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Michael Darby - 314Reactor
Published © GPL3+

Xbox RGB LED 2.0

Upgrading my previous Xbox RGB LED project and also documenting some of the other modifications I made to my now 20+ year old Xbox!

IntermediateFull instructions provided2 hours320

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Pimoroni Blue Crystal LED
Pimoroni 5mm Rainbow LED
Blue LED PC Fan 80mm
Pimoroni wire spool

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
Hex Driver Bit, Torx
Hex Driver Bit, Torx
Multitool, Screwdriver
Multitool, Screwdriver
Wire Stripper & Cutter, 18-10 AWG / 0.75-4mm² Capacity Wires
Wire Stripper & Cutter, 18-10 AWG / 0.75-4mm² Capacity Wires
Drill, Screwdriver
Drill, Screwdriver


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Xbox RGB LED 2.0 code

Code for my attempt at using a RPi Pico + WS2812 LEDs for the RGB LED mod.


Michael Darby - 314Reactor

Michael Darby - 314Reactor

56 projects • 146 followers
I like to keep fit, explore and of course make projects.
