Arduino, OLED display and two buttons. All you need to build this mini-game!
Dear friends, In this Tutorial we are going to build an Arduino powered Game. It is the classic Space trash Game!
The project I want to share with you today is an Arduino maze game, which became a pocket console as capable as Arduboy!
This is a nice DIY Kit & Toy ;-) to development by Arduino_STM32!
Angry at the office? Use this customizable keyboard button that you can punch.
Convert an Arduino Nano into a retro games console.
A retro game console. Play Tennis for Two or Breakout, or even make your own game.
An Arduino portable console, equipped with LCD and fully reprogrammable.
This is a simple SHOOTING GAME that can run on Arduino and output video on a VGA monitor
A handheld game console on STM32F4 Discovery Board that allow you to play a game called Return to Earth - a fun asteroid shooting game.
A custom, portable Arduino platform for gaming. Build your own!
A wallet-sized, Arduino-compatible 8-bit game system packing a grayscale OLED, a chiptune synthesizer and SD card support
A battery or external powered LCD 1602 game console with built in Space Invaders and Space Impact games.
Fun and cool TI LaunchPad game console that allows you to play the game called Zombieland!
This is an PS1 case modified to house a Raspberry Pi with RetroPie but uses the original controllers. Let the fun begin!
iNap Malinka is a Raspberry based handheld with the NRF24L01+PA+LNA radio module, running RetroPie!
A simple games console for some fun, with some cheap components and minimal experience necessary to get going to make and play games.
A super-cool OFF remote for any TV: we take the famous TV-B-Gone kit and mount it inside an NES Zapper!
Utilize the swap-able thumbstick feature of SCUF Gaming Controllers to create more accessible video game controllers for the disabled.
Arduino-based Ping pong game. The main moto of the project is to control graphics in the computer or any other system using external buttons
Using the Portable Arduino Game Console we created in Part 1 to play a Snake game with music and sound effects!
This is a walkthrough of how I implemented mali1741's fork of corax89's ESP8266 Little Game Machine using a NodeMCU and a Wii nunchuck.
Play Arduboy games on the big screen with the Arduboy Home game console.
The MyPi is a well documented kit that uses a Raspberry Pi 3 running RetroPie to create a large screen handheld retro game system.