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Windows IoTZachary J. FieldsApu DuttaAnthony NguLiz George
Published © MIT

Hands-On-Lab IoT Weather Station Using Windows 10

This example demonstrates how to leverage the power of Windows 10 IoT Core, and create a weather station using the Sparkfun weather shield.

BeginnerFull instructions provided209,956
Hands-On-Lab IoT Weather Station Using Windows 10

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Raspberry Pi 2 Model B
Raspberry Pi 2 Model B
Power supply (5V 1.2A)
Can be replaced by a higher amperage value if necessary
16GB SD Card (preferably Samsung EVO)
SparkFun Weather Shield
SparkFun Weather Shield
Pin header Single row straight male + female for Arduino
Ribbon cable (7 wires, male -> female)
Cat-5e Ethernet Cable

Software apps and online services

Windows 10 IoT Core
Microsoft Windows 10 IoT Core


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Custom parts and enclosures

Enclosure Lid

Enclosure Back Plate

Enclosure Vent

Enclosure Tether



Component library for the humidity sensor


Component library for the barometric pressure sensor

Sparkfun weather shield

Component library for the Sparkfun weather shield

//build: Hands on Lab, Weather Station

A Visual Studio 2015 project. To use, simply clone the repository, then open WeatherStation.sln in Visual Studio 2015.


An interface to the Azure Event Hub, provided by MSOpenTech.


Windows IoT

Windows IoT

38 projects • 2539 followers
We want to transform lives by connecting people, processes and objects. Build what matters most to you. Create the Internet of Your Things.
Zachary J. Fields

Zachary J. Fields

18 projects • 153 followers
I like to make stuff.
Apu Dutta

Apu Dutta

13 projects • 117 followers
Anthony Ngu

Anthony Ngu

20 projects • 378 followers
Maker | Engineer | Programmer | Photographer | Climber | Evolving
Liz George

Liz George

3 projects • 32 followers
