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Mingxiang Zhou

4 Channel TDC (Time Digital Converter) on Cmod A7 35T

Implement a 4-channel TDC on Cmod A7 35 using MicroBlaze and SRAM with 30ps rms and measurement rate of 60MSa/s

IntermediateShowcase (no instructions)5 hours1,398
4 Channel TDC (Time Digital Converter) on Cmod A7 35T

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Cmod A7-35T: Breadboardable Artix-7 FPGA Module
Digilent Cmod A7-35T: Breadboardable Artix-7 FPGA Module

Software apps and online services

Vivado Design Suite
AMD Vivado Design Suite


Read more


Vivado Block Design


hello TDC

 * This application is developed by SeruTek for Test and Evaluation only

#include <stdio.h>
#include "platform.h"
#include "xil_printf.h"
#include "xllfifo.h"
#include "xstatus.h"
#include "serutek.h"
#include "sleep.h"

#undef DEBUG

#define SERUTEK_CMD_REG 	0x44A10000
//#define PL_DECD_REG			0x43C30000
//#define SW1_REG			 	0x43C40000
//#define SW2_REG			 	0x43C50000
//#define SW3_REG			 	0x43C60000
//#define TD_CALC_REG			0x43C70000

//#define PGPIO  				0x41200000

static u8 rcvBuffer[24];
static XLlFifo FifoInstance[3]; // 3 axi stream fifo instances in block design
//static XLlFifo FifoInstance;
//static XLlFifo FifoInstance;
//Buffer to store parse tdc measurement  result

#define CHAN_NUM 4

static u8 ts_samples[CHAN_NUM][MAX_TDC_SAMPLE_SINGLECHAN][12];
static u8 td_samples[CHAN_NUM][MAX_TDC_SAMPLE_SINGLECHAN][8];

struct mTdc tdcTemp;
int single_run();
int XLlFifo_Init(XLlFifo *InstancePtr, u16 DeviceId);
void print_u64(u64 n);
void displayTdc(struct mTdc tdc);
void get_TimeDiff_rt();
void get_RawMeasurement_rt();
void get_Timestamp_rt();
enum oport outport;

int main()


/***********Initialize AXI-Stream FIFO ********************************************/
    xil_printf("hello tdc 4chan\n\r");
	int Status;

	Status = XLlFifo_Init(&FifoInstance[0], XPAR_AXI_FIFO_0_DEVICE_ID);
//	Status = XLlFifo_Init(&FifoInstance[1], XPAR_AXI_FIFO_1_DEVICE_ID);
//	Status = XLlFifo_Init(&FifoInstance[2], XPAR_AXI_FIFO_2_DEVICE_ID);

/***********Initialize AXI-Stream FIFO ********************************************/

//	outport =  RAW32b;
//	seloutput(outport, SW1_REG, SW2_REG, SW3_REG);

	init_tdc(SERUTEK_CMD_REG, &FifoInstance[0]);

//    for (int k=1; k<=CHAN_NUM; k++)
//    {
//    	writeCali2Bram(PL_DECD_REG, k);
//    }
//    for (int k=1; k<=CHAN_NUM; k++)
//    {
//    	checkBram(PL_DECD_REG, k);
//    }
//    xil_printf("init completed!\n\r");

//	Xil_Out32(PL_DECD_REG, 0x01);   // disable decoder's passthrough mode
//	Xil_Out32(PL_DECD_REG+4, 0x00);
//	Xil_Out32(TD_CALC_REG,   185200);// set time difference calculation parameter

//	get_Timestamp_rt();
//	get_TimeDiff_rt();
//	usleep(1000);
//	get_TimeDiff_rt();
//	usleep(1000);
//	get_TimeDiff_rt();

    Status = single_run();

    return 0;

void get_RawMeasurement_rt()
//	Xil_Out32(PGPIO, 0x0);
//	outport =  RAW32b;
//	seloutput(outport, SW1_REG, SW2_REG, SW3_REG);
	int frame_len;
	u32 occp;
	u32 SaCnt[8] ={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
	memset(rcvBuffer,0, 24);
//	Xil_Out32(PGPIO, 0x1);
	u8 stopped = 0;

    while (1) {

    	occp = XLlFifo_RxOccupancy(&FifoInstance[0]);
    		if(stopped == 0)



		frame_len = XLlFifo_RxGetLen(&FifoInstance[0]);
//			xil_printf("frame_len is %u\n\r", frame_len);
		XLlFifo_Read(&FifoInstance[0], rcvBuffer, frame_len);
		parseRaw2tdc(rcvBuffer, &tdcTemp);
		u8 tdcIndex = tdcTemp.id-1;
			tdcSamples[tdcIndex][SaCnt[tdcIndex]]= tdcTemp;
//			Xil_Out32(PGPIO, 0x2);


    puts("time stamp parsed by PS begin\n\r");
	for(int j = 0;j<CHAN_NUM;j++)

		int mxlen = SaCnt[j];;
		for(int i=0;i<mxlen;i++)
//			xil_printf("%i, ",i);
	//		s64 diffps =  TdcSubstract64(tdcSamples[0][i-1], tdcSamples[0][i]);
	//		printf("%u,  %lld \n\r", i, diffps);

	for(int k = 1; k< CHAN_NUM; k++)

		for(int i=0;i<SaCnt[k];i++)
			s64 diffps =  TdcSubstract64( tdcSamples[0][i], tdcSamples[k][i]);
			printf ("td, %d, %lld\n\r", k+1, diffps);
	puts("time stamp parsed by PS end\n\r");


void get_Timestamp_rt()
//	Xil_Out32(PGPIO, 0x0);
//	outport =  TS32b;
//	seloutput(outport, SW1_REG, SW2_REG, SW3_REG);
	int frame_len;
	u32 occp;
	u32 SaCnt[8] ={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
	memset(rcvBuffer,0, 24);
//	Xil_Out32(PGPIO, 0x1);
	u8 stopped = 0;

	while (1) {

		occp = XLlFifo_RxOccupancy(&FifoInstance[1]);
			if(stopped == 0)

		frame_len = XLlFifo_RxGetLen(&FifoInstance[1]);
		XLlFifo_Read(&FifoInstance[1], rcvBuffer, frame_len);\
		u8 id = (*(u32*)(rcvBuffer+8)) >> 24;

			memcpy(&(ts_samples[id-1][SaCnt[id-1]++][0]), rcvBuffer, frame_len);
//			Xil_Out32(PGPIO, 0x2);
			stopped = 1;


	puts("time stamp parsed by PL begin\n\r");
	for(int k=0;k<CHAN_NUM;k++)
		for(int i=0;i<SaCnt[k];i++)
			u8* ts_ptr = &(ts_samples[k][i][0]);
			u64 ts = ((((u64)(*(u32*)(ts_ptr+4)))) << 32 )+  (*(u32*)ts_ptr);
			printf("%u, %llu\n\r", k+1, ts); //output timestamp

	puts("time stamp parsed by PL end\n\r");

	for(int k=1;k<CHAN_NUM;k++)
		for(int i=0;i<SaCnt[k];i++)
			if(i > SaCnt[0]-1)
			u8* ts_ptr = &(ts_samples[k][i][0]);
			u8* start_ptr = &(ts_samples[0][i][0]);
			u64 ts = ((((u64)(*(u32*)(ts_ptr+4)))) << 32 )+  (*(u32*)ts_ptr); //lower 64 bits of timestamp
			u64 ts_start = ((((u64)(*(u32*)(start_ptr+4)))) << 32 )+  (*(u32*)start_ptr);//lower 64 bits of timestamp

			printf("td, %u, %lld\n\r", k+1, ts-ts_start); //output time difference



void get_TimeDiff_rt()

//	Xil_Out32(PGPIO, 0x0);

//	outport =  TD32b2;
//	seloutput(outport, SW1_REG, SW2_REG, SW3_REG);
	int frame_len;
	u32 occp;
	u32 SaCnt[8] ={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
	memset(rcvBuffer,0, 24);
//	Xil_Out32(PGPIO, 0x1);
	u8 stopped = 0;

	while (1) {

		occp = XLlFifo_RxOccupancy(&FifoInstance[2]);
			if(stopped == 0)

		frame_len = XLlFifo_RxGetLen(&FifoInstance[2]);
		XLlFifo_Read(&FifoInstance[2], rcvBuffer, frame_len);
		u8 id = (*(u32*)(rcvBuffer+4) >> 24) &  0xFF;

			memcpy(&(td_samples[id-1][SaCnt[id-1]++][0]), rcvBuffer, frame_len);
//			Xil_Out32(PGPIO, 0x2);
			stopped = 1;

	puts("time diff calculated by PL begin\n\r");
	for(int k=1;k<CHAN_NUM;k++)
		for(int i=0;i<SaCnt[k];i++)
			u8* td_ptr = &(td_samples[k][i][0]);
			u8 tdcid = (*(u32*)(td_ptr+4) >> 24) &  0xFF;
			u64 value = ((*(u32*)(td_ptr+4)) & 0x00ffffff);
			value = (value << 24) | (*(u32*)(td_ptr));
			printf("id: %3d, diff: %10lld \n\r",tdcid,value);

	puts("time diff calculated by PL end\n\r");


int single_run()

	for(int k =0; k< 1; k++)

		int frame_len;
		u32 occp;
	    u32 SaCnt[8] ={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
	    memset(rcvBuffer,0, 24);


//	    xil_printf("tdc0\n\r");

	/*********Receive Raw tdc data**********************************/
//	    while (1) {
//	    	occp = XLlFifo_RxOccupancy(&FifoInstance[0]);
//	    	if(!occp)
//	    	{
////	    		xil_printf("fifo is empty");
////	    		break;
//	    		continue;
//	    	}
//			frame_len = XLlFifo_RxGetLen(&FifoInstance[0]);
////			xil_printf("frame_len is %u\n\r", frame_len);
//			XLlFifo_Read(&FifoInstance[0], rcvBuffer, frame_len);
//			parseRaw2tdc(rcvBuffer, &tdcTemp);
//			u8 tdcIndex = tdcTemp.id-1;
//			if(SaCnt[tdcIndex]<MAX_TDC_SAMPLE_SINGLECHAN)
//			{
//				tdcSamples[tdcIndex][SaCnt[tdcIndex]]= tdcTemp;
//				SaCnt[tdcIndex]++;
//			}
//			else
//			{
//				break;
//			}
//	    }
//	for(int j = 0;j<4;j++)
//	{
//		int mxlen = SaCnt[j];;
//		for(int i=0;i<mxlen;i++)
//		{
//			xil_printf("%i, ",i);
//			displayTdc(tdcSamples[j][i]);
//	//		s64 diffps =  TdcSubstract64(tdcSamples[0][i-1], tdcSamples[0][i]);
//	//		printf("%u,  %lld \n\r", i, diffps);
//		}
//	}

	/*********Receive Raw tdc data**********************************/

	/*********Receive timestamp data**********************************/
//    while (1) {
//    	occp = XLlFifo_RxOccupancy(&FifoInstance[1]);
//    	if(!occp)
//    	{
////	    		xil_printf("fifo is empty");
//    		continue;
////    		break;
//    	}
//		frame_len = XLlFifo_RxGetLen(&FifoInstance[1]);
//		XLlFifo_Read(&FifoInstance[1], rcvBuffer, frame_len);
//		u32 id = (*(u32*)(rcvBuffer+8)) >> 24;
//		memcpy(&(ts_samples[id-1][SaCnt[id-1]++][0]), rcvBuffer, frame_len);
////		u64 ts = ((((u64)(*(u32*)(rcvBuffer+4)))) << 32 )+  (*(u32*)rcvBuffer);
////		printf("%u, %llu\n\r", id, ts);
//		if(SaCnt[id-1] >= MAX_TDC_SAMPLE_SINGLECHAN)
//			break;
//    }

    /*********Receive timestamp data**********************************/

	/*****Receive time difference data*********************************/
//	        while (1) {
//	        	occp = XLlFifo_RxOccupancy(&FifoInstance[2]);
//	        	if(!occp)
//	        	{
////	    	    		xil_printf("fifo is empty");
////	        		break;
//	        		continue;
//	        	}
//	    		frame_len = XLlFifo_RxGetLen(&FifoInstance[2]);
//	    		XLlFifo_Read(&FifoInstance[2], rcvBuffer, frame_len);
////	    		xil_printf("frame_len:%u", frame_len);
//	    		u8 tdcid = (*(u32*)(rcvBuffer+4) >> 24) &  0xFF;
////				s32 value = (*(u32*)(rcvBuffer)) & 0x00ffffff;
//				u64 value = ((*(u32*)(rcvBuffer+4)) & 0x00ffffff);
//				value = (value << 24) | (*(u32*)(rcvBuffer));
//				xil_printf("id: %3d, diff: %10d \n\r",tdcid,value);
//	        }
	/*****Receive time difference data*********************************/

 /*****print timestampl and calculation channel time difference*********************************/
//	stopMeasure4chan(SERUTEK_CMD_REG);
//		for(int k=0;k<8;k++)
//		{
//			for(int i=0;i<SaCnt[k];i++)
//			{
//				u8* ts_ptr = &(ts_samples[k][i][0]);
//				u64 ts = ((((u64)(*(u32*)(ts_ptr+4)))) << 32 )+  (*(u32*)ts_ptr);
//				printf("%u, %llu\n\r", k+1, ts); //output timestamp
//			}
//		}
//		for(int k=1;k<8;k++)
//		{
//			for(int i=0;i<SaCnt[k];i++)
//			{
//				if(i > SaCnt[0]-1)
//					break;
//				u8* ts_ptr = &(ts_samples[k][i][0]);
//				u8* start_ptr = &(ts_samples[0][i][0]);
//				u64 ts = ((((u64)(*(u32*)(ts_ptr+4)))) << 32 )+  (*(u32*)ts_ptr); //lower 64 bits of timestamp
//				u64 ts_start = ((((u64)(*(u32*)(start_ptr+4)))) << 32 )+  (*(u32*)start_ptr);//lower 64 bits of timestamp
//				printf("td, %u, %lld\n\r", k+1, ts-ts_start); //output time difference
//			}
//		}

/*****print timestampl and calculation channel time difference*********************************/

/************* calculate difference between channels*******/
//	for(int i=0;i<SaCnt[k];i++)
//	{
////		s64 diffps =  TdcSubstract64(tdcSamples[1][i], tdcSamples[0][i]);
////		xil_printf("%u,    ", 0);
////		if(diffps >= 0)
////			absval = diffps;
////		else
////		{
////			absval = -diffps;
////			xil_printf("-");
////		}
////		print_u64(absval);
////			displayTdc(tdcSamples[k][i]);
//	}

//	int Status = calibrate_tdc(SERUTEK_CMD_REG, &FifoInstance, 3);
//	if(Status == XST_FAILURE)
//	{
//		xil_printf("Tdc1 calibration failed\n\r");
//		return Status;
//	}
//	else
//	{
//		xil_printf("tdc calibrated!\n\r");
//	}

	return XST_SUCCESS;

void print_u64(u64 n) {
  if(n == 0)
	  	  return xil_printf("0\n");

  char str[20] = {0}; // log10(1 << 128) + '\0'
  char *s = str + sizeof(str) - 1; // start at the end
  while (n != 0) {
    if (s == str) return; // never happens

    *--s = "0123456789"[n % 10]; // save last digit
    n /= 10;                     // drop it
  return xil_printf("%s", s);

void print_s64(s64 n)
	u64 absval;
	if(n >= 0)
		absval = n;
		absval = -n;

int XLlFifo_Init(XLlFifo *InstancePtr, u16 DeviceId)
	XLlFifo_Config *Config;
	int Status;
	int i;
	int Error;
	Status = XST_SUCCESS;

	/* Initial setup for Uart16550 */



	/* Initialize the Device Configuration Interface driver */
	Config = XLlFfio_LookupConfig(DeviceId);
	if (!Config) {
		xil_printf("No config found for %d\r\n", DeviceId);
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * This is where the virtual address would be used, this example
	 * uses physical address.
	Status = XLlFifo_CfgInitialize(InstancePtr, Config, Config->BaseAddress);
	if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		xil_printf("Initialization failed\n\r");
		return Status;

	/* Check for the Reset value */
	Status = XLlFifo_Status(InstancePtr);
	Status = XLlFifo_Status(InstancePtr);
	if(Status != 0x0) {
		xil_printf("\n ERROR : Reset value of ISR0 : 0x%x\t"
			    "Expected : 0x0\n\r",
		return XST_FAILURE;

	return Status;

void displayTdc(struct mTdc tdc)
//	u32 hc = tdc.corase_ns >> 32;
//	u32 lc = (tdc.corase_ns & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF);

    xil_printf("%3u, ", tdc.id);



#ifndef SERUTEK_TDC_H		/* prevent circular inclusions */

#include "xil_types.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "xil_printf.h"
#include "xllfifo.h"
#include "xstatus.h"

struct mTdc
	u8  id;
	s64  corase_ns;
	s32  fine_ps;

enum oport{RAW32b = 1,TS96b,TS32b,TD32b,TD32b2};

/*************Clibrate TDC  should be called when temperature has been changed***************************************************/
//int calibrate_tdc(u32 tdc_addr, u32 cmd_addr, XLlFifo *InstancePtr, u16 fifo_id);
int calibrate_tdc(u32 cmd_addr, XLlFifo *InstancePtr, u16 tdc_id);
void prepareMeasure1chan(u32 cmd_addr, u8 chan);
void prepareMeasure4chan(u32 cmd_addr);
void startMeasure1chan(u32 cmd_addr, u8 chan);
void startMeasure4chan(u32 cmd_addr);
void stopMeasure4chan(u32 cmd_addr);
void stopMeasure1chan(u32 cmd_addr, u8 chan);
void parseRaw2tdc(u8* bufPtr, struct mTdc *val);
s32 TdcSubstract(struct mTdc tdc1, struct mTdc tdc2);
s64 TdcSubstract64(struct mTdc tdc1, struct mTdc tdc2);
void writeCali2Bram(u32 dec_base, u8 chan_id);
int checkBram(u32 dec_base, int chan_count);

Measurement 59.1234M

hello tdc 4chan
TDC powered by Serutek 
calibrate tdc1
calibrate tdc2
calibrate tdc3
calibrate tdc4
time stamp parsed by PS begin

  1, 15065400182.265
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  1, 15065401332.500
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  1, 15065401484.637
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  1, 15065401603.048
  1, 15065401620.000
  1, 15065401636.866
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  1, 15065401721.528
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  1, 15065401772.306
  1, 15065401789.211
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  1, 15065402245.836
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  1, 15065402313.510
  1, 15065402330.435
  1, 15065402347.265
  1, 15065402364.211
  1, 15065402381.122
  1, 15065402398.004
  1, 15065402414.892
  1, 15065402431.899
  1, 15065402448.793
  1, 15065402465.678
  1, 15065402482.639
  1, 15065402499.548
  1, 15065402516.376
  1, 15065402533.301
  1, 15065402550.276
  1, 15065402567.108
  1, 15065402584.028
  1, 15065402601.010
  1, 15065402617.853
  1, 15065402634.806
  1, 15065402651.721
  1, 15065402668.622
  1, 15065402685.548
  1, 15065402702.519
  1, 15065402719.399
  1, 15065402736.293
  1, 15065402753.256
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  1, 15065402888.484
  1, 15065402905.403
  1, 15065402922.306
  1, 15065402939.274
  1, 15065402956.173
  1, 15065402973.113
  1, 15065402990.019
  1, 15065403006.899
  1, 15065403023.815
  1, 15065403040.801
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td, 2, 1503
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td, 2, 1438
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td, 2, 1382
td, 2, 1400
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td, 2, 1373
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td, 2, 1370
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td, 2, 1499
td, 2, 1426
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td, 2, 1371
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td, 2, 1446
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Measurement 1.2345K

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  1, 15594439629.218
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Mingxiang Zhou

Mingxiang Zhou

1 project • 1 follower
Time Digitial Converter IP on Xilinx FPGA/Soc Connect me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mingxiang-zhou-4543b237
