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Gustavo Bertoligabriel123br
Published © GPL3+

Touch-less Hand Sanitizer

With the pandemic COVID-19, the world started to review its habits. This project presents a touch less hand sanitizer to support us!

BeginnerFull instructions provided20 hours6,462
Touch-less Hand Sanitizer

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Nano R3
Arduino Nano R3
Arduino Relay Shield
Rotary potentiometer (generic)
Rotary potentiometer (generic)
Mini Alcohol Water/Gel Pump
Optical Sensor TCRT5000

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Plastic Hose


Read more


Fritzing Schematics


Arduino Source code

The arduino manages the entire product, there is only this code.
int pinRelay = 7;
int pinSensor = 5;
int pin5v = 3;
int pin5vPOT = 4;
int pinGndPOT = 6;
int pinPOT = A5;
int output_action = HIGH;
int value = 0;

void setup(){
    pinMode(pinRelay, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(pinSensor, INPUT);
    pinMode(pin5v, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(pin5vPOT, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(pinGndPOT, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(pinPOT, INPUT);
    digitalWrite(pinRelay, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(pin5v, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(pin5vPOT, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(pinGndPOT, LOW);
void loop(){
    output_action = digitalRead(pinSensor);
    value = analogRead(pinPOT);
    if (output_action == HIGH){ // if the sensor do not detect something close
        digitalWrite(pinRelay, HIGH); //the relay is open
    } else { //otherwise, sensor senses a hand close
        digitalWrite(pinRelay, LOW); //activate the relay
        delay(value*2); // delay 
        digitalWrite(pinRelay, HIGH); //deactivate the relay
        delay(2*1000); // delay 


Gustavo Bertoli

Gustavo Bertoli

3 projects • 8 followers


0 projects • 1 follower
