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Blinking Smile Mask

With the flip of a switch this face mask lights up and blinks to show a smile.

Blinking Smile Mask

Things used in this project

Hardware components

ProtoSnap - LilyPad Development Board
SparkFun ProtoSnap - LilyPad Development Board
Sewable Conductive Thread
Sewable Conductive Thread
LED (generic)
LED (generic)
Alligator Clips
Alligator Clips

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Fabric or Mask


Read more


Blinking Mask Schematic


Blinking LED Mask

int switchPin = A9;

int switchLED = A8;

void setup()
  // Initialize the button and switch pins as inputs with pullups.
  // Pullups keep the inputs from "floating" when a switch or button is open / unpressed.

  pinMode(switchPin, INPUT_PULLUP);

  // Initialize the LED pins as outputs:

  pinMode(switchLED, OUTPUT);

void loop()
  // This code will read the positions of the button and switch,
  // then use the "if" command to make LEDs follow these states.

  // Create variables to store the button and switch input values:

  int switchState;

  // Read and save the states of the button and switch:

  switchState = digitalRead(switchPin);

  // The if-else statement lets you do different things based on different inputs:

  // The button will read as LOW when it's pressed

  if (switchState == LOW) // Check to see if switchState is LOW (switch is on)
    digitalWrite(switchLED,HIGH); // If switchState is LOW (on), turn on the LED
     delay(1000);            // Pause for 1000 milliseconds (one second), the LED stays on
  digitalWrite(switchLED,LOW);  // Give pin A5 a LOW voltage level (off), which turns off the LED
    digitalWrite(switchLED,LOW); // If switchState is HIGH (off), turn off the LED




1 project • 1 follower
