Published © GPL3+

TANK_CONTROL with Arduino

This project consists of the assembly of a level control system in a tank

IntermediateFull instructions provided14,817

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
Rotary potentiometer (generic)
Rotary potentiometer (generic)
General Purpose Transistor NPN
General Purpose Transistor NPN
Resistor 330 ohm
Resistor 330 ohm
Resistor 1k ohm
Resistor 1k ohm
Resistor 47.5k ohm
Resistor 47.5k ohm
Hex Inverter, 74HC04 IC
Capacitor 0.1µF
Relay SPDT, 12 Volts
ITR-9606 DIP-4 Opto Switch
Submersible Pump, BOYU SP-1500, 120 Vac
Diode 1N4001


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Circuit Diagram of Tank Control



Untitled file

// This routine let you to CONTROL level in a tank:
// Standard protocol to select instruments:
 void SendString (byte InstrNr, int MW) { 
Serial.print ('#');
Serial.print (InstrNr);
Serial.print ('M'); 
Serial.print (MW); 
Serial.print ('<');    }
 void SendString (byte InstrNr, int f, int d, int m) { 
Serial.print ('#');
Serial.print (InstrNr);
Serial.print ('M'); 
Serial.print (f);
Serial.print (d);
Serial.print (m); 
Serial.print ('<') ;}
void setup ()
 {    // initialize serial communication at 9600 bits per second:
Serial.begin (9600);   }
void loop () {
int RL = A0;    // select the input pin for the LEVEL potentiometer
int RSP = A1;    // select the input pin for the SET POINT potentiometer
int X = 8;      // select the pin for the pump control (ON - OFF)
int LEVEL = 0.0; // variable to store the value coming from RL
int SETPOINT = 0.0; // variable to store the value coming from RSP
 // declare X as an OUTPUT:
  pinMode(X, OUTPUT); 
  // read the values from RL and RSP:
  LEVEL = analogRead (RL);
  SETPOINT = analogRead (RSP);
   // compare sensor values:
int F;
int D;
int M;
  if (LEVEL < SETPOINT - 21){digitalWrite(X, HIGH);  } 
  if (LEVEL < SETPOINT) {F = 2;    } 
 if (LEVEL < SETPOINT) {M = 0;    }   
   if (LEVEL > SETPOINT + 21) {digitalWrite(X, LOW);  } 
 if (LEVEL > SETPOINT) {F = 3 ;}   
  if (LEVEL > SETPOINT) {M = 1 ;} 
float TRUE_LEVEL = LEVEL * (100.00 / 1023.00);
float TRUE_SETPOINT = SETPOINT * (100.00 / 1023.00);
  // print out the value you read:
 SendString (2, TRUE_LEVEL); // Instrument #02 – Vert_Meter
SendString (3, TRUE_LEVEL); // Instrument #03 – Tank_Meter
SendString (4, F, D, M); // Instrument #04 - LED
SendString (5, TRUE_LEVEL); // Instrument #05 – Num_Display
SendString (6, TRUE_SETPOINT); // Instrument #06 - Num_Display
SendString (12, TRUE_LEVEL); // Instrument #12 - Trend
SendString (13, TRUE_SETPOINT); // Instrument #13 - Trend
delay (500);   }


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