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Zachary Goode
Published © CC BY-NC-SA

Smart Home 3D Printer Accessory (Thread/Matter/Wifi)

An add on for any 3D printer running Marlin (or similar firmware with standard GCode commands) to connect it to a smart home network.

IntermediateWork in progress2 hours206
Smart Home 3D Printer Accessory (Thread/Matter/Wifi)

Things used in this project

Hardware components

nRF7002 Development Kit
Nordic Semiconductor nRF7002 Development Kit
Adafruit Feather RP2040 with USB Type A Host
You can use a Raspberry Pi Pico with a USB breakout board, but this board from Adafruit makes things much easier and reliable
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
Breadboard (generic)
Breadboard (generic)
SparkFun RGB LED Breakout - WS2812B
SparkFun RGB LED Breakout - WS2812B
Any WS2812B or Neopixel LED will work
SparkFun Logic Level Converter - Bi-Directional
SparkFun Logic Level Converter - Bi-Directional
Any level shifter will work as long as it is bidirectional and supports 1.8V-5V voltage levels
SparkFun 4-in-1 Multi-USB Cable - USB-A Host

Software apps and online services

VS Code
Microsoft VS Code
nRF Connect SDK
Nordic Semiconductor nRF Connect SDK
Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)


Read more


Fritzing Schematic Layout of Devkits

Fritzing File

Hardware Block Diagram


Matter Connected 3D Printer Addon Github


Zachary Goode
1 project • 1 follower
Masters student at ASU and electronics hobbyist
