0x01)
        picTotalLen = (resp[3]) | (resp[4] << 8) | (resp[5] << 16);

void GetData()
  unsigned int pktCnt = (picTotalLen) / (PIC_PKT_LEN - 6);
  if ((picTotalLen % (PIC_PKT_LEN - 6)) != 0) pktCnt += 1;

  char cmd[] = { 0xaa, 0x0e | cameraAddr, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
  unsigned char pkt[PIC_PKT_LEN];

  char picName[] = "pix00.jpg";
  picName[3] = picNameNum / 10 + '0';
  picName[4] = picNameNum % 10 + '0';

  if (SD.exists(picName))

  myFile = SD.open(picName, FILE_WRITE);
  if (!myFile) {
    Serial.println("myFile open fail...");
  else {
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pktCnt; i++)
      cmd[4] = i & 0xff;
      cmd[5] = (i >> 8) & 0xff;

      int retry_cnt = 0;
      sendCmd(cmd, 6);
      uint16_t cnt = readBytes((char *)pkt, PIC_PKT_LEN, 200);

      unsigned char sum = 0;
      for (int y = 0; y < cnt - 2; y++)
        sum += pkt[y];
      if (sum != pkt[cnt - 2])
        if (++retry_cnt < 100) goto retry;
        else break;

      myFile.write((const uint8_t *)&pkt[4], cnt - 6);
      //if (cnt != PIC_PKT_LEN) break;
    cmd[4] = 0xf0;
    cmd[5] = 0xf0;
    sendCmd(cmd, 6);
  picNameNum ++;


Washington Coutinho Corrêa Junior
1 project • 4 followers


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