Ten years ago, the idea of writing Python directly on a microcontroller seemed like a distant dream. Today, that dream has come true with CircuitPython on STM32! This guide takes you through the exciting journey of using CircuitPython to bring your embedded projects to life, offering an easy and powerful way to program STM32 microcontrollers without the complexity of traditional embedded development.
STM32F412 Discovery Kit Overview Specifications and Features:
- STM32F412ZGT6 microcontroller with 1 Mbyte of Flash memory and 256 Kbytes of RAM, in an LQFP144 package
- 1.54-inch 240×240 pixel TFT color LCD with parallel interface and capacitive touch panel
- I2S audio codec
- Stereo digital ST-MEMS microphones
- 128-Mbit Quad-SPI NOR Flash memory
- Reset push-button and joystick
Use Cases:- Examples of using the STM32F412, such as IoT projects, sensor control, and real-time data processing.
STEP 1: Preparing Your STM32F412 for CircuitPython
Installing CircuitPython:
- Download the CircuitPython firmware for STM32F412 from https://circuitpython.org/board/stm32f412zg_discovery/
- Download the STM32 ST-LINK Utility from https://www.st.com/en/development-tools/stsw-link004.html
- Use the STM32 ST-LINK Utility to flash the CircuitPython firmware onto the STM32F412 board.
Verifying the Connection:
After flashing the firmware, the connection will be verified, and you will find the "CIRCUITPY" drive (G:), indicating the process is complete.
STEP 2: Getting Started with CircuitPython on STM32F412
Simple Example Projects:- LED Blink: Control an LED on the STM32F412 board to blink.
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