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SpacedOut - IRL space invaders with drones

SpacedOut is a real life remake of the old classic Space Invaders arcade game.

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SpacedOut - IRL space invaders with drones

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Pro Mini 328 - 5V/16MHz
SparkFun Arduino Pro Mini 328 - 5V/16MHz
NeoPixel strip
NeoPixel strip
SparkFun LDR
Arduino Pro Mini IOT Shield
Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
Arduino Uno IOT Shield
2.4G NRF24L01+PA+LNA SMA Antenna Wireless Transceiver Communication Module
DJI Phantom 3 Advanced


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Custom parts and enclosures

Led & LDR Matrices Plate

Cut in 5mm wood, installed on drone


Aitrborne Arduino Controller

The schema for the Airborne arduino that is reponsible for the led matrix, light sensors and rf communication


Target Controller and Dispatcher

Code For Arduino airborne led & sensor matrices controller as well as land dispatcher that communicates with them via NRF24L01
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Space Invaders Sounder

A Processing app that communicates with the target dispatcher and receives notifications from airborne arduinos
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1 project • 6 followers
Thanks to Avi Ostfeld, Adam Bar Niv, Rotem Stahl, Uri Harduf, Yiftach Beer, Ofer Zvik, Ran Nachmany, Elad Segal, Yariv Geller, Tomer Daniel, Ronen Wasserman, Saron Paz, and Zvika Markfeld.


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