Tisham Dhar
Published © CC BY

Smart DICE: The Physical + Digital RNG

An electronic dice that does not take away the thrill of the roll. The motion data from a roll generates a random number shown on LED's.

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Smart DICE: The Physical + Digital RNG

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Kinetis Freedom Board with FlexIO
NXP Kinetis Freedom Board with FlexIO
7-segment display
Arduino Proto Shield
Arduino Proto Shield
Seeed Studio Solar Charger Shield

Software apps and online services

NXP Kinetis Design Studio

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)


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Custom parts and enclosures

Dice Shaped Enclosure

Enclosure shape for FRDM K82F dice, scale it suitably and 3D-print or build with card stock and Pepakura


Arduino proto board wiring

This is an image of the protoboard clearly showing the pins on Port-C of the Kinetis MCU used to drive the 7-segment display


FRDM-K82F Accelerometer Dice

This is the firmware for the board. Clone from git, import project into Kinetis Development Studio and deploy to the board over USB using Segger Jlink.


Tisham Dhar
13 projects • 59 followers
I am an Electronics Engineer who mostly works with aerial and space based remote sensing projects. I fiddle with home automation and renewable energy projects.


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